Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Lined Seahorse

The Lined Seahorse is 15cm in length and has a lifespan of 1-4 years.

#   This species of seahorse can be found with a myriad of colours, from greys and blacks to reds, greens and oranges.

#   This seahorse lives in the western Atlantic Ocean as far north as Canada and as far south as the Caribbean, Mexico and Venezuela.

#   The Lined Seahorse swims in an erect position and uses its dorsal and pectoral fins for guidance while swimming.

#   This species of seahorse feeds mainly on minute crustaceans and brine shrimp, which they suck through their snout.

#   The Lined Seahorse is monogamous and performs ritual dances every morning to reestablish the bond with its mate.

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