Thursday, June 4, 2020

Dwarf Seahorse

The Dwarf Seahorse is the slowest moving fish, with a ton speed of about 5 feet per hour.

#   This seahorse is most often white in colour but can range from tan, brown, yellow and green. In the wild, it often has small skin growth called 'cirri' that resemble algae.
#   The Dwarf seahorse grows to an average length of 2-2.5cm with a maximum length of 5cm.
#   This seahorse is well camouflaged, the colour usually matching the gorgonian on which it is typically found. This seahorse can change colour.
#   The Dwarf seahorse is a 'lie-in-wait' predator, feeding on prey of a suitable size that comes within reach.
#   These seahorses are usually solitary or live in pairs.

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