Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Common Bottlenose Dolphin

The Common Bottlenose dolphin is also known as the "Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin."
#   These dolphins are intelligent and charismatic and are the "Stars" of many aquarium shows.
#   Their curved mouths give the appearance of a friendly, permanent SMILE.
#   In the wild, these dolphins are sleek swimmers who can reach speeds of over 18 miles an hour.
#   They inhabit temperate and tropical oceans throughout the world, and are absent from polar waters.
#   The Common Bottlenose Dolphin lives in groups called "Pods" that number 15 dolphins to over 100. These "Pods" include nursery groups, juvenile groups and groups of adult males.
#   Their diet consists of mainly eels, squid, shrimp and a wide variety of fishes. They swallow their food whole and work as a team to 'harvest schools of fish' (although they do hunt individually).
#   Dolphins search for prey primarily using "Echolocation," which is a form of sonar.

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