Build On New Opportunities
"Opportunities don't happen, you create them"
Nothing worth while in our Lives will just fall into our laps.
We always have to 'seek' out these new Opportunities and work for them.
Many times we need to "Create" new Opportunities so that we can turn our Dreams into Realities.
We want to keep Control of our Lives and "Creating" these new Opportunities is the one way of doing this.
We will also be keeping an eye on our Futures.
A Positive Mindset will start us off.
Determination will get us Motivated.
"Work" will bring these new Opportunities into our Lives.
Our 'choices' will also either open the door to new Opportunities or close the same door.
If we really want Control of our Lives, and "Shape" our Futures, we need to "Build" on these new Opportunities and not just 'Create' them.
In this way, we can reach our full potential in Life.