Saturday, February 1, 2025

"Just Carry On"

 "Just Carry On"

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts"

Success and failure are two such big words which we carry throughout our Lives.

How we 'Understand' these two words very often affects 'how' we Live.

When we are Successful at something in our every day Life, it is very often the beginning of a Strong Life.

When we fail ar something, it is a Lesson and a Learning Curve, and we will eventually 'get it right'.

Neither are the reason to stop!

It's up to us to have the "Courage" to carry on in our journey in Life.

Every step we take, every success or failure, is a step towards our Dreams.

It is up to us to have the Determination to just 'Carry On'.


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