Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Build That Courage Up

 Build That Courage Up

“Courage doesn't mean you don't get afraid. Courage means you don't let fear stop you”

What is Courage?

“The ability to do something that frightens one; Bravery”.

“Strength in the face of pain or grief”.

“The quality of being ready and willing to face negative situations involving danger or pain”.

This kind of Courage never allows “fear” to stop it or to get in the way.

We face each day with a little Courage because we just don't know what each day will bring.

However, when we ‘Plan’ our day, at least we have Control of our day.

We know where we're going at a certain time, what we'll be doing and who we'll be meeting.

“This” does take the fear out of the activities of the day.

And I always feel a sense of Achievement When I ‘tick’ each activity as done.

This Helps to Build up Courage and Confidence.

Courage Helps us to Control any fear that we may have about doing anything.

Never let ‘fear’ stop you from doing anything you may want to do.

Courage will Help you to Follow your Dreams.

“You can do it!”


Monday, October 7, 2024

Choose Wisely

 Choose Wisely

“Surround yourself only with people who lift you higher because friends are the family you choose yourself”

When we have Positive friends who Encourage us, our Lives become Stronger. 

We need this for our Mental Health. 

Having friends who are constantly greeting us with Optimistic words Upbuild our Minds and Help us to Believe in the world around us.

As humans, we ‘copy’ each other, and we ‘rub off’ on each other.

We also will become Positive and have Faith in Ourselves and Others. 

Being a Good Friend will Attract Good Friends.

A True Friend is said to have ‘Unconditional Love’ and when this is Mutual, it can become Stronger than family.

A True Friendship shows this Unconditional Love and expects nothing in return.

He or she will not judge you or think less of you but will always try Help you and think the Best of You.

When we Nurture such Friendship, Maintaining it, we Cultivate a Friend for Life.

This is something we all need.

These kinds of friendships have such a Good effect on our Mental Health, which affects us Emotionally and Physically. 

‘We can't choose our family but we can choose our friends’.

Choose Wisely.


Sunday, October 6, 2024

Like Attracts Like

 Like Attracts Like

“Be the kind of person you want to meet”

First of all, we have to ask: am I the kind of person I want to meet and be friends with?”

We all need Kindness and Compassion, and when we show these Qualities, we “Attract” like-minded people.

These are also very Positive Qualities which Uplift and Encourage.

A little Self-Reflection can come into this, and this is where Daily Gratitude and Daily Meditation come into play.

We can ask ourselves: do I show Empathy by doing Kind things for others?

Of course we do!

And by doing this, we Attract ‘like-minded’ people.

Also, when we are all showing the same Positive Qualities to each other, our relationships become Stronger and Firmer.

The overall picture is one of Happiness and Goodness.

When we have ‘like-minded' friends and we're all working towards the same ‘goals’, we can Help and Encourage each other.

And pat each other on the back.

So we ask the question again: am I the kind of person I want to meet and be friends with?

Be True to Yourself and answer Honestly.

Always wanting to Improve ourselves and our Lives Can only add to our Understanding of others.

And by ‘putting ourselves into someone else's shoes, we can Learn to see their “Worth” and their personality’

We are all Special, every one of us. 


Saturday, October 5, 2024

Make That Room

Make That Room 

"I have good news. You're going to get back more than what you lost. This chapter is called make room"

It is difficult when we lose something or someone we Love.

Physical loss can be seen but Emotional loss cannot be seen.

Financial loss can often be delt with, and thankfully there are others who can advise and help us.

For all of this, we need to Learn to Heal Ourselves. 

And knowing that someone or something Good will be coming into your Life is a very Strong way of Healing Yourself.

Practicing Self-Love on a Daily basis will Help us to Cope with loses, major or minor.

Accept Help from others, especially when we are grieving for a loved one.

Physical things can be replaced but still are sentimental. 

It's at a time like this when we need to 'let go' and look forward, making room for new 'things' and new 'people'.

Sometimes, it is a 'Blessing' when we lose something, but we can only often see this when we look back on 'it'.

Daily Gratitude will Help us Mentally to make room for the Beautiful things and Beautiful people that are coming into our Lives.

Be prepared to write that new chapter in your Life.


Friday, October 4, 2024

What A Beautiful Day

 What A Beautiful Day

"The Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"

When we have Dreams, the world looks a much Happier place.

When we "Believe" in our Dreams, the world is our oyster.

This dictionary definition of "Dreams" is Beautiful: "a cherished aspiration, ambition or ideal, 'I fulfilled a childhood dream when I became champion'".

What have you always Dreamed of doing even from a very young age?

It can come True 'if' you really want it to.

If you really want it to you have to "work" for it.

Even if you 'think' it's impossible, plan for it anyway, imagining in your mind's eye all the things that you would 'like' to do to make your Dream come True.

And you'll be surprised what happens.

When we think that we have All of our Lives, that is a long time to make our Dreams come True and to Enjoy them.

The Future belongs to those who Believe In Themselves by making their Dreams Come True.

No 'Dream' will ever be easy but when you think of what you have Achieved to make your Dream become a Reality, a 'pat on the back' will go a long way. 


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Enjoy Every Minute Of Every Year

 Enjoy Every Minute Of Every Year

"Being OK if it happens and OK if it doesn't is a very powerful place to be"

This kind of Attitude shows that a person has real Control of their own Lives.

This is someone who Accepts Life for what "It" is and who isn't afraid, because they have planned (as much as they can), but also 'Accepts' what 'could' happen in their Lives.

This is about Embracing the moment, and being Determined to Stay Positive no matter what happens in our Lives.

I also like the almost: "I don't care!" attitude, because he or she "Knows" that they will get through 'It'.

This is having Faith in Yourself  and the Confidence that: "You will get through this!"

We need to cultivate a Strong Mindset before anything happens.

Again, Daily Meditation and Daily Gratitude will Strengthen our minds, and Build our Mindx into 'walls' so that any problems will just 'bounce' off and away from us.

And even when we do go through certain 'situations', we can remember how we dealt with or coped with 'it'.

This "adds" to our Self-Knowledge.

We want to Embrace the journey that we are going on and Enjoy our Lives, every minute of every hour of every day of every month of every year.


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Balance The Mind And The Heart

 Balance The Mind And The Heart

"Clear your mind. Your Heart is trying to tell you something"

When we quieten our Minds, we can very often 'hear' our Emotions and 'feel' what is inside of us.

And this is Important for us to have a Happy Life.

We Live such busy Lives that our Minds are filled with the day's activities, and we do very often 'ignore' what our 'Heart' is trying to tell us, or 'how we feel' about something.

We may be of the opinion that everyone else is more Important.

The simple truth is that "You" are just as Important and must give yourself the time that is needed to "look after yourself".

Meditation and Gratitude Journalling and Physical Exercise are all 'Techniques' that can help us to Quieten down our Minds, clearing our minds, so that we can 'Hear' our own 'Hearts'.

When we have that 'gut' feeling, we must Listen to ourselves because it could help us to avoid a nasty situation.

Or, 'it' could Encourage us towards a Happy time in the Future.

Peace, Happiness and Strength are Strong 'Qualities' that we can have, when we need and have a Balanced relationship between our Minds and our Hearts.