Saturday, September 14, 2024

Have Control Of The Next Chapter In Your Life

 Have Control Of The Next Chapter In Your Life

“I’m ready for a new chapter in my life”

“I am ready for a new and Happier chapter in my Life”.

These words can actually come true ‘if’ we really want them to, but we’ve got to “Want” this so much that we are prepared to put ‘work’ into it.

‘What work?’ I can hear you ask.

The kind of ‘work’ that only You can do.

This is Your Life so only You can ‘write’ this new chapter.

It is all about having Control of Your Own Life.

Think about what you would really ‘Like’ in your Life and plan out a way of getting it.

Ser a ‘realistic’ goal, one that you know you can reach and be Determined to achieve this.

Visualize yourself in this new chapter and this can, in fact, give you new ideas.

If you find that anything is holding you back, learn from it and let go of it.

Do not let anything or anyone get in the way of this next and new chapter in your Life!

And make sure it is a Happier chapter too.

When you succeed in ‘a step’ in your plan, celebrate by treating yourself.

And look at how far you have come.

Then, you will be looking forward to tomorrow and your own future.


You WON!

Friday, September 13, 2024

You Should Be Proud Of Yourself

 You Should Be Proud Of Yourself

“On particularly hard days when I feel that I can’t endure, I remind myself that my track record for getting through bad days is 100% so far”

Look in the mirror and pat yourself on the back, and say outloud to yourself: “Well Done You!”

Only You know what ‘kind’ of Life that you have gone through — and you are still here today.

You should be Proud of Yourself.

The world we live in today can be a ‘constant fight’ and we can become very ‘tired’.

But — we have (possibly) gone through worse and have come out the other side Stronger.

“My track record for getting through bad days is 100%”.

Keep that in mind!

The next time ‘something comes up’, you’ll probably just brush it aside because it seems very trivial.

Being busy in Positive activities will keep our Minds away from the negativity of a bad day.

Like a ball bounces off a wall, a hard day will ‘bounce off’ our Determined and Confident Minds.

But we must keep our Minds Strong towards Positivity on a daily basis.

Remember that mirror and that Amazing person looking into it.

That very Special person is YOU!


Thursday, September 12, 2024

It Is Usually Better

 It Is Usually Better

“For everything you’ve lost, you’ve gained something else. Appreciate what you have today. Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful”

We all know what ‘loss’ is.

It could be that we lost out on a good job to someone else, or we lost out on buying that beautiful dress or smart suit because it was just too expensive.

You can live with the job you have because it pays the bills (just about) and the clothes in your wardrobe aren’t too bad.

But it’s when we lose someone in death that Life becomes hard.

No one can replace your mum or your dad or even your best friend.

However, we still have nice people in our Lives who we can become close to or stay friends with.

It is very often the case that when we lose something or someone, “Life” finds a way of ‘replacing’ and it is always for our benefit.

This is why a Positive Mindset is so Important!

When we are in a daily routine of daily mindfulness and writing in our gratitude journal, then when a sad event does happen, we are in a much Stronger frame of Mind to cope with it.

A Happy Life is a Real Life.

So, when we lose something (I won’t say someone), let go of it and look around you at what you ‘do’ have, because it is usually Better.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Accept YOU For Who YOU Are

 Accept YOU For Who YOU Are

“If the grass looks greener on the other side — Stop staring. Stop comparing. Stop complaining and start watering the grass you’re standing on”

If we’re really concentrating on our own Lives — we’ll be too busy to look at anything or anyone else anyway.

Social media can become a negative trap because it ‘encourages’ us to compare ourselves and our lives with what ‘it’ would call ‘the perfect life’.

But in actual fact, when we actually “look” at our own lives, we realize that we have something Better than that ‘perfect life’.

We have what WE want in our Lives.

This is where Daily Gratitude really plays its part.

We become Happy with the things that we have “now”.

“Start watering the grass you’re standing on”.

Instead of looking everywhere else, look at your Own Life and see where You can Improve.

Set goals that you can reach and when you do reach them, reward yourself with a little gift or treat.

This will Help you to Accept YOU for who YOU are!

It will also help you (and me) to stop complaining, which has such a negative effect on our minds.

Look after ‘your own piece of land’, in other words, your own Life because it is more Beautiful than any ‘perfect life’.


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Gratitude "Makes" Us Appreciate

 Gratitude “Makes” Us Appreciate

“No, you won’t always get what you want. But remember this: there are lots of people who will never have what you have right now”

This is a very Important ‘point’ to remember.

And this is where Gratitude, on a daily basis, starts.

We always want more — that new promotion at work, that new phone or even that new house.

There’s nothing wrong with these new products, but do we really ‘need’ them?

And whilst it is nice to treat ourselves, is it worth getting into debt for?

In this part of the world, we are lucky.

We are Free to Live our Lives the way we want to, with the many ‘material’ blessings that we do have today.

When compared to countries who are at war, we have a ‘Privileged’ Life.

When we Focus our Minds on Gratitude, going through what we are Grateful for on a daily basis, we chrome to Appreciate the simple and the basics of Life.

A roof over our heads.

Food and drink.

Clothes and warmth.

These are things that those who live in a war-torn country lose.

Putting this ‘perspective’ on things “makes” us Appreciate what we Physically have.


Monday, September 9, 2024

Get Into That Positive Routine

 Get Into That Positive Routine

“Be thankful for the little struggles you go through today. They make you stronger and wiser. Don’t let them break you. Let them make you”

When we go through a ‘struggling time’, we Learn, and it’s from these ‘lessons’ that we become Stronger, Wiser and more Confident in Life.

We Learn how to become Resilient, developing a Positive character.

We also ‘Learn’ to develop Empathy and Compassion for others, many times being in a position to Encourage.

Building up our Mental Health will enable us to be Strong so that we do not ‘break’ when these struggles come and go.

Also, we can find real Joy when we ‘come through’ a difficult situation.

“Let them make you”!

Be Determined to face any struggles in such a Positive way that the ‘problem’ is gone before it starts.

Getting into a daily Good Routine of Mindfulness and Gratitude journaling will keep us in a Positive frame of Mind, no matter what our day turns out to be.


You WON!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

For Your Own Mental Health

 For Your Own Mental Health

“It’s often our own thinking that hurts us. There’s no reason to imprison yourself. Don’t think outside the box. Think like there is no box”

We never quite realize how much our own thoughts can actually affect our Lives.

Negative thinking can ‘imprison’ our minds into a ‘box’ which can be very difficult to “Free” ourselves from.

When we realize that we use only a ‘fraction’ of our minds, we come to Understand that we can have a Mind which is ‘limitless’, but only if we keep a Positive frame of Mind. 

Positivity is Freedom!

By using our mind’s eye and our imagination in a Positive way, we become ‘too busy’ mentally to look at the past.

Creative Thinking Encourages us to have no mental barriers, but to have the Freedom to Embrace a Strong and Determined Mindset.

Be aware of who you are and why you live in a certain way.

When we are Aware of our own Abilities, and when we practice Mindfulness every day, the limitations that society tries to place on us — no longer exist.

For our own Mental Health, we need to have Control of our Minds, Control of our Emotions and Control of our Physical Bodies.

Allow yourself to be FREE from the past and to be IN the present moment.