It Is Usually Better
“For everything you’ve lost, you’ve gained something else. Appreciate what you have today. Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful”
We all know what ‘loss’ is.
It could be that we lost out on a good job to someone else, or we lost out on buying that beautiful dress or smart suit because it was just too expensive.
You can live with the job you have because it pays the bills (just about) and the clothes in your wardrobe aren’t too bad.
But it’s when we lose someone in death that Life becomes hard.
No one can replace your mum or your dad or even your best friend.
However, we still have nice people in our Lives who we can become close to or stay friends with.
It is very often the case that when we lose something or someone, “Life” finds a way of ‘replacing’ and it is always for our benefit.
This is why a Positive Mindset is so Important!
When we are in a daily routine of daily mindfulness and writing in our gratitude journal, then when a sad event does happen, we are in a much Stronger frame of Mind to cope with it.
A Happy Life is a Real Life.
So, when we lose something (I won’t say someone), let go of it and look around you at what you ‘do’ have, because it is usually Better.