Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Gratitude "Makes" Us Appreciate

 Gratitude “Makes” Us Appreciate

“No, you won’t always get what you want. But remember this: there are lots of people who will never have what you have right now”

This is a very Important ‘point’ to remember.

And this is where Gratitude, on a daily basis, starts.

We always want more — that new promotion at work, that new phone or even that new house.

There’s nothing wrong with these new products, but do we really ‘need’ them?

And whilst it is nice to treat ourselves, is it worth getting into debt for?

In this part of the world, we are lucky.

We are Free to Live our Lives the way we want to, with the many ‘material’ blessings that we do have today.

When compared to countries who are at war, we have a ‘Privileged’ Life.

When we Focus our Minds on Gratitude, going through what we are Grateful for on a daily basis, we chrome to Appreciate the simple and the basics of Life.

A roof over our heads.

Food and drink.

Clothes and warmth.

These are things that those who live in a war-torn country lose.

Putting this ‘perspective’ on things “makes” us Appreciate what we Physically have.


Monday, September 9, 2024

Get Into That Positive Routine

 Get Into That Positive Routine

“Be thankful for the little struggles you go through today. They make you stronger and wiser. Don’t let them break you. Let them make you”

When we go through a ‘struggling time’, we Learn, and it’s from these ‘lessons’ that we become Stronger, Wiser and more Confident in Life.

We Learn how to become Resilient, developing a Positive character.

We also ‘Learn’ to develop Empathy and Compassion for others, many times being in a position to Encourage.

Building up our Mental Health will enable us to be Strong so that we do not ‘break’ when these struggles come and go.

Also, we can find real Joy when we ‘come through’ a difficult situation.

“Let them make you”!

Be Determined to face any struggles in such a Positive way that the ‘problem’ is gone before it starts.

Getting into a daily Good Routine of Mindfulness and Gratitude journaling will keep us in a Positive frame of Mind, no matter what our day turns out to be.


You WON!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

For Your Own Mental Health

 For Your Own Mental Health

“It’s often our own thinking that hurts us. There’s no reason to imprison yourself. Don’t think outside the box. Think like there is no box”

We never quite realize how much our own thoughts can actually affect our Lives.

Negative thinking can ‘imprison’ our minds into a ‘box’ which can be very difficult to “Free” ourselves from.

When we realize that we use only a ‘fraction’ of our minds, we come to Understand that we can have a Mind which is ‘limitless’, but only if we keep a Positive frame of Mind. 

Positivity is Freedom!

By using our mind’s eye and our imagination in a Positive way, we become ‘too busy’ mentally to look at the past.

Creative Thinking Encourages us to have no mental barriers, but to have the Freedom to Embrace a Strong and Determined Mindset.

Be aware of who you are and why you live in a certain way.

When we are Aware of our own Abilities, and when we practice Mindfulness every day, the limitations that society tries to place on us — no longer exist.

For our own Mental Health, we need to have Control of our Minds, Control of our Emotions and Control of our Physical Bodies.

Allow yourself to be FREE from the past and to be IN the present moment.


Saturday, September 7, 2024

learn, Live And Love

 Learn, Live And Love

“Letting go is not forgetting, it’s remembering without fear. It’s stepping forward with a present mind and a lesson learned”

When we let go without forgetting, we are Learning a lesson.

When we remember without that fear it shows that we have Control of our Minds and of our Lives.

This will help us to move forward, taking a step towards tomorrow and the future.

Letting go of things that happened in our past Improves our Mental Health, as well as Strengthens our Emotions.

By doing this, we can ‘free up’ our Lives to become Happier and more Fulfilling.

Practicing Mindfulness every day will help to keep us in the present moment.

Meditating every morning will give us the Peace that we will need for that day.

When we have Learned our Lessons of the past, we can let go of the negativity and make room for the Positive.

We want to have Control of our Lives today and tomorrow, and when we have Learned from the past, we will not make the same mistakes, and we will Look Forward to a Happier Life.


Friday, September 6, 2024

Think Happy Thoughts

 Think Happy Thoughts

“The problem is not the problem. The problem is the incredible amount of overthinking you’re doing with the problem. Let it go and be free”

How true are these words!

Isn’t it so true that when a problem plays on our minds, it is often “ALL” we can think about.

Overthinking is exactly that, thinking ‘too much’ about something, and when it is negative, it is bad for our Mental Health.

The more we think about it, the more anxious and worried we become, possibly without even realizing it.

And all of this can lead to depression and us losing Control of our Lives, two things we definitely do not want!

How much better for us if we just ‘let go’ of the problem in our minds, especially if we can’t do anything about it, and “FREE” up our minds to think Positive and Happy thoughts.

Practicing Mindfulness for a few minutes every day will help us and ‘prepare’ our minds, so that when we come across a problem, we will be able to ‘cope’ with it and keep Control of our Lives.


Thursday, September 5, 2024

We Need Patience With Ourselves

 We Need Patience With Ourselves

“It’s ok if you mess up, that’s how you got wiser. Give yourself a break. And don’t give up! Good things take time, and you’re getting there”

When we ‘mess up’ and make mistakes, we are only proving that we are human.

And when we Learn from the mistake, we can make sure that we don’t do that again.

Accept what happened, remember and move on.

“Don’t Give Up!”

We live in a world where nothing less than perfection will do, but we are now beginning to Understand the effect that this type of thinking has on our Mental Health.

When we relax a little and Learn by making the odd little mistake, we often do a much better job.

Anything Good and Worthwhile doing always takes time, and as long as we keep going and trying, and we don’t ‘just give up’, we will “get there”.

Trust in Yourself!

It’s with this that we need Patience with Ourselves.

Patience with Life Itself.

We will get there or do it or accomplish what we want and we’ll be Glad that we did ‘Learn from the odd mistake’.

When we started to walk as a baby, we didn’t get it right the first time, but because we persevered, we can walk quite well today.

Everyday Life is no different.


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Have Confidence In Your Own Abilities

 Have Confidence In Your Own Abilities

“Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask yourself if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future”

For many of us, it is just a ‘habit’ to react in a certain way, and we often do this without even thinking.

And ‘we’ often get the same result.

For us to “Change” our Lives, we need to “Change” our way of thinking and “Change” how we react to certain ‘circumstances, things or people’.

Have you ever wanted to react in a different way — just to see what will happen?

For us to Progress in Life and Move Forward to the Future, we need to Control how we react so that we “know” what will happen.

We no longer want to be a prisoner of our past by always reacting in the same way.

We want to ‘do something different’ so that we will “see” something different and new.

We need to be Confident and have Faith and Belief in Ourselves.

Afterall, we would only want the Best for Ourselves.

We cannot change how we reacted in the past, but we can Change and Control how we react to ‘things, people and circumstances’ today and tomorrow.