Tuesday, August 13, 2024

There's No Harm In "Treating Ourselves"

 There’s No Harm In “Treating Ourselves”

“You might no have the things you want, but if you check carefully you got all you need”

What is a want?

What is a need?

A ‘want’ is something that we desire or would like.

A ‘need’ is something that we cannot live without.

For example, we need to eat and drink because our ‘physical’ bodies need these things.

“But I’ve only got fruit in the fridge and I’d much rather have a burger”.

Can you see the difference?

I know that you can.

The difficulty comes when we look around society and see what society ‘expects’ us to have, but do not necessarily need.

New and exciting ‘items’ are constantly coming out, which all look so ‘Important’ to have, but do we really “need” them?

A phone is a necessity in Life today, but do I really need the latest ‘all singing and all dancing’ one? 

These latest technological items cost money and are often expensive, and we could put ourselves into debt trying to ‘have them’, which will only cause us to worry and stress.

It makes more sense to be Happy with what we have and save the money.

Look around your home and just check that you have everything that you need.

Even make a list and check it off as you go.

You’ll probably be surprised at what you do actually have.

And here is where Appreciation comes into play.

However, there is no harm in “treating” ourselves, now and then.


Monday, August 12, 2024

This Is Important "Self-Care"

 This Is Important “Self-Care”

“Shakespeare once said: I cried when I had no shoes, but I stopped crying when I saw a man without legs. Life is full of blessings, sometimes we don’t value it”

This is why we need to spend a few minutes every day thinking about what and who we should be Grateful to have in our Lives today.

Writing this down in a Gratitude journal means that we can re-read about these ‘gifts’ when we need to.

All of this requires Time and Concentration.

The question we have to ask ourselves is: how Grateful am I to ‘make time’ for ‘myself’?

This is Important Self-Care and something that we should do every day.

When we are feeling sorry for ourselves, we should ‘turn our thoughts around’ and pick up that Gratitude journal and remind ourselves what and who we have in our Lives to be grateful for.

Some call these ‘gifts’ — “Blessings”.

The Beauty of humanity is that we all look at things in a different way.

What one person would call a Blessing, another might take for granted — it just depends on what we have gone through in Life.

What we need to do, to keep that Positive Attitude which is so Important, is to Appreciate and See the Good in everything that comes through into our Lives.

This takes Determined thinking, which comes through Practice.


Sunday, August 11, 2024

These Words Speak Volumes

 These Words Speak Volumes

“Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly”

Wise Words!

When we have a ‘simple life’, we have so much more Peace in ourselves and a lot less stress.

Also, Simple means less anxiety, especially with finances.

When we ‘declutter’ our lives of things (and people) that are negative, we ‘clear’ our Personal Space and our Minds.

We receive so much when we Love Generously.

Others Appreciate ‘Us’ and there is a real “feel good” feeling when we give so freely.

Who do you Care Deeply about?

This Strengthens our relationships and gives Support when it is needed.

We all Appreciate a Kind Word every now and then.

Kind Words show that there are Kind People in this world.

And this builds up Self-Esteem and Confidence — on both sides.

So, the quote has very Simple Words but if we are “Listening” properly, these words Speak Volumes.


Saturday, August 10, 2024

"I Just Don't Have Time!"

 “I Just Don’t Have Time!”

“Don’t compare your chapter one to someone else’s chapter twenty”

Each and every one of us is Unique and special.

We all have our own Beautiful Qualities and this is why we should never compare ourselves to other people.

Distinctive is such an unusual word but quite relevant.

The word means ‘the characteristics of one person which distinguishes him or her from others’.

Or a Special ‘Feature’ that someone has.

The trouble we have is that the media expects us to ‘conform’ to certain ways or standards, and this is ‘how’ we can start comparing our lives to that of others.

It is Important that we each take our own journey of Self-Discovery.

We don’t know why our friend is on chapter twenty, but then he or she does not know why we are on chapter one.

True, we can ‘Learn’ from others, seeing how they got through a certain problem or situation.

But we should never compare our lives to theirs.

For one thing, there may be nothing in common between you, so then there would be no ‘reference’.

But let’s keep this ‘light’.

We find Joy in our own Victories, especially when we are Grateful for certain ‘things’ and ‘people’ that we have in our own lives.

When we are Busy in a Positive way in our own Lives, we do not have time to compare ourselves to others.


Friday, August 9, 2024

It's Not Just In The Mind

 It’s Not Just In The Mind

“What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create”

This is showing how Powerful the Mind can be.

Through our minds, we can Imagine the kind of person we would like to be, and the kind of Life that we would like to Live.

With our mind’s eye we can often ‘see’ solutions to problems and answers to questions, and very often ‘how’ to have the kind of Life that we would like.

The Law of Attraction comes into this.

By ‘Imagining’ something, we are very often Attracting that very thing into our lives.

What we think — we do.

So the emphasis is on ourselves to ‘think the right way’ for us Personally.

We have to keep thinking and remember that ‘this is my life and I will keep Control of it!’

This does take Strength and real Confidence in Ourselves.

And Trust that we know what we’re doing and where we’re going.

A very simple example of this is when a painter has a picture in his or her mind, and then spends hours on the painting.

But what a Beautiful picture when it’s finished.

Our Lives are very similar.

And what a Beautiful and a Happy Life to have.


Thursday, August 8, 2024

This Is Important

 This Is Important

“Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negativity”

When we make the effort to avoid and stay away from the negative things in our lives, we become much Happier.

Identifying what these negative things are will help us to set up those boundaries which will ‘Protect’ us from becoming pessimistic and defeatist.

This will ‘automatically’ bring us into a Positive atmosphere.

This is also a way of showing Self-Care and even Self-Love towards ourselves.

This is Important for us to keep our Peace of Mind.

Our Mental Health is a Priority in our Lives and we should make this an Important part of our routine — to look after our minds every day.

When we let go of the negative, we are making room for the Positive Energy in our Lives.

This also opens up opportunities for Self-Improvement and Growth.

And how much more Happier we will be.

And because we are looking at the Positive, Beautiful things will start to happen.


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

It's Going To Take Work

 It’s Going To Take Work

“Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts”

What are you thinking about?

How does it make you feel?

How do you want to feel?

It is up to us ‘how’ we look at Life.

It is our ‘choice’ to be Happy or sad.

One will Strengthen us and the other will weaken us.

Which is better for our Health?

Our minds ‘control’ us, so whatever we ‘allow’ ourselves to think about will affect us — Mentally, Emotionally and Physically.

This is why we need to “Train” our minds to Think these Positive thoughts.

We need to “Train” ourselves to ‘see’ the Good in everything.

Being with ‘like friends’ will also help, as their Positiveness will ‘rub off onto us’.

When we practice Gratitude, our minds ‘get used to’ thinking and Appreciating Life for what it is today.

Our Minds are ‘Muscles’.

The more we exercise our minds, by deliberately thinking Positive Affirmations every day, the Stronger our Minds will become.

And the more our Minds will be ‘shaped’ towards Positivity.

Think of the Benefits of this.

There is no room for negativity.

Because you are seeing the Good in everything, Life looks Nice and Better.

And we ourselves become much Happier people.