Thursday, July 25, 2024

This Will Strengthen Our Mental Health

 This Will Strengthen Our Mental Health

“Be happy with what you have and you will have plenty to be happy about”

This can be done by Living in the Moment and Appreciating that Moment.

Meditation and Practicing Mindfulness also helps us in this.

Being Happy with what we have today is to be “Content” in our own Lives.

To be Content is to be ‘in a state of Peaceful Happiness’.

The word “Focus” comes into play.

We need to Focus on what we have and not compare our lives with that of others.

To Appreciate what and who we have in our Lives.

Every one of us is Different and Special in our own Unique ways.

From here, we Learn to Love Ourselves and our Lives.

What have you yourself Accomplished in your Life?

Look at what You have Accomplished and you will start to feel Good about yourself.

Look around your room, at your books, your hobbies and your pictures.

Pick up and look at the things you have now.

This way, you start to be Grateful for these very ‘real’ items.

All of this helps us to find Joy in our Lives.

Living on this planet Earth is enough to keep us Happy.

Add to this what we actually have in our Personal Lives and we should be always Smiling.

The Beauty of being Alive is that we can Practice this Gratitude every day.

This will Strengthen our Mental Health, which is so Important.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

It Is A Beautiful Word

 It Is A Beautiful Word

“Be kinder to yourself. And then let your kindness flood the world”

Kindness is a Beautiful word.

The word Kindness talks about the Quality of being Friendly, of being Generous and Considerate of and to others.

To Care for someone.

To be Compassionate and “Unconditionally Kind”.

We need to be Kind to Ourselves too.

We need to be Kind to Ourselves Physically — by exercising and eating in a healthy way.

We need to be Kind to Ourselves Emotionally — by using journaling and therapy.

We need to be Kind to Ourselves Mentally — by practicing meditation and Positive thinking.

By doing this, we will be in a better position to be Kind to others and to Help other people.

“And then let your kindness flood the world”.

This can be an example for the younger generation to look at.

A kind of a ‘role model’.

It is very often the little gifts and the small ways in which we show Kindness that have the most ‘impact’.

This will also Encourage others to be Kind to Themselves. 

Like attracts like too, so we would be surrounding ourselves with Positive and Kind friends.

If there was more Kindness in this world, maybe there would be less fighting and less wars.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Mental Control Is Power

 Mental Control Is Power

“When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control how you respond to what’s happening. That’s where your power is”

When we cannot change the ‘situation’ that we find ourselves in, we CAN Control how we ‘face’ that situation.


It is so Important to keep our Inner Peace at a time like this.

A ‘bad’ situation can very easily affect our health in a bad way, and it is up to us ‘not to let it’.

Our Mental and Physical Health takes Priority over any ‘situation’.

And our health is the one ‘thing’ that we CAN Control, at any time and in any situation.

It is a challenge, though, when we are ‘going through something’.

How we react will affect us long after the ‘situation’ has gone.

Practicing “Mindfulness” before any situation comes up will give us the Mental Control that is often needed to deal with and to get through that situation.

And then, when it is all over, we’ll be glad that we had that “Control”.

This is where the real Power is.


Monday, July 22, 2024

Remind Yourself

 Remind Yourself

“There is always, always, always something to be grateful for”

Sit down and think about what and who is in your life, and what and who you should be Grateful for having in your Life.

We do not do enough of this.

Being so busy every day, all day, our minds are often taking up with ‘everything else’.

But sometimes we just need to do this to Remind Ourselves that Life is Good and Worth Living.

And also to Strengthen our Minds in a Positive way.

A Gratitude journal is good for this.

Writing in it every day will Help our Minds to stay on the ‘right track’ and build that Positive wall inside our Minds, which is ever so Important for the Balance of our Minds.

Also, we can read our Gratitude journal to Remind us of how Good Life really is.

What are some of these things to be Grateful for?

Somewhere to live.

Something to eat and drink.

Clothes to wear and shoes on our feet.

A school, college or university to Learn in.

A job to go to.

Good and steady health-care.

These are the basics but we still have them and should be Grateful for them too.

For example, compare your ‘situation’ to those who are living in a war-torn country. 

Yes, we have a lot to be grateful for.


Sunday, July 21, 2024

It Is A Beautiful Quality

 It Is A Beautiful Quality

“Learning to be calm when you’re disrespected is a superpower”

I’m sure that we all agree that ‘this is difficult’.

When another person is rude to us and disrespectful, we just want to retaliate and fire back.

It is (kinda) human nature to want to do this.

It certainly is a ‘superpower’ to remain Calm and to do the opposite (or nothing).

It is at times like this that we should look after ourselves and not the other person.

They are being unkind.

We should be “Kind” to ourselves.

Being Calm is to have a Beautiful Quality in our Lives.

To maintain our own Inner Peace, at a time like this, will Help ourselves — Mentally, Emotionally and Physically.

Remaining Calm will keep our Minds Balanced in a Positive Way.

Remaining Calm takes any hurt away from us Emotionally.

Remaining Calms protects us Physically because then we will not fight.

And it is the “Stronger” thing to do.

Having Empathy and Understanding will also Help.

For the other person, yes.

But also for Ourselves too.

This also emphasizes the very real ‘reality’ that we ourselves do not disrespect other people.


Saturday, July 20, 2024

You'll Be Glad You Were Patient

 You’ll Be Glad You Were Patient

“Let today’s theme be this: Be patient. The best things happen unexpectedly”

We live in a ‘NOW’ world where everything is ‘now’, ‘today’, ‘this minute’.

Which means we rarely have to “Wait” for things.

This means that when we do — we must be Patient.

“Patient”: to be able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.

“Be Patient, your time will come”.

Having this “Patience” is good for our Mental Health.

‘This’ reduces stress and fosters Inner Peace, which is something we all need.

This is also Good for building ‘skills’, such as Self-Discipline and Self-Regulation.

Being Patient also shows that we trust in Ourselves.

The Beauty of Life on this Earth is that things — nice things — do often happen ‘unexpectedly’.

We may not even be thinking about something when someone, out of the blue, offers it to us.

This could apply to a new job.

This could apply to having a new friend.

This could even apply to having a ‘new life’.

Practicing Mindfulness is Good in building Patience within our Lives.

And ‘seeing the Fun’ in anything is a very Positive way of developing Patience within ourselves.

And when that unexpected thing happens, we’ll be ever so glad that we were Patient.


Friday, July 19, 2024

Build Up That Mind

 Build Up That Mind

“One bad chapter doesn’t mean your story’s over”

We need to remember this if we want to grow in our personal lives.

If we had ‘the perfect life’, we would never Learn how to be Strong in Life.

It is difficult to remember this though, especially when we are going through a hard time in our lives.

Or when we are so busy looking after everybody else.

This is why “Self-Care” is So Important!

We need to give ourselves time, every single day, to Build Up our Minds with Strong and Positive Affirmations.

And then, when a difficult time comes up, our Minds will be Firm enough so as not to break down, but to see the ‘challenge’ as a Learning Curve.

We will be in a much better position to get through that ‘bad chapter’ and to ‘get on’ with our Lives.

It is So Important to be Resilient in Life.

To “never give up”.

To try, try, try again.

It is just the world we live in so try not to take things personally.

When we get a common cold, we feel ill for a very short time and then we get better.

“Life” is very much the same.

We will get through the hard times, especially by having Faith in Ourselves.

And Remember, others know and love you for “who” you are and not for any situation you may be in.

Life is in Your own hands, so YOU can write better chapters Yourself.