Tip The Scale At Positive
“Being positive doesn’t mean you don’t ever have negative thoughts. It just means you don’t let those thoughts control your life”
All of us have good and bad days.
Sometimes, it is Important that we think about a ‘negative situation’ because we may have to know how to deal with a certain problem.
We just don't let the negative overtake the Positive.
Like all things in Life, there is a Balance between the negative and the Positive.
We can do this by Controlling our Mindset.
Giving ourselves the Time to Strengthen our minds, everyday, will Benefit our Minds and our Emotions.
We will Learn to have Self-Compassion, which will give us Self-Confidence.
Our thoughts shape our Lives which is why we should be constantly building our minds up towards being Determined to be Strong in Life, and overcoming negative ‘problems’ that can unbalance our minds.
A few other words for Positive are:
In other words, you know what you’re doing and where you’re going in Life.
A Good ‘technique’ to help us is to write down or say out loud daily affirmations.
Both add an imprint to our Positive Thinking.