Sunday, July 14, 2024

Celebrate That Win

Celebrate That Win

“Cut yourself some slack. You’re doing better than you think”

This is something we never do, we never ‘pat ourselves on the back’.

And we should!

It is Important for us to acknowledge how well we have done and how far we have come, so that we can see our own Progress in Life.

This will build our Self-Esteem which is vital for Confidence in Ourselves.

Also, we should never compare ourselves to others because every one of us is Unique in our own way.

We live in a society which can pressure us into thinking that ‘we should do more’ or ‘be more perfect’.

But in actual fact, when we think about what we have personally Accomplished in our own Lives, we will realize that we have done far more in a short space of time.

Be Kind to Yourself and Celebrate every time you do something, whether it is a small win or a very difficult task that must be done.

Also, set a realistic goal, something that you know you can achieve.

And make sure that you are friends with people who are Positive and who will say: “Well Done You!”.

True, we do make mistakes, but we also Learn from them and then we Move On.

Give yourself a breather.




And look in the mirror and be Proud of how far you have come.



Saturday, July 13, 2024

Have A Positive Focus

 Have A Positive Focus

“Guard your time fiercely. Be generous with it, but be intentionally about it”

Our Time is Precious because Life Is Time.

King Henry VIII is quoted as saying: “Of all the losses, time is the most irrecuperable for it can never be redeemed”.

Once Time has gone, we can never get it back or replace it.

None of us can ‘add’ years to our Lives, which is why we should use our Time wisely.

“Guard your time fiercely” — what could this mean?

Don’t waste your Time by spending it in the company of people who are negative and who do not Appreciate the Importance of Time!

Yes, be Generous with your Time, spending it with people you Love and helping them.

This gives a Purpose to our Time.

This is bringing out Time management, which is basically keeping Control of our Time.

A Good routine and schedule can only help us to ‘keep our hands on our Time’.

We want how we use our Time to have a Positive Focus on our Lives and other people's Lives too.


Friday, July 12, 2024

Keep this "Chance" Strong

 Keep This “Chance” Strong

“Every day is another chance to change your life”

The Power is in our own hands to Change Our Lives.

We just need to take Control of Life.

Many of us resist change because we fear the unknown.

But we will never Progress in our own Lives if we don’t have the Courage to ‘face the unknown’.

We like our own little worlds, and stay in our comfort zones because we are so Comfortable.

But we will stagnate like this.

We want to Move On in Life, and the only way we can do this is by having Belief in Ourselves.

Thinking about the Benefits of changing our Lives, and the Good things that we will Receive, will Encourage us to ‘take that first step’.

All of this starts in the Mind.

Thinking about why we want to change our Lives will give us the Reason.

Thinking about How we will change our Lives gives us the Encouragement to start Moving Forward.

We need to Persevere.

To be Resilient.

And to have Confidence and Faith in our own Abilities.

Taking Action Now and being Committed to that change will keep this “Chance” Strong in our Minds.

Remember, though, to be Realistic.


Thursday, July 11, 2024

We Need To Believe In Ourselves

 We Need To Believe In Ourselves

“Your dream doesn’t have an expiration date. Take a deep breath and try again”

It is only society and other ‘opinions’ that put time or a date stamp on dreams.

Some ‘start’ their dreams when they are five years old, “I always wanted to be a fireman and now I am!”

We sometimes ‘forget’ our dreams because we are so busy in our lives, but “they” are still there.

And when we do ‘start’ on our dreams, there can be so many set-backs and failures.

But we must not be discouraged!

We must “keep going” at our Dreams, bouncing back again and again, learning all of the time.

Until, at last, we “Have” our Dreams.

And we’ll be ever so glad that we didn’t give up.

During all of this time, we need to pace ourselves, having breaks and doing the “3 R’s”.




We need to Believe In Ourselves that we “can do it!”

When we think about people in history who achieved their “dreams” , especially later on in life, we draw Encouragement from them.

My Inspiration has always been our late Queen Elizabeth II.

It would have made her life easier to hand over the Crown at a certain age, but she didn’t and carried on, becoming the longest reigning monarch in England.

What an Example!


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

It's Good For Our Mental Health

 It’s Good For Our Mental Health

“Happiness is the new rich. Inner peace is the new success. Health is the new wealth. Kindness is the new cool”

When we are Happy, we Smile.

When we have Inner Peace, we are Calm.

When we feel Healthy, we feel we can Do Anything.

When we are Kind, we feel a part of the Community.

All of these “Qualities” are extremely Good for our Mental Health.

All of these have a Positive effect on our Minds.

Which is what we need to make our Minds Strong towards Life.

In the world we live in, it is vital for Universal Peace to have, show and use All of these Qualities.


Inner Peace.



We start this by being Kind to Ourselves. It is so true that our Health, both Mental and Physical, is far more Important than any physical riches.

“Health is the new wealth”.

It is now becoming popular to Help and be Kind to other people.

“Kindness is the new cool”.

Being Peaceful within ourselves keeps our minds clear to find success and to be successful.

“Inner Peace is the new success”.

When we are Happy, we are ‘richer’ in our Lives.

“Happiness is the new rich”.


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

"I Did That!"

 “I Did That!”

“Reminder. It doesn’t matter how slow you go as long as you don’t stop”

This quote can apply to any aspect of our Lives.

We always Encourage our children to never give up, to keep trying and to keep going.

How many of us apply this to ourselves?

Sometimes, slow progress can be thorough progress, but it is still Progress!

The expectation in society can be ‘to get things done now and quickly’, but this is not right or correct.

When we go at a slower pace and see how we have progressed, this helps to keep us Motivated.

Also, doing something at a slower pace can build up a much Stronger Foundation.

When we do things ‘at our own pace’, they become achievable which has such a Good effect on our mental Health.

Stepping back and seeing what we can personally do is so Good for our Self-Confidence, and for Belief in Ourselves.

Slow progress is Persistent progress.

Again, this can apply to anything in our lives.

Our jobs.



Looking after and caring for our families and loved ones.

The list goes on and on.

This is one way in which we can feel Good about ourselves, to get the job done, however slowly, and then to look back and think: “I did that!”


Monday, July 8, 2024

It's A 'Mirror Image' Really

 It’s A ‘Mirror Image’ Really

“The same lights you see in others are shining within you, too”

Here is a ‘Mirror Image’ and it is something that we often forget.

Every one of us has a ‘light’ inside of us that is just waiting to shine.

We are so busy in our lives, looking after others and Encouraging their ‘lights’, that we forget that we also can (and do) Shine, and that we need to Encourage ourselves too.

When someone says to you: “Oh, you are shining tonight, you look beautiful”, how do you feel?




This has a very Positive effect on us, both Mentally and Emotionally.

“Light” helps us to see when all around us is dark.

Also, we need “Light” in order to Live.

Every single living creature needs “Light” to survive.

“Light” has been described as “Energy”.

One question is: do we have the Energy to Light up other peoples’ Lives, as well as our own?

One way of ‘showing’ our “Light” is to know what Qualities we have, to help ourselves and others.

To do this, we must give ourselves Time.

Time to Rest.

Time to Meditate.

Time to Reflect.

And like that real mirror, we will reflect “Light” and spread Positive Peace around us.