It Is Better For Your Mental Health
“If you can’t do anything about it, then let it go. Don’t be a prisoner to things you can’t change”
Stop worrying about it!
If you can’t do anything about a certain problem then don’t waste your thoughts or your mind thinking about it.
By constantly worrying over a problem that you can do nothing about, you are making yourself a prisoner by chaining your mind to that one thought or worry.
By doing this, you can sometimes ‘miss’ the solution to that problem, because you’ve channelled your mind to think ‘only one way’.
By ‘letting go’ of the problem, you are freeing up your mind and opening it up to ‘see’ or to ‘find’ the solution.
And that solution often ‘appears’ when we are not even thinking or looking for it.
But we will only see it if our minds are “Free”.
How much Healthier for the Mind to Free it and to Replace the negative problem with the Positive Determination to carry on.
Strengthening the Mind in this way will make it “Clearer” to deal with, let go of or get rid of any problems.
You may not be able to get rid of the problem but you can ‘change’ how to look at it and think about it.
For your own Mental Health, it is better sometimes to ‘let go of it’.