Thursday, June 13, 2024

We CAN Help Ourselves

We CAN Help Ourselves

“It doesn’t get easier. You just get Stronger”

When we are starting to walk, as toddlers, it takes time to Balance and for our legs to become Strong, so that we can eventually walk Confidently.

This applies to any aspect of our lives.

As we become adults, our responsibilities become many and varied, and sometimes extremely difficult to “do”.

But as we work through these, we as a person, become Stronger, Learning so much as we go along in life.

We can always ‘help ourselves’ too.

Giving ourselves that all Important “me-time”, every day, will help us to Strengthen our minds, which will help us to ‘cope’ with everyday life.

And don’t forget the “3 R’s” — Rest, Relax, Rebuild.

All of this will help us to get Stronger in everyday life.



Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Keep Thinking About It

 Keep Thinking About It

“Every dream in life is sustained by hope”

Hope is: a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen.

Hope is: a feeling of trust.

This says a lot about our own lives and our own way of thinking.

Do we Trust ourselves enough to Believe that we can make our dreams come true?

Are our minds Strong enough to ‘make that dream come true’?

A “Dream” can mean different things to different people.

For one person, it could mean a completely different way of life.

For another person, it can mean something very small that they want to put into their lives.

What about you and I?

The word “Sustained” means: continuing for a long time.

Some of us have dreams that last our lives.

For others, it takes time to get to their dream because they have to study for years before they can qualify (to be a doctor, for example).

Some dreams are as simple as wanting a baby — “I have always wanted to be a mother!”

It is a good idea to sit down and write out your dream in a journal, because this could be the start of ‘realizing’ that dream.

And, of course, always thinking about that dream helps also.

To keep it in the mind will help to sustain it in your life.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

It's Ever So Fashionable

 It’s Ever So Fashionable

“Being happy never goes out of style”

It has always been ‘fashionable’ to smile.

People always want to be around Happy, Cheerful and Smiling friends.

We live in a busy world, which can take our minds away from Peaceful thoughts, and because of this, we may not ‘always’ seem happy.

It’s not done deliberately on our part, we are just so wrapped up in the day-to-day busyness, that the smile isn’t always there.

But, like many who ‘must’ stay in fashion, wearing the latest styles, so must we “stay” in fashion with that Happy Smile.

And when we are ‘wearing’ that smile, we’ll look good wearing anything.

The dolphin is born with that Smile, as it dances in the Oceans of the Earth.

We, as humans, are ‘said’ to be more intelligent, should ‘Live with that Happy Smile on our faces’.

It’d be great, just for once, to be always in ‘fashion’ and Happy.


Monday, June 10, 2024

It's The Little Changes Sometimes

 It’s The Little Changes Sometimes

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change”

Only we can change our lives for the better.

No one else can do it for us.

This can seem difficult because very few of us like change.

We are so used to our routine that ‘anything’ can seem to put us out.

However, if we are unhappy in our lives, something has got to change. 

We need to have the Courage to change things ourselves for the better.

Any change starts in the mind.

We need to start putting Positive thoughts into our minds, and these will Encourage Positive changes, physically, in our lives.

Sometimes we may need to ‘study’ for these changes.

For example, a young woman who loves fashion and wants to work in the fashion industry, will study as much as possible about the fashion world, and by doing this, she would ‘fit in’ with that particular life.

The same is true for a school teacher, she or he would have had to ‘studied’ to be qualified to teach in a classroom.

What about you and I?

Whilst we may not be able to make big changes in our lives, because of the responsibilities we may have, we can make those little changes which can make our lives that little bit happier.


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Physically, Mentally And Emotionally

 Physically, Mentally And Emotionally

“One of the best lessons you can learn in life is to master how to remain calm”

How true are these words!

Our blood pressure would be better for one thing.

Staying Calm in any and every situation is a “Skill” that any one of us can Learn.

And like all skills, it takes time to be that skillful.

We know what “Calm” means: the absence of strong emotions / not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions.

“She had to keep calm at all costs”.

How about you and I?

When we are feeling under pressure, there are a few ‘tips’ to keep in mind which will  help us to stay calm.

Breathe by taking a few slow, deep breaths.

Count to 10, things may feel a little different by the time you get to number 10.

Take a walk or walk away.

Before any ‘situation’ starts to get to us, we can start to ‘practice’ Meditation today, if only for 5 minutes every day.

Being grateful for what we have in life will put us ‘in the right frame of mind’.

And if all else fails — just walk away, because our Mental Health is far more Important than ‘proving anyone right’.

Staying Calm as much as we can will have such a Positive influence on our lives, physically, emotionally and mentally.


Saturday, June 8, 2024

No Matter How Old We Are

 No Matter How Old We Are!

“Let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow’s reality”

This really talks about living now and planning for the future.

Loving Life today and Looking Forward to the Future.

This also means that we should take Control of our own lives — now and for the future.

Our way of thinking has a lot to do with this.

By ‘training’ our minds to think Positive, Confident and Hopeful thoughts NOW, we will be Stronger mentally in the future.

How many of us have sat down and really thought about our futures, and what we really would like to do?

This also means taking Control of our Time and ‘Planning’.

Time goes by so quickly that before  we know it the children have left home and we are getting ready to retire.

When you look back on your life then, will you be happy with what you see?

The beauty of living is that we can ‘start today to plan for our future’ — no matter our age!


Friday, June 7, 2024

Plan "It"

 Plan “It”

“Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is going to happen”

When we were children, life was one big adventure.

We’d wake up every morning, excited to see what will happen, what we’ll learn that day, and happy to play with our favourite toys.

What happened?

We grew up.

But sometimes we ‘forget’ that there is excitement in every day because, as adults, we become too busy looking after others, as well as ourselves.

We need to remember that there is always something Special in every single day, we just have to ‘find’ it or ‘look’ for it.

And even as adults, we are always Learning something new every day, we just may not always realise it.

Also, can we plan our day enough to have that special something to look forward to?

For example, what’s your favourite hobby? Reading? Music? Sewing?

Why not give yourself 10 to 15 minutes every day to sit down, rest, and ‘do’ your favourite hobby?

Not only is this good for you physically, but also for your Mental Health, which is one of the most Important things in our lives.

Having something Positive and Good in our minds will help us to find and ‘see’ those “miracles” — which happen every day.