Sunday, October 8, 2023

"Fine Tune" It

  "It's not about time management. It's about better life management"

How do you want to live your life?

In constant running around, worn out at the end of every day? In a steady pace which shows what you have personally accomplished for the day?

We get so caught up with our busy lives, that we forget our own lives, our own ambitions, our own dreams, even our own health.

The Earth controls life and so can we.

That "me-time" is so precious for our mental health that it must be a "must" in our every day lives.

Our physical health is also just as important --- how are we looking after ourselves?

And what makes us personally happy? Never neglect this!

Sometimes, it really is about 'fine tuning' our own personal lives.


Saturday, October 7, 2023


  "Either you run the day or the day runs you"

Life is so busy that our day has gone before we've even started it.

We get up early, go to work / college / (wherever), and before we know it, it's time to come home.

What happened? Where did the day go?

Time Management are big words (and are usually used for people in working situations) --- but--- we can all learn how to CONTROL our time.

I use a diary and, yes, I do write down almost every single hour of the day --- otherwise --- I forget half of what I wanted to personally accomplish.

At school or college, there is a timetable, and at work, there is usually a work's timetable.

Why not do this within our own lives?

That way we can (hopefully) accomplish what we want to do, never forgetting the important appointments, and seeing what we have personally done for the day.

This way --- we can at least try to CONTROL time in our own lives.


Friday, October 6, 2023

"The Vision Pulls You"

 "If you are working on something you really care about, you don't have to be pushed. The vision pulls you"

When we really want something --- we 'go get it'.

When we really care about something --- we don't let anything get in our way to 'get it'.

When we are really passionate about something in our lives --- we guard it and improve it and make it the biggest thing in our lives and we do all we can to 'keep it'.

Is this really hard work?


Because it's something we really love, our enthusiasm inside of us just keeps us moving forward and it is this which "keeps the dream alive".


Thursday, October 5, 2023

To Think Is To Live

  When you change your thoughts, remember to also change your world"

We are constantly trying to 'control' our minds, our thoughts, our actions.

By changing all of this, we are also changing our lives.

Maybe, we are not aware of it but our lives do and will change --- depending on where our minds are.

"Oh, I've changed my mind" does also mean "Oh, I've changed my life".

We get so caught up in our busy lives and often think that some things can be done tomorrow. Why not make tomorrow today and change your life for the better --- whatever that means to you personally.

It is true --- what the mind takes in affects the body which in turn --- affects the  person's life.


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

It Keeps Adding Up

  "When you give joy to other people, you get more joy in return"

How true is this statement!?!

We always feel better when we have cheered a friend up, made someone smile or just 'made their day'.

And we don't always know when we've helped someone.

Joy is: "a feeling of great pleasure and happiness".

And who wouldn't want this or give it?

The Earth give us joy every morning when we hear the dawn chorus, these little birds singing their hearts out to say: "Hello".

And when we see our baby's first steps or hear his / her first words --- we feel so elated.

When you look in the mirror --- what do you see? When you look at people around you --- what do you see? Everyone trying their best to keep on top of things.

Why not give that extra smile and say that extra "Hello" --- then everyone will feel a little bit happier.


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

One Step At A Time

  "The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to use the stairs, one step at a time"

If we really want something in our lives, we will put in that extra effort, hard work and enthusiasm to 'get it'.

When a mother gives birth, she is determined to have and hold her baby.

When studying for exams, a student is determined to pass to get that degree to get that job.

When someone is determined to do something --- they always will.

And how do you feel when 'it's over' and you 'receive' that 'gift'?

A real sense of accomplishment.

"I did that!"

But --- it's never easy and will take time and is literally "one step at a time" --- but worth every single second of the day.


Monday, October 2, 2023


 "Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new" 

The beauty of this life is that we are always learning.

No one will ever know everything because the Earth Itself is constantly moving forward, changing and always for the better.

When at school, college or university --- the student is always reading books, writing and 'applying' the knowledge they have learnt.

The same is true when starting a new job --- every day is a learning curve.

If only we could apply this to every day life, then we would be constantly on the move, learning so much to help us through life.

What we learn today will always help us live tomorrow.