Saturday, August 19, 2023


 "Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love".

This is a 'quality' that every generation needs to learn.

Respect for others who share our planet with us, whether human or animal, even Respect for this very earth we live on.

Today, we live in a world of diversity, with so many different people living different ways. As long as we are all happy and not hurting anyone --- let's show that Respect.

After all, Respect shows how much we Love.


Friday, August 18, 2023


 "Be the reason someone believes in good people".

We've said this ourselves: "There are some good people in this world!" Especially when someone has gone beyond to help us out with something that is important to us personally.

A Smile, a Nod, a "Hello" can make all the difference in a person's life.

An older person may not have anyone at home to talk to, but when you 'chat' with them at the hospital (because you're both waiting to see the doctor), that older person feels good, better and happier.

When you're waiting at the train station for your train and you see that person, drinking coffee, but oh they do look sad, haven't you ever wanted to go up to him/her and just say: "It's ok, things will get better"? A gentle smile can sometimes get that person talking, and we'd do anything we can to help him/her.

Be that Reason ! ! !


Thursday, August 17, 2023

Well Done

 "If you fail, congratulations because most people don't even try".

It's true isn't it: "Oh you did that, I didn't bother because I knew I'd fail".

What a negative way of looking at life!

When we try to do something, especially if it is difficult for us personally, even if we 'fail', we should still be Proud that we at least 'tried'.

And to be honest, there are very few things in life that we will fail at, but if we don't even try --- we'll never know --- and then we miss out on (possibly) something special in our lives.

At least TRY, at least YOU had a go, and when you do succeed, it'll be a lovely surprise and you'll be ever so glad you did try.


Wednesday, August 16, 2023

See What YOU Can Do

 "When you stop doubting yourself, you get a chance to see what you're capable of".

It is a sad fact that some of us are brought up with the "You'll never amount to anything" saying. Maybe we've heard a family member say it to us over and over again, and we eventually start to believe it.



At school, many teachers try to encourage us to take the "Can Do" attitude --- 'you can do it' --- 'believe in yourself' --- and you do eventually get that maths question right. I use maths because it took me 3 months to pass my A level maths when I was in my 30s, so anything really is possible. Yes, I took the exam 3 times but I passed on the 3rd time (with great relief).

But I did feel good for passing and not giving up, especially as maths is not an easy subject for me personally. Also, I felt like I had achieved something.

What about you?

What have you done recently, or in your past, that you are proud of because it was difficult but you still "accomplished" it?

Be Proud of That! Be Proud of Yourself!

Never doubt yourself --- the best don't need to!!!


Tuesday, August 15, 2023


 "Self-discipline starts with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don't control what you think, you can't control what you do".

Mental Health is becoming a very big concern and is recognized today as a very real 'problem'. 

Many addictions are traced back to what a person thinks or is shown. Once the eye sees something, it cannot be forgotten.

So, the 'trick' is to make sure that what we see and take into our minds, Builds our Minds up and Strengthens our Minds.

None of us are born with 'weak' minds but we can become 'weak' mentally when walking through life.

Don't let someone else 'force' depression upon you. I'm not talking about listening and helping someone who is depressed. I'm talking about that 'nasty' person who is jealous of your happiness, and they want you to think only negative thoughts, bringing doom and gloom into your world.

A simple "NO Thankyou!", if only in the mind, will help to protect your thoughts, thus protecting your mind.

And then you can personally have that "self-discipline" in Controlling your own mind and thoughts.

'Control what you Think, and you will Control what you Do'.


(If you feel you need help mentally, these 9 points will definately help you, just click on the above link)

Monday, August 14, 2023


 "Once you focus on your gifts instead of your problems, your whole perspective will change and you will see blessings everywhere"

It's a case of Controlling the Mind.

We see bad news everywhere and the mind just dwells on what it sees.

If we make the effort to see the good things in life, even physically, the mind will dwell on these good things.

It is a known fact that what the eye sees, the mind keeps in its memory. and this affects the body physically.

It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile, so smiling Should be easier!!!

So the next time you start feeling depressed, force your mind to think good thoughts, even looking at good 'pictures' (of people smiling, for example), and think of all the 'blessings' you have today, and that depression will soon disappear.

We live on the most beautiful planet in the solar system --- that on its own is enough to make us feel proud and lucky.


The Earth is in our hands as well as being our home.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

It's True

 "The best cure for the body is a quiet mind"

We live in a very busy world, full of many different things and activities. Watching the news every morning can turn our heads into a spin, and when we get to work or school/college, we've basically had it for the day --- and it's only 9.30am.

Yes, this is so true isn't it. We hardly have time to think, never mind sitting down quietly.

BUT --- it is a fact that what we do mentally does affect us physically.

Even the birds have their quiet time, when they are not singing but just sitting in the branches. Have you ever watched your cat or dog? Sometimes, he/she just sits down, curls up and is quiet for a little while.

We'd do well to 'copy' that.

To rest the mind is to rest the body which is better for our health overall.