Saturday, September 23, 2023

"Oh, You Are Kind"

 "Sometimes miracles are just good people with kind hearts"

I love this saying! ! !

A kind word can make all the difference to our day.

Even a kind action.

A smile can sometimes just take the edge off of a very difficult day.

We are all 'fighting' to keep our mental health, our physical health, our families or even ourselves, and that kind word or action can make life worth living after all.

And doesn't it 'seem' like a miracle when we see that kind person?

When we all look out for each other --- miracles happen every single day!


Friday, September 22, 2023

Just Be Happy With What You've Got

 "Happiness is not about getting all you want, it is about enjoying all you have"

Do we really appreciate all of the physical things we have?

Food, clothes, homes, entertainment, even jobs, etc,etc,etc.

When we see others who have lost everything in floods or earthquakes, 'natural disasters', or even wars --- are we grateful for what we personally have?

Happiness comes from appreciating what we have now, today!

So many strive after 'material things', missing time with their families because they are more interested in gaining more money or 'things' --- but are they truly happy?

When we look around our lives / homes --- do we really appreciate and love what we have?

And often, when we do appreciate what we have today, we do receive 'more' (which can make our lives a little easier).


Thursday, September 21, 2023

Say - Action - Prove It!

 "People may say things with good intentions, but their actions prove who they truly are"

We all have that one friend or relative who always promises to visit and never does.

That one person always promises to help when we're in need but seem to stay away from us.

And then there is that one friend or relative who is always there, willing to help us, no matter what.

He or she is always visiting, or phoning, or popping round with a loaf of bread, and he or she really is a good friend or relative.

Who are we?

Who am I?

Do I say I'll do something and then 'duck out' at the last minute? Or do I actually 'do' what I say I'll do.

What kind of a reputation do I have?

"Their actions prove who they truly are".


Wednesday, September 20, 2023

You Do Have Potential

 "You're so busy doubting yourself while so many others are intimidated by your potential"

When others look at us, what do they see?

When we look at ourselves, what do we see?

We are (sometimes) so busy comparing ourselves with others, that we do not see what others can see in us, and (sometimes) our potential can frighten them.

They are looking at us thinking: "I could never be as strong as him / her", even whilst we're saying the same thing about them!

We need to stop, sit down and really think about our own potential, what we can do, and even what we have done.

When we see the potential in ourselves and our friends, we realize just how Strong all of us are. 

It's this Strength that we need to keep and show every single day. After all, we never know who is watching us and how that Strength can help another person.


Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Happiness Is A Choice

 "Happiness starts with you. Not with your relationships, not with your job, not with your circumstances, but with you"

Isn't this so true!?!

No matter where we are, if we are happy inside, it will always show.

No matter what job we are working, if we are determined to be happy within ourselves, our colleagues will see.

No matter who our family are, or what 'kind' of relationship we are in, if we choose to be happy, 'they' will see it.

And how much better do we feel when we are happy.

Even at school, college or university, we can be happy inside and out, and our fellow students will see that smile is not a 'forced' smile but a genuine smile.


Monday, September 18, 2023

Kindness Is FREE

 "You can always give something, even if it is only kindness"

With the cost of living going up and up, and many going to food banks every week, most of us have little to give 'financially'.

Even to our usual charities, we may have had to cut down, because the electric bill has gone up, alongside the phone bill.

However --- we can give a smile freely,

we can give a nod freely,

we can give a kind word freely.

Being kind is free, it sometimes just requires our time, and if we can't give 5 minutes to 'chat' to someone, we are too busy!

When we give kindness, it also reflects on our personalities and always 'comes back to us'.

Do you want to be known as a kind person?

All of us do!

And you never know how much a kind word can really help someone, even a stranger.


Sunday, September 17, 2023

Look At What YOU Have Accomplished

 "Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come"

"Look how far you've come, it's taken a long time to get to this day" --- did anyone say that to you on your wedding day?

When we look back at our past, what do we see? A real past, full of life and experiences that (should) help us in the future.

If you ever wake up and 'worry' because you don't think you can do that job, just STOP and think about how much work it took to actually get that job, and (hopefully) your Confidence will come back to you.

It's the same when doing a course at college. The exam seems impossible, but look back at the three folders you have built up over the last two years, and just SEE what you have already accomplished --- and you haven't even taken the exam yet!

You Can Do It!

You've done the work in the past, you CAN do it again in the future!

Believe In Who You Are!