Our Lives Become Happier
“Love is a choice you make every day”
“Love” is one of the most Powerful Emotions that we humans possess.
It can bring Joy, Happiness and Fulfillment to so many Lives.
It is not ‘just’ a feeling but a very real choice.
“Love” requires Patience, Commitment and Effort to keep and grow relationships.
When we ‘Actively’ choose Love, we are creating a Strong and Meaningful connection with our Loved ones.
When we choose to “Love” on our journey in Life, we transform our Lives into much more Positive and Happier Lives, as well as those we choose to Love.
“Love” requires Sacrifice.
It is a continuous choice and a continuous effort.
Like anything that is worthwhile having in this Life, “Love” takes ‘Work’ and its ‘Rewards’ make the effort all the more worthwhile.
When we ‘choose’ to “Love” everyday, we start to have a deep connection to ourselves and those we Love.
Our worlds become much Happier.
There is always someone there
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