Thursday, April 30, 2020

Puppy Training

You've just brought home a lovely new puppy.
 The children love him and he loves all of the attention. 
How do you "Train" a new, young puppy --- The Right Way ?

An exciting approach to dog training that's effective and pain-free for both you and your new puppy. It's the quickest and easiest way to instill Trust and Willingness in your puppy.
Here are revealed all the tolls, strategies, tips, tricks and tactics that Are Proven.
In this manual are:
# the 6 basic facts that every puppy owner should know Before bringing your puppy home. Skip any one of them and you'll make your life harder and you new puppy's adjustment to your home more difficult.
# 5 ways of rewarding your puppy for good behaviour without giving him / her something to eat. You'll be surprised how easy it is to treat your pup without making him / her obese. 
# 5 secrets about positive reinforcement training that you should know before you start using this method of training. If you have these tricks under your belt then you're off to a successful start in getting your puppy trained right.

# how to turn your puppy into a social butterfly
# 8 must-know tips to getting your puppy potty-trained
# how to 'puppy-proof' your home
# 5 tips for choosing the perfect chew toy for your puppy and what you should know about why dogs chew.
Plus --- much much more !

Love your new puppy, even before you bring him / her home.


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Heal Your Dog Naturally

We always want the best for our dogs.
We love them like a member of the family.
What wouldn't we do for our 4-legged, faithful friends ?

Imagine = feeling a huge sense of achievement that you are treating your dog in the safest way possible, avoiding all toxic drugs (unless they will save your dog's life, of course), and you are addressing the underlying causes of your dog's health issues.
Imagine = how you will feel when your dog's health problems have totally gone and he / she is so much happier and able to live longer, having a more contented life without the pain or the suffering.

# be in charge of your dog's health
# learn how to identify the Real causes of your dog's health problems
# get real solutions to heal your dog
# discover the most common cause of inflamed skin conditions in dogs
# find out what the most effective Natural treatments are for skin problems so you can treat them safely and rapidly yourself.


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What Do You Feed Your Dog ?

We want the Best for our dogs !
We love our 4-legged faithful friends. This includes the "Food" we feed them. They rely upon us to give them healthy food, to actually feed them and we want our dogs to be the healthiest they possibly can be.

Like us humans, what dogs eat will affect their health, fur, skin, digestive system, teeth --- shall I go on ? Like we care for ourselves, so we need to care for our dogs, who rely upon us for so many reasons.


"We do need to make sure we feed our dogs correctly, though. If our dogs don't get the nutrition they need in the form they need it, they won't be able to thrive and live a long life."

This is a "Method" that shows you step-by-step how to feed your dog truly nutritious, healthy, 100% Natural real food so that your dog will simply thrive, and may be even add 3 or more years to your dog's life.
# real dogs love this 
# contains nutrients in the form that dogs can digest and absorb
# there is no cooking required, just prepping.
This works for Any Breed of dog.
1/ Real Food
2/ Nutrient Density
3/ Frequency of Feeding

Give "The Viking Dog Diet" a look, even a try. You'll see your faithful, 4-legged friend 'bounce' with good health.


Monday, April 27, 2020

Digital Training For Dogs

When you get a new dog, the first 30 days are the most important --- whether you have a new puppy or a rescue dog --- you need to establish a loving bond, a new routine and you really want your new pet to be a bog part of your family.

There are so many training courses, which one is best ?
You want a course that will teach you how to communicate with your dog and begin a Positive relationship grounded on Trust that will last a Lifetime.

# bonding exercises
# essential training shills
# DIY grooming tips
# boredom-busting toys and games 
# Understand your dog better.
You can download this course and start using it today !
What is Included ?
# 30 video lessons
# quizzes to test your learning
# gear recommendations
# discounts 
Plus --- much much more !

Have a look.
If you really love your dog, you will prove it. He / she is so faithful, prove how faithful you are.


Sunday, April 26, 2020

Brain Training For Dogs

Dogs are one of the oldest domesticated pets we know of. For as long as we can remember, our 4-legged faithful friends have always been by our side, giving us their love and protection.

These dogs are extremely Intelligent !

Do you know how to unlock this intelligence and work 'with' your dog ?

"Both the exercises and games are very practical so dog owners may use them throughout the day to have a well-trained dog. There are training nuggets throughout, both in the step-by-step instructions and the troubleshooting sections that will help enrich the lives of both dogs and their owners!" 
Caryl Wolff, Dog Training / Behaviour Consultant for 20+ years.

With the right mental stimulation and training --- your dog's brain will become more open and receptive to learning new 'information.' This will help your dog to listen to you and 'understand' what you are saying to him / her.

Your dog's bad behaviour will simply fade away as more desirable ones start to appear.

More Intelligent Dogs are Better Behaved and More Obedient and Happier.
Brain Training For Dogs --- have a look and see how we can get closer to our 4-legged friends.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Spirit Animal


Most of us know our astrological sign. Some of us have checked out numerology and many other things.

We all love animals and the thought that we could be 'Spiritually' connected to our favourite animal gives us a kind of 'comfort.' Knowing which Spirit Animal we are tells us more about ourselves, helping us to understand why we are here on Earth and what our 'destiny' is.

Are you a lion ?
            a  cat ?
           a dog ?
            a bird ?
Your favourite Animal ?

Take the quiz "animal spirit" and find out which Spirit Animal you are.
Have Fun and Enjoy the answers.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Animal Reiki

We all love our animals.
 Pets give us so much love, comfort and protection.
What can we do to show who much we Love our Pets?

Animal --- What?

To help Improve the Health and Well-being of our animals = a safe and non-invasive therapy.

With Animal Reiki, you learn:
# how to channel Reiki energy to animals of all kinds, both domestic and wild, including marine life
# understanding the chakra energy systems and how imbalances can affect an animal
# understand the practical considerations when working with animals
# learn how to prepare, conduct and end a Professional Animal Reiki session.
# learn how to interpret an animal's behaviour and body language to tailor a session to their individual needs
# learn about the sacred Reiki symbols and how to send Reiki distantly to animals in need
# deepen your connection with the animals in your life
# learn how to intuitively communicate with animals more effectively.

Animal Reiki is perfect for animal lovers who want to deepen their connection to animals and enhance the ability to care for and communicate with animals. This is good for those of us who like the holistic approach.

The only Qualification needed is a Deep Love and Passion for Animals.

How does Animal Reiki help animals ?

It provides:
# relaxation
# can support healing following surgery, illness and injury
# can help with behavioural or emotional problems following trauma, abuse or neglect
# can provide support for pregnant animals, animals with disabilities or animals with terminal conditions
# can be used to support health in healthy animals.

We Love our Pets, let's show them how much with Animal Reiki.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Choose To Believe

You've probably applied 'the secret' or the 'law of attraction' to improve your life.
Perhaps you have visualized, said your prayers, ordered the universe and even performed all the manifestation rituals and routines imaginable.
How did it work out for you ?
Are you still unable to love forward ?
 The key component is --- BELIEF!

It is 'Belief' that has gotten near-death patients to miraculously heal at the last minute --- simply by touching a religious object and 'believing' it will cure them !
How about those 'lucky' people who have no special skill or talent but have become extremely rich and successful --- because they 'believe' in their own abilities.

How difficult is it to 'Believe'?
You want to believe you are super successful, extremely wealthy, incredibly famous and more --- but your inner voice says otherwise.
That inner critic is always ruining your chances of truly 'believing' in anything you can accomplish.
No matter how you visualize, say your affirmations or prayers, or apply the law of attraction --- nothing will work if you don't 'BELIEVE' the 'Right Way.'


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Layman's Guide To Fortune Telling

At this uncertain time, many of us are turning to 'fortune tellers' to foretell the future and to find some Peace within this life.
We are worried about what is going on around us and we want and need answers so that we can feel Secure and Plan for the future.
What is your favourite ?
Numerology ?
Astrology ?
Palmistry ?
Tarot ?
My personal favourite is Tarot. I love the different pictures on the different 'types' of Tarot and am always learning about their meanings. I find Tarot comforting, like a trusted friend who always gives a Positive and Warming answer.

You, too, can become your own 'fortune teller.'
Learn to Trust in your own abilities and Learn yourself 'how' to read into your own future and life.

Why blindly follow some one else's reading when you can learn to read for yourself about your own future ?
Binural Beats
This will also save you a lot of money.
Learn to read for yourself your own future and Trust Your Own Reading.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Who Is Your Guardian Angel ?

An Urgent Message From Your Guardian Angel.
Are you lost ?
Are you confused ?
Have you been searching high and low for answers, only to find that you are going in circles ?


No doubt you have sensed that your Guardian Angel had been beside you all along --- listen to his message.
Connect with your Guardian Angel today and receive his message --- just for you Personally.
Click on "Guardian Angel" and Listen to your own angel, who only wants the best for you in your life.

Monday, April 20, 2020

All Magic Spells

White magic is a powerful force in this universe, and it works alongside nature and science to bring Positive change to people's lives.

Anything that is so Natural is always of Benefit to human life.

Every single day, worldwide, people are using White Magic to achieve their deepest wishes and desires, taking just a few minutes every day casting easy spells and performing magical rituals.

Have a look through the huge library "All Magic Spells" and see which spells will help you to:
# improve your love life
# get a promotion at work
# attract money towards yourself and those you love
# bring good luck into your life
# ensure good health
Plus --- what else would you like ?

White magic spells have been used by wise and powerful people for thousands of years, and these 'Secrets' have been passed down through trusted generations until finally they are available to you and I today.

You don't have to be born a witch.
You don't have to have any previous experience.
You don't have to have a cauldron.

Casting Spells are Easy, Effective and Fun !
Blessed Be !

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Witchcraft Secret Manual

True witchcraft is an amazing way of life. To be able to turn your life around and to be a much Happier person --- is 'Priceless.'
I Speak From Experience.
But --- you have been taught / heard / seen so many bad things about this subject that you are just too frightened to 'touch' it. "I've never done a spell in my life!" I can hear you saying.

True Witchcraft comes from the Earth Itself and anything this Natural --- will only help you !
We live in a 'Free Society' where almost all ways of life are accepted. We are lucky to live now, when compared to our grandparents.
I can recommend the "Witchcraft Secret Manual."
It is full of spells which will help you to turn your life around:
# to keep the one you love
# to get the job you desire
# to acquire the money you want
# to be Strong in your Health
# to be Happier within your heart.
The List Is Endless !

The Beauty of Spells is that you can do them in the privacy of your own home, at any time of the day or night, using every day 'objects.'
The question is --- Do You Believe ?
I do hope you Trust Yourself and look into the Witchcraft Secret Manual, I know that you will be much Happier within your life.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Art Of Astral Projection

What Is Astral Projection ?
The capability to effectively part from your body and travel to another world, where time, space, gravity and many other "laws" that exist in the 3rd dimension can no longer limit you. It's an age old experience of spiritual separation and voyage, in which the astral body or spirit separates itself from the physical body temporarily and operates on its own.

In the 1800's, airplanes were unheard of, until the Wright brothers studied the Newton theory and built the first airplane.
The same is true of "Astral Projection." We need to be more educated on how it works and we need a sound system to make it common knowledge.

Any one can experience Astral Projection but not every one knows how to do this safely.
Deep Meditation ?
Hypnoses ?
Whichever method is chosen, "Control" is what is needed.
Just Imagine:
# exploring other countries --- without the added expenses
# learning about the true you and your true purpose in life
# experience feelings of joy and pleasure
# being able to change your 'reality' to the one you most desire.

Astral Projection is a beautiful experience, adventure and skill that will transform how you see and live your life.
Find the Peace you so deserve within the Art of Astral Projection.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Cosmic Energy Profile

Each one of us us a Beautiful and Unique human capable of doing more than we realize.
We may already know our astrological sign and how it affects our lives. There are 12 of these.
Did you know that there are 260 different signs from a different "Cosmic Calendar" that can use your birth date to reveal more secrets about you Personally ?
This is not Numerology.
This is not iChing.
Like these, the "Mayan Calendar" is fun and will reveal your destiny, your future.
Have a look for yourself, and see just how 'Special' you really are.


Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Secrets Of Your True Calling


Each one of us is so Unique that surely we Deserve to Live the Life we would like to and to do the things our hearts would like to.
For many of us, the every day 'struggle' of life leaves us too tired to 'find' anything else. Yet, there is a 'Secret' that will discover our 'True Calling' in this Life and it is connected to our DNA.

We can make our Lives Happier and More Meaningful by 'Listening' to this 'Secret.'
As human, we are unique among the species of this Earth, standing out among the other mammals, having the ability to 'build' our own world.

'Listen' to the 'Secret' and Learn how Unique you really are and just what you have to do to have that Happier and More Meaningful Life.
Find out the real reason why you Personally are on this Earth, in this world, at this time.
Click on 'your true calling' and find out just how Truly Unique You Personally Are !

Monday, April 6, 2020

Living With Diabetes

One of the most difficult conditions to live with, diabetes is also a frightening one. There is always the fear of going blind, heart disease, stroke, dementia, kidney failure, cancer and even Alzheimer's disease. Also, there is the continuous worry of finding and eating the correct foods, some of it tasteless, but you daren't go outside your own treatment.
Medication is a necessary, even as certain types of exercise is. It feels like a life sentence with no parole, or hope of any.
There are so many 'ideas' out there but you're nervous to try any of them because you just don't want to go backwards.
What started it ? Is it really 'just in the family'? Or just your weight? Or just your age? A thousand questions which never seem to be answered.


What can you trust ?

"Diabetes Freedom" is tried and tested by thousands of people and it really seems to work. "If it only helps to control your sugar level, it's worth looking into."
It's not new medications.
 It's not a supplement.
It's not a crash diet
This 'formula' has scientific proof that type 2 diabetes can be erased. Just think about it: no more fear of blindness, stroke, heart disease, and so on. 
"He developed an easy to follow 3-step approach that caused participants to become practically immune to diabetes type 2." Not only did 9 out of 10 of the participants 'Reverse' their diabetes --- but they kept it away for good (even 5 years on).
Make up your own mind though, click on the links to take you straight to the website and discover for yourself the truth to this.


Saturday, April 4, 2020

Positive Self Talk


Every single day we talk to ourselves.
 Sometimes it is conscious, sometimes it is unconscious. 
How can we turn the negative into the Positive ?

1/ get your negative self talk down on paper = "You can't change what you don't acknowledge." (Dr.Phil) Write you negative thoughts down in a notebook and 'acknowledge' how they are bringing you down.

2/ bring negative thoughts to an abrupt halt = the minute a negative thought starts to enter your mind, say: "HALT!" or "STOP!" (even outloud if you feel you need too). Your thoughts will eventually start to change and You will get "Better!"

3/turn your list into an alternative list = take that notebook of negative thoughts and turn it into a list of Positive self talk. These Positive thoughts can be repeated in your mind. Instead of "I can't do this!" say "I Can Do This !" Eventually, this Positive Self Talk will become a part of you and you will start to Believe in Yourself !

4/ ask yourself why ? = start to challenge those negative thoughts and try to work out why you are thinking them. Stop wasting your time on negative thoughts.

5/ ban the words "hate" and "can't" from your vocabulary = get rid of these 2 words and overcome negative thinking, they stand in your way of success.

Have another notebook of Positive Affirmations that you would like to Believe about Yourself in the Future.


Friday, April 3, 2020

The Importance Of Self-Care !


We live such busy lives that it seems impossible 'to find the time' to look after ourselves. Whether it be meditation, reading, personal growth or whatever we personally do for "Self-Care" = we must make the time for such an important activity and we must never ignore our "Self-Care!"

# nurture your relationship with yourself = we are so busy in our lives that we forget that one relationship is so Important.
Our Relationship With Ourselves !
Take (and make) the time to build up and replenish your own 'spirit', fully engaging in activities that will 'fill you up.'

# remember what is Important in Life = yes, money is important / yes, success is important / yes, even recognition is important. Again, though, do not forget "Yourself!" Take the time to nurture your own personal needs, and this will help you to cope with the other goals.

# You Can Do This ! = 15 to 30 minutes every single day to care for yourself. Whether it be to Meditate, write in a journal, listen to music, watch a film, the list is endless. Whatever makes YOU Personally Feel Good, Happier and Better about Yourself. If you can't find 30 minutes every day to give time to yourself --- you are too busy !


Thursday, April 2, 2020

Build A Positive Life


1/ keep track of things that you are grateful for 'for that day.' This helps to maintain a Positive Outlook = to Focus the Mind on Good Things.

2/ try and do something nice for someone else. Serving others is a great way to build a Positive Life. Adding your own light to the world can make it that bit brighter. Try and add your light through small efforts every day,(opening a door, making a phone call, smiling).

3/ challenge one of your fears. Facing your fears is difficult but when you overcome 'a fear', it builds your Self-Confidence.

4/ Take Time For Yourself. This is Beneficial for a Healthy Life. Setting time aside, every day, for yourself, reduces stress / helps you to relax / helps you to rewind. Sometimes your favourite hobby will also build your Confidence.

5/ build a healthy schedule. Building a healthy schedule is a fantastic way to build Positivity in your life. This also includes good eating and workout habits. This will help you to Improve your Life and help You to Feel Good about Yourself.


Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A Good Sleep

Sleep is a number one way where you can enhance you own self-care and 'nourish' your body, resting and building up your energy.


It is our own choice whether we sleep or not, whether we can 'help' our sleep or not, which means helping our minds.
From The Mind Comes Creativity.
Self-Love is common sense, and a good night's sleep is a part of that Self-Love.

What prevents a good night's sleep?
What helps a good night's sleep?
# turn off the computer (at least) half an hour before going to bed. Your thoughts will quieten this your mind will quieten.

# don't drink too much caffeine, especially just before bed. Herbal tea makes a refreshing change.

# deep breathing techniques before bed calms the whole body down and puts the mind into a relaxed state.

How often had it been said:" I had a good sleep, woke up early and found the solution to the problem."

The mind is still working, even whilst we're asleep. It's just that during a good sleep, the mind is not disturbed !