Monday, September 30, 2024

Just Be You

 Just Be You

"Don't change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you"

It is always better just to be yourself, whoever you are, and wherever you are.

You'll be much Happier.

And it is true that people, the right kind of people, will love the real you.

We live in a world where too many 'copy' each other out of fear of being rejected, but they 'loose' who they really are.

When we look in the mirror and "Accept" who we really are, with all of the 'imperfections' and 'flaws' that we have, we are showing that we have Faith in Ourselves and in Our own Abilities.

Every one of us is Unique, Special and yes Different.

How Interesting this makes Life.

We can Learn from others but 'They' can Learn from us also.

When we are "True to Ourselves", it is Amazing how many 'like-minded' people we meet, without even trying.

And when we are "Ourselves", we are showing others that we are Happy with 'who' we are and that we "Love" Ourselves, and "Accept" us for who we have become.

This kind of Self-Love is so Important for our Mental Health. 

So Focus on Who You Are, with all of the Positive Qualities and Strengths that you have, and this will Attract the right kind of friends.


Sunday, September 29, 2024

Have Faith In Yourself

 Have Faith In Yourself 

"It takes one person to change your life: YOU"

Like Meditation, "Self-Reflection" is good for the Mind, which affects every Emotion we have, which affects every part of our bodies.

When we sit down and think about our own Lives, we must Remember that only WE have the Right to Control Them.

It is our Responsibility to ensure that our Lives are Positive and Happy.

And we can do this by Loving Ourselves and Caring for Ourselves. 

This is not selfish but necessary for our Mental, Emotional and Physical Health. 

When we set goals and plan and then act on these, we and we alone are Changing Our Lives.

By 'surrounding' ourselves with Positive and Determined people, by the Law of Attraction, we too will become Strong and Confident.

And when we do all of this, we are showing that we have our Futures in our own Hands, and that we have Faith in Ourselves Today.


Saturday, September 28, 2024

This Will Help Others Also

 This Will Help Others Also

“No matter how hard your life, go to bed grateful you still have one”

This can be quite difficult to remember.

When we are in a situation that is hard to Live in, we often cannot “See” our Futures.

Practicing Daily Gratitude is a very Good start to Help our Mental Health.

Every day, write down in your own Gratitude journal all of the Good things and people that you have in your Life to be Grateful for.

Writing it down means that we can re-read and remind ourselves every day.

This kind of Routine Builds up our Minds and strengthens our Mental Health.

Also, when we do our best to Think Positive thoughts, we have no room for any negativity.

Remember also that there is someone else who may be going through a ‘more difficult time’ than you or I.

The Law of Attraction tells us that when we ‘give off Positive vibes’ others will feel this and be helped by it.

So, when we Build ourselves up, we are Helping ourselves in a Positive way, we are Helping ourselves Mentally, Emotionally and Physically, and we are Helping others also.


Friday, September 27, 2024

Show The World

 Show The World

“I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become”

It is Our Choice!

Will I ‘allow’ the past to make me into a ‘person’ I never wanted to be?

Or shall I become the ‘person’ I choose to become?

One is the easy way and the other requires work, but only one is the Right Way.

Whilst it is Good and Important to Learn from past experiences, we must never let this ‘define’ our personality.

Our Lives will become ‘who’ we are.

We need to make a Positive and Determined choice when thinking about ‘how’ we want to Live our Lives.

We also need to ‘break free’ from other people's expectations and opinions of us.

We are our own Unique and Special person and we need to be Confident enough to ‘show’ this.

Building up and having a Positive Mindset will Encourage us to do this.

Embrace “who” you really are and show the world how Beautiful you really are.


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Don't Be Afraid To Start Again

 Don’t Be Afraid To Start Again

“Don’t be afraid to start over. This time you’re not starting from scratch, you’re starting from experience”

Starting again is quite a Good Idea.

We get so far in a ‘situation’ and we just can’t go any further.

Or, something has happened in our Lives, which we did not expect, and starting over may be the only way forward.

We shouldn’t be afraid to start again because we’re starting from the experience that we have Learned from.

And we need to Learn from the past so that we can feel Confident  enough to move forwards into our Futures.

This is also Good for our Mental Health.

We Free our Minds of the negative ‘beliefs’ and thoughts, and even things that we have done in the past, and we “make room” for the Positive and New experiences that can only Build our Mental Health up.

But we do need to set realistic goals, ones that we know we can reach.

In this way, when we reach each ‘stepping stone’, we will have a sense of Achievement and then we can ‘reward’ ourselves with a small gift.

When we start over and use our experience to Guide us, we are building on knowledge and existing skills that we have Learnt, making our Future Foundation a much Stronger one.

It’s Worth It!


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Celebrate "Today"

 Celebrate “Today”

“Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything that it is”

When we Accept our Lives for what they truly are, we become Happy and Blessed.

This could mean letting go of other people's expectations of us.

Have you ever really sat down, in your own home, and looked around you at what you have physically got?

The trouble is that ‘society’ sometimes ‘expects’ us to fit into a certain way of Life, and this does put pressure on many people.

What we’ve got to remember is that that way of thinking is an ‘illusion’.

Real Happiness comes when we are Living the ‘kind’ of Life that we “Want” to Live.

A Happy Life.

A Peaceful Life.

A Positive Life.

Having the Right Attitude and the Right Way of Thinking goes a long way towards this.

Daily Gratitude helps us to Appreciate the Life that we do have.

And Living in the Moment Helps us to Celebrate our “Today”.


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

We Want That Peaceful Life

 We Want That Peaceful Life

"There is nothing in this world that can trouble you as much as your own thoughts"

Isn't this so true!

When we have gone through a 'situation', our minds are constantly going over and over it, working through the different scenarios and how we 'could' have dealt with it.

Or we have been hurt very deeply by someone who we loved but we learn that he or she never loved us, and our minds keep going over it, constantly opening up that deep wound with our minds.

This overthinking and self-doubting is damaging to our Mental Health, and it weakens our Confidence in Ourselves. 

Although it is Important to Learn from past experiences, we must move on from them towards the Future, Our Futures.

We need to Remember that this is Our Lives and only We have the Right to Control our Lives.

And let's Control our Lives by Controlling our thoughts and our thinking, and by having that Self-Awareness.

Accepting Ourselves for 'who' we are gives us Peace of Mind.

And when we Practice Daily Mindfulness, our Minds become Quiet so that we can have that Positive and Peaceful Life.