Tuesday, November 26, 2024

We Will Do This!

 We Will Do This!

"You don't become what you want, you become who you believe you are"

What do you Believe?

About Life?

About the world you Live in?

About Yourself?

Belief and what we Believe has a Strong effect on our Lives.

The word "Believe" means: 'to hold something as an opinion' or 'to accept that something is true without proof'.

This means that we Believe in Ourselves, even if we are 'limited' in different ways.

This "Self-Belief" affects our thoughts and what we do.

If we Believe that we 'can' do something, we usually do it!

Our mindset has everything to do with our Self-Belief.

Self-Awareness and Self-Acceptance adds to this Positive Belief.

"I Can Do This!"

A Good morning routine of Positive Meditation, and saying Optimistic Affirmations, will Help us Strengthen our Minds to have Strong Belief in Ourselves.

When we Believe that we can "Be" a certain person and "Live" a certain way --- we will.


You Are Perfect Just Being You

 You Are Perfect Just being You

"Love yourself for who you are, instead of hating yourself for what you are not"

We often spend so much time 'thinking' about 'who we are not' or the person we 'wish' we were, that we literally 'waste' our time.

And this can lead to depression because our Minds can be 'stuck' in the past.

We need to avoid this!

Look at "who" you are today and be "Proud of Yourself".

The society we Live in can have unrealistic influence on us, especially when it comes to 'standards' of beauty or lifestyle.

We must not listen to this!

We should "Accept"\ Ourselves for who "WE" are, because only we know what we have gone through, and what has made us 'who' we are 'Today'.

We must embrace our flaws, learn from them and use these to Improve our Lives.

Self-Love is so Important!

It is not selfish but it is Caring for Ourselves.

This will give us the Confidence that we need to have in Ourselves.

And it will Help us Mentally to be Positive about our Lives and Ourselves.

There is Beauty in 'imperfection', which really is only "being yourself".


Sunday, November 24, 2024

As Long As We Are Alive

 As Long As We Are Alive

"Every day is another chance to change your life"

Every morning we wake up is a new opportunity to grow into the person we want to be.

After (hopefully) a good night's sleep, our Minds are Clear, Fresh and Ready to 'start again' building itself up to become Strong and Positive towards Life.

Having that Good Meditation routine keeps us Stable, Determined and resilient every day.

This sets us up for the day.

And to have a Good day.

When we plan and set goals for ourselves, we are showing ourselves and others that we "Want" to change our Lives for the Better.

When we put these plans 'into action', we are "Proving" that we actually do want to change our Lives.

But remember to break these plans down into 'achievable steps', and you will feel so Good as you accomplish each step and tick it off.

And don't stop or be put off if you 'trip up' and make a mistake.

Learn from the mistake and move on.

You won't need to start from the beginning again.

Believe In Yourself!

As long as we are Alive, every day really is a chance to have a Strong and Positive Life.


Saturday, November 23, 2024

Do I Feel Good?

 Do I Feel Good?

"Look down at your plate and ask: Is this going to make me feel good?"

You could apply this to real physical food.


You could apply this Mentally, (or even physically).

We all Live very busy Lives, and when someone asks us to add that one extra thing to our day, think before you do!

Am I taking on too much?

During our Lives, we start to 'listen' to ourselves, and realize where we need to put up 'boundaries' in order to Protect ourselves.



and Physically.

We know these words well: "that triggered my Mind".

So we must avoid things that 'trigger'.

When we have worked so hard to get into a 'Good Place' in our Minds, which puts us in a Good place in our Lives, we do not want to let anything 'slide' us backwards.

It is the simple fact to "Think before you Do!"

Will this film, friend, book, or even 'situation', make me feel Good about myself?


Friday, November 22, 2024

A Positive Mind Will Always Win

 A Positive Mind Will Always Win

"When you stay positive in a negative situation, you win"

This is a nice quote to say to yourself every single day.

Every day we do face 'something' negative, it's just the world we Live in.

So every day, we need to continuously "Stay Positive" throughout the day.

And when we come home, still Positive, still Smiling --- We Have WON!

You will also have a more "Peaceful Mind".

It Is a choice.

Do you want to 'give in' and be sad and depressed, and have headaches?


Do you want to "Stay Positive", Strong and Happy, with a Peaceful Mind?

A Good example of this is when someone has had a terrible accident and ends up in hospital.

It may take months (or possibly years) to get anywhere near 'normal' again.

With that Positive Spirit, he or she finally recovers and leaves hospital, to go home to be with his or her Loved ones.

Maybe something similar happened to you or me.

When we look in the mirror every evening, Smile and say: "I WON!"


Thursday, November 21, 2024

"I'm Proud Of You"

 "I'm Proud Of You"

"Before starting the day, tell yourself 5 things you're proud of yourself for. Let's start off our days with celebrating ourselves"

We do feel Good when we 'pat ourselves on our backs'.

And we should do this more often.

It Is not selfish!

It Is "looking after ourselves".

Self-Reflection may be a new idea to us but why?

We look in a physical mirror every morning to make ourselves look 'Presentable' and 'Good' for the day.

There is no difference when we look into our 'Mental' mirror and remind ourselves of how well we are doing in our Lives.

This will Help our Mental Health.

We have overcome many challenges in our Lives, and we should remember and be Proud of this.

We always 'celebrate' what others do, why are we not 'celebrating' what "WE" have done?

And this is easy to put into our daily routine.

When we sit down for our breakfast every morning, get out that Gratitude journal and write down these 5 things that you are Proud of accomplishing, big or small.

It may have been something you did yesterday.

It may have been something you have never forgotten from junior school.

You will be surprised how quickly you fill that journal up.


Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Every Day Is A Clean Sheet Of Paper

 Every Day Is A Clean Sheet Of Paper

"You can't rewrite your past, but your can grab a clean sheet of paper and write your future"

This is a Good quote to remember.

We cannot change our past but we can change the 'direction' of our Lives for the Better.

Every day we wake up is like a clean sheet of paper we can 'write' something Good on.

A fresh start which we all need sometimes.

Every day is a new opportunity to be Happy in our Lives.

But 'it is up to us'!

Only "WE" can change our Lives for the Best.

We can Learn from our past, remembering the Lessons that we needed to Learn, and use this 'knowledge' to have a much Happier Future.

It is our choice!

And wouldn't we all want to 'choose' a much Happier Future?

In order to do this, we need to Embrace Growth.

We need to Believe in Ourselves.

We need to have Faith in Ourselves.

We need to have Confidence in Ourselves, and that we can change our Lives for the Better.