Monday, November 18, 2024

Showing Respect Is Having Control

 Showing Respect Is Having Control

"If they respect you, respect them. If they disrespect you, still respect them. Do not let the actions of others to decrease your good manners, because you represent yourself not others"

'Do you have to follow the crowd?'

Did your mum or dad ever say this to you, especially when you were at school?

Or even a teacher?

We do not have to follow others, especially if their 'standards' are not the same as ours.

We do not need to loose our "Good Mannars" for 'them', especially when we have worked so hard to 'raise' ours.

And remember that mirror!

Would I want 'that' said or done to me?

This involves a certain amount of 'Self-discipline' to not allow yourself to lower to their level.

Respect is a very Important word, and it is something that we all need to show and deserve. 

The word means: 'a feeling of admiration or a deferential action shown towards someone or something that is considered important or valuable'.

And it can also mean to treat someone with kindness and care, or to accept the importance of their rights or customs.

So basically, Respect the other human being.

Plus, when we continue to show Respect 'against all odds', we rae having that very Positive impact on others.

And we are showing that we have Control of our Lives.


Sunday, November 17, 2024

Embrace The Moment

 Embrace The Moment 

"Forget what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you"

An open wound can become infected, which is why we must Learn to 'close' it and let it heal and 'move on'.

And like a physical wound, we never forget how it happened but we have Learnt 'never to do that again'!

It is never good to keep going over something that hurt us, especially in the mind, because it is like picking at an open wound, and this will only harm us.

No, we Learn to forgive ourselves and then we move Forwards in our Lives, avoiding that 'mistake' in the Future. 

We need to find that Balance between remembering the 'lesson' but forgetting the hurt.

When we do this, we Learn to Appreciate "us" and what "we" have gone through, and how Strong all of this has made us.

We  Learn to set Healthy boundaries in our Minds, and we start to "Love Ourselves" for who we really are.

Live in the Moment.

Enjoy Life Now and look Forward to Tomorrow. 


Saturday, November 16, 2024

You Are Strong Enough

 You Are Strong Enough 

"Trust Yourself. You've survived a lot and you will survive whatever is coming"

Believe in Yourself!

You have gone through more than anyone knows, and only you know what you are capable of.

Never doubt Yourself because you are here today, reading this.

You need to Learn to be Proud of yourself, and how far you have come in Life.

In the past, you have gone through 'uncertain' times, not knowing what may or may not happen, but because you Believed in Yourself and Trusted in You, you got through it all.

It Is Important to ignore doubts, doubts from your own mind and doubts from other people.

However well meaning he or she may seem, Listen only to Yourself, because it is YOU who has come this far today.

Keep that Important routine of Meditation and Mental Self-Care as this will keep your Mind Strong and Positive towards Life.

And just Remember, you got through 'that' in the past, you will get through 'this' today and in the future.

Well Done You!


Friday, November 15, 2024

Worry Or Faith?

 Worry Or Faith?

"There is not enough room in your mind for both worry and Faith. You must decide which one gets to live there"

What 'kind' of Mind do you want?

What 'kind' of Life do you want?

The two are linked.

How we think affects what we do 'and' how we do things.

Worry and stress have such a negative affect on our Minds that it can cause headaches and can actually make us very ill Physically. 

A Mind that has Faith and Belief in Life have a Positive affect on our Minds, which gives us a Peaceful 'soul' and a Quiet and Happy Physical Body.

Which do you want?

I know which I'd rather have.

Faith is so Important for us to have in our Lives today.

Faith in Ourselves. 

Faith in the Future.

Faith in Life Itself.

And Faith in others, our Loved ones, friends and even strangers.

Like oil and water will never mix, so it is the same with worry and Faith.

There 8s room for only one.




It Is our 'choice' as to what we 'want' in our Minds.


Thursday, November 14, 2024

Be Hopeful For Tomorrow

 Be Hopeful For Tomorrow 

"Stay hopeful. You never know what tomorrow may bring"

"Hope" is such a Poweful and Beautiful word.

It means: "a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen".

This is an Optimistic 'state of mind'.

Another word to describe "Hope" is Confidence. 

The quote is Encouraging us to "stay hopeful", which is having a Positive Mind --- all of the time.

This can be difficult, especially when we have had disappointments in the past.

Plus, we can doubt ourselves, possibly lowering expectations of what we can do in our Lives.

Maybe others have done this to us, saying such things as: 'you will never amount to much'.

Ignore them!

Ignore your own self-doubts!

Every single one of us is capable of doing anything in our Lives, we just need to Believe In Ourselves. 

When we set goals that we CAN reach, and then we reach them and go further --- Hope is in our own hands for the rest of our Lives.

Our Futures are something to 'look forward to'.

A mother may not know if she is having a girl or a boy, but she is Hopeful for a Healthy baby.

We do not always know what tomorrow will bring, but we "Hope" that we will be Happy.


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

You Deserve To Rest

 You Deserve To Rest

"Be gentle with yourself. You are doing the best you can"

We are under enough pressure every day to do what others 'expect' of us, do not add to that pressure by 'expecting' too much from yourself.

Every one of us is doing the very best we can, often without even thinking about it.

Many put themselves under too much stress by trying to keep up with what 'society' expects of them, but this is only making them ill, especially affecting their Mental Health. 

None of us are "Perfect", but as long as we are Happy and Healthy, that is "all" that matters.

We get through a lot in our day, very often running around others (which is very commendable), but we do tend to 'forget about us'.

When we accept that we are doing our best, we are accepting ourselves for 'who we are'.

And this is Important when it comes to being "Gentle" with ourselves. 

We must not ignore our minds and bodies when we need to rest, and just 'stop', sit down and rest.

This will Benefit us Mentally, Emotionally and Physically. 

Be Kind to Yourself because "you are doing the best you can".


Tuesday, November 12, 2024

What Is Best For You?

 What Is Best For You?

"You have to do what is right for yourself, nobody else is walking in your shoes"

When you look in a mirror who do you see?

The only reflection that you see ----- is Yours!

Only YOU know what you have been through in Life, and so only You can possibly know how to Live your Life.

It I estimated that there are 8 billion people Living on this Earth.

And each person is Unique in their own way.

This includes You and Me.

The Beauty of Living in 'today's' world I that we have a fair amount of Freedom to 'Live as we want to Live'.

We also must Remember to give ourselves some time to 'look after ourselves', not just Physically but Mentally too.

We are so busy looking after others that, sometimes, we forget that we need to practice 'Self-Care' on ourselves. 

Others very often give us advice, kind advice too, but we must 'do want is right' for ourselves. 




This is not selfish but it is necessary for our "Health".

Trust Yourself that you only want the Best for You.