Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Power Of The Mind

 The Power Of The Mind

“You gotta train your mind to be stronger than your emotions or else you will lose yourself every time”

We always want to try and stay in Control of our Minds and our Emotions.

Possibly the only way to do this is by Training our Minds to be Stronger than our Emotions, so that we can keep that Control.

Emotions are Important and we have ‘them’ for a reason.

Emotions are a natural part of human nature.

‘They’ help us to understand some of the many things that we experience and why we ‘react’ in a certain way.

However, our Emotions ‘can’ get the better of us.

We could cry in an hysterical way or laugh completely out of control.

Both could harm us Mentally and Physically.

And it is for this reason that we must ‘Train’ our Minds to be Strong so that when the time arises, we’ll be able to Control our Emotions.

Mindfulness every single day will Build-up our Minds to be Strong at all times.

Talking to ourselves, if only in the mind, in a Positive way, will Help us to have Confidence in Ourselves and in our own Actions, and this includes our Emotions.

We must never underestimate the Power of the Mind.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Nice Things Will Start To Happen

 Nice Things Will Start To Happen

“Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negativity”

Positive people are Happy people.

And people are more Peaceful when they keep away from negative atmospheres.

When we think Strong and Positive thoughts, Life starts to look Good and Beautiful.

And Nice things start to happen when we start to become a Positive person.

When we distance ourselves from negative thoughts, we are looking after ourselves Mentally and Emotionally.

We also Strengthen our relationships with our loved ones, because we have a Nice Life and are ‘becoming’ a Nicer person.

Practicing Gratitude will help our Minds to be filled with Appreciative thoughts.

All of this will increase our Self-Esteem and Confidence in ourselves.

And then we will ‘attract’ Beautiful people and things into our Lives.


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Respect Is Everything

 Respect Is Everything

“Sometimes the easiest way to solve a problem is to stop participating in the problem”

None of us like to have ‘problems’.

As soon as one arises, we are constantly working through our minds how to solve it and how to get rid of the problem.

Why on Earth then would we ‘participate’ in the ‘problem’?

If we ever find or ‘realize’ that we are a part of the problem, we would do anything we can to solve this, so that we are no longer a part of the problem.

Peer pressure can come into play here, and we might be nervous or even frightened of not joining in.

But we must be Strong and Proud not to add to anyone’s problems.

How much do you Respect the other person?

How much do you Respect yourself?

Our Mental Health can be affected by us ‘joining in’ with any problem.

We would be constantly worrying, stressed and ‘sad’.

How much Better and Healthier for us to have a ‘clear conscience’ and to “never” participate in causing problems for other people, especially our friends and family.

This breaks any negative cycle and ‘pushes out’ the ‘problem’, replacing it with Trust and Positivity.


Monday, August 26, 2024

What Are You Grateful For?

 What Are You Grateful For?

“We forget that waking up each day is the first thing we should be grateful for”

When we watch the news or read a newspaper, we Appreciate this so much more.

Wars, stabbings and shootings, even with very young children involved, had been constantly in the news this year.

All of this ‘makes’ us Appreciate Our Lives even more.

We do live busy lives and our minds are constantly on the next appointment, shopping or even job.

This is why it is so Important to take some time every day and just stop, sit down and think about what we Have in our Lives to be Grateful for.

And, of course, our Lives are at the top of the list.

I say list because it is a good idea to write these things down, to keep ‘This’ in our minds, but also to be able to re-read and remind ourselves of what we “Do”have in our Lives to be Grateful for.

It is a Privilege to be Alive and we need to show how much we Appreciate Life by ‘Cherishing Our Own Lives’.

This has a very Positive effect on our Minds.

And it makes our minds Strong towards Life.

Waking up every morning with a Grateful Heart for another day, will just set our day up in a very Positive and Determined way.


Sunday, August 25, 2024

Spend Quality Time With Those We Love

 Spend Quality Time With Those We Love

“Cherish those you have in your life because you never know when they won’t be around anymore”

This really comes to the fore when we lose someone we love and cherish in death.

Whether he or she is your mum or dad, brother or sister, or best friend, it always leaves a huge hole in our lives and some Beautiful memories to remember.

The word “Cherish” means => to protect and care for someone / to hold dear.

Yes, this can apply to objects but it means so much more when we apply this to ‘people’.

Loving and cherishing those we Love “Today” proves that ‘we are living in the moment’ and Appreciate these Beautiful friends and family that we have in our Lives “Now”.

Unfortunately, at the moment, we live in an ‘uncertain’ world, because anything can happen at any time.

It’s True!

Which is why we ‘must’ spend those few extra minutes with grandma when we take her shopping over.

Or take sis out for that coffee and have a jolly good catch up.

Showing Gratitude to these lovely people and telling them how much you Love him or her will put some Beautiful memories in your mind.

Quality time with those we Love can never be replaced.


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Think Feel Act

 Think   Feel   Act

“Make your mental health a priority”

Our Mental Health is just as Important, if not more so, as our Physical Health.

The definition of Mental Health is: “a state of well-being that affects how people think, feel and act”.



And Act.

When we have Good Mental Health we can ‘cope’ with the pressures of everyday Life.

With Good Mental Health we can make the Right Choices.

How can we Help ourselves Mentally?

Eating the right foods on a daily basis is a good start.

Sensible exercise keeps the Mind ‘busy’, as well as helping us Physically.

Practicing Mindfulness will Strengthen our Minds towards a ‘Positive Way of Thinking’.

And what we need to remember is that if we feel that we do have a problem or an illness ‘Mentally’, Help Is Available.

Whilst it is vital that we look after ourselves Mentally, professional help is ‘out there’ and we must ask for it, ignoring any stigma that is slowly disappearing now.

So, we can Help Ourselves Mentally, each and every day, and there is professional help available also.

Looking after our Mental Health will also build up our Emotional Health, which is also Important for a Happy and Healthy Life.


Friday, August 23, 2024

Life Itself Is Quite Interesting

 Life Itself Is Quite Interesting

“The past is where you learned the lesson. The future is where you apply the lesson”

And it is Today that we put the two together.

We can Learn a great deal from our past, if we would only “See” our mistakes, accept them and ‘let go’ of them, leaving them in the past.

Don’t forget to celebrate your successes of the past too.

Remember how Proud you felt of yourself and ‘use’ that success to Help you in the Future.

By using the Lessons from the past, we can ‘Plan’ for the Future, having more Control of our Lives.

From this kind of Personal Experience, we can also Help others.

All of this will Help us in our personal relationships, especially with our loved ones, because we become more Understanding.

We are continuously Learning throughout our whole Lives, which can, in fact, make Life Itself quite Interesting.