The Power Of The Mind
“You gotta train your mind to be stronger than your emotions or else you will lose yourself every time”
We always want to try and stay in Control of our Minds and our Emotions.
Possibly the only way to do this is by Training our Minds to be Stronger than our Emotions, so that we can keep that Control.
Emotions are Important and we have ‘them’ for a reason.
Emotions are a natural part of human nature.
‘They’ help us to understand some of the many things that we experience and why we ‘react’ in a certain way.
However, our Emotions ‘can’ get the better of us.
We could cry in an hysterical way or laugh completely out of control.
Both could harm us Mentally and Physically.
And it is for this reason that we must ‘Train’ our Minds to be Strong so that when the time arises, we’ll be able to Control our Emotions.
Mindfulness every single day will Build-up our Minds to be Strong at all times.
Talking to ourselves, if only in the mind, in a Positive way, will Help us to have Confidence in Ourselves and in our own Actions, and this includes our Emotions.
We must never underestimate the Power of the Mind.