Saturday, August 17, 2024

I Want A Positive Lifestyle

 I Want A Positive Lifestyle

“I changed my thinking. It changed my life”

To have a different life, we personally need “to so” something different.

Everything we do starts in the mind.

Maybe we need to change our way of thinking, especially if we want to Improve our Lives through study.

Wanting a new way of Life entails possibly changing our Lifestyle, our jobs, and even our friends.

But if we want a Positive Life, we will have to make these changes.Studying at college or University to get the qualifications needed for a job which will be fulfilling to us, as well as financially ‘secure’, requires a whole new set way of thinking.

And if we don’t want to repeat the mistakes of the past, we will need to ‘go down a different path’, both mentally and physically.

Thinking about the Benefits of a Better way if Living can only Encourage us to ‘move forward’ in a Positive and Determined way.

And remember to Trust in Yourself because you are Stronger than you realize.


Friday, August 16, 2024

A "Positive Support System"

 A “Positive Support System”

“You may have a negative past, but it doesn't mean it has to become your future. Leave it behind you by focusing on the positive right now”

We all have things that have happened in our past, that were not nice, and that we have (hopefully) learnt from. 

We should in no way allow this to ‘shape’ our lives now and in the future. 

Learn and leave the past in the past and stop ‘re-living’ the episode.

It is over now and, hopefully, we are living a much Better and Happier Life NOW.

By doing this, we can start to ‘plan’ our Future, making sure it will be a much Happier ‘time’ than the past was.

A Good, really Good way of helping ourselves do this is by being with Positive friends.

It is So Important to have a “Positive Support System” in place, so that when we do start to ‘slide backwards’ in our minds, we can straight away pick ourselves up.

We need to Learn to put Self-Care and Self-Love into our daily routine, and it could take ‘only’ fifteen minutes every day.

Time well spent and needed!

Something else to remember is to ‘forgive yourself’.

Understand why you made those past choices and Learn from them.

In this way, we can Take Control of our Lives in a Positive and Determined way.


Thursday, August 15, 2024



“A calm mind is the ultimate weapon against any challenge in life”

A “Calm Mind” is a mind that is at Peace.

It is a Mind that is Free from agitation and disturbance.

A “Calm Mind” is in a ‘state’ of Serenity and Tranquillity.

Everyone on Earth needs a “Calm Mind”.

When we have this ‘kind’ of Mind, we do not become so emotional that we lose control of what we are doing, but we ‘Keep Control’ of the situation.

We are able to think clearly, understand and respond in the right way.

This is so Good for our Mental Health!

The Calmer our Minds are, the Stronger we will become in facing any ‘challenge’ that may come our way.

When a person is Calm, they are showing how Powerful they can be, because a Calm person has Complete Control of his or her Life and any ‘situation’ which may arise.

Just how do we acquire a Calm mind?

Practice, Practice, Practice.

Practice deep Breathing.

Practice Positive Affirmations.

Practice that Smile.

All of these things will Support our Minds, and when we Support our Mental Health, we also Support ourselves Emotionally and Physically.


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

What Does The Mirror Reflect?

 What Does The Mirror Reflect?

“The people in your life should be a source of reducing stress, not causing more of it”

A Peaceful Life is something that each and every one of us should be striving for.

Stress and anxiety all too easily creep into lives and it is a constant fight to stay Positive.

One way in which we can help ourselves is by being careful “who” we ‘allow’ into our Lives.

A negative ‘friend’ will get us down with their constant depressive talk, and this is bad for our health, both Mental and Physical.

We want (and need) a friend who will Support us with Positive talk.

A friend who will ‘pick you up’ and Encourage YOU — all of the time!

However, in order to attract the right kind of people, we also need to show the right qualities of Determination, Encouragement, Confidence and Happiness.

A Smile can do wonders, and have you noticed that when you Smile at someone (even a stranger), he or she Smiles back?

It’s like a mirror and ‘Smiling’ seems to be automatic.

How much more Happier and Healthier we will be — Mentally, Physically and Emotionally.


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

There's No Harm In "Treating Ourselves"

 There’s No Harm In “Treating Ourselves”

“You might no have the things you want, but if you check carefully you got all you need”

What is a want?

What is a need?

A ‘want’ is something that we desire or would like.

A ‘need’ is something that we cannot live without.

For example, we need to eat and drink because our ‘physical’ bodies need these things.

“But I’ve only got fruit in the fridge and I’d much rather have a burger”.

Can you see the difference?

I know that you can.

The difficulty comes when we look around society and see what society ‘expects’ us to have, but do not necessarily need.

New and exciting ‘items’ are constantly coming out, which all look so ‘Important’ to have, but do we really “need” them?

A phone is a necessity in Life today, but do I really need the latest ‘all singing and all dancing’ one? 

These latest technological items cost money and are often expensive, and we could put ourselves into debt trying to ‘have them’, which will only cause us to worry and stress.

It makes more sense to be Happy with what we have and save the money.

Look around your home and just check that you have everything that you need.

Even make a list and check it off as you go.

You’ll probably be surprised at what you do actually have.

And here is where Appreciation comes into play.

However, there is no harm in “treating” ourselves, now and then.


Monday, August 12, 2024

This Is Important "Self-Care"

 This Is Important “Self-Care”

“Shakespeare once said: I cried when I had no shoes, but I stopped crying when I saw a man without legs. Life is full of blessings, sometimes we don’t value it”

This is why we need to spend a few minutes every day thinking about what and who we should be Grateful to have in our Lives today.

Writing this down in a Gratitude journal means that we can re-read about these ‘gifts’ when we need to.

All of this requires Time and Concentration.

The question we have to ask ourselves is: how Grateful am I to ‘make time’ for ‘myself’?

This is Important Self-Care and something that we should do every day.

When we are feeling sorry for ourselves, we should ‘turn our thoughts around’ and pick up that Gratitude journal and remind ourselves what and who we have in our Lives to be grateful for.

Some call these ‘gifts’ — “Blessings”.

The Beauty of humanity is that we all look at things in a different way.

What one person would call a Blessing, another might take for granted — it just depends on what we have gone through in Life.

What we need to do, to keep that Positive Attitude which is so Important, is to Appreciate and See the Good in everything that comes through into our Lives.

This takes Determined thinking, which comes through Practice.


Sunday, August 11, 2024

These Words Speak Volumes

 These Words Speak Volumes

“Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly”

Wise Words!

When we have a ‘simple life’, we have so much more Peace in ourselves and a lot less stress.

Also, Simple means less anxiety, especially with finances.

When we ‘declutter’ our lives of things (and people) that are negative, we ‘clear’ our Personal Space and our Minds.

We receive so much when we Love Generously.

Others Appreciate ‘Us’ and there is a real “feel good” feeling when we give so freely.

Who do you Care Deeply about?

This Strengthens our relationships and gives Support when it is needed.

We all Appreciate a Kind Word every now and then.

Kind Words show that there are Kind People in this world.

And this builds up Self-Esteem and Confidence — on both sides.

So, the quote has very Simple Words but if we are “Listening” properly, these words Speak Volumes.