Friday, August 2, 2024

Give The Mind Some 'Room'

 Give The Mind Some ‘Room’

“Accept your past without regret, handle your present with confidence and face your future without fear!”

It is Important to Accept ourselves for who we are, and this includes Accepting our Lives — the past, the present and the future.

As with anything in Life, we can Learn from every experience that we go through.

To do this, we need to give our minds ‘room’.

Room to think.

Room to accept.

Room to plan.

When we Accept who we are, we are Accepting our past, with all of the mistakes that we have made and Learned from.

This will Encourage us to stay in the present and to have Confidence in our own Abilities to Live in the Present.

Practicing Positive Thinking will Strengthen our Minds to do this.

Writing these Positive Affirmations in our own private journal means that we can re-read them again and again.

Saying these Positive words out loud will ‘imprint’ them in our minds because we are hearing our own voice.

And then with all of this, we can start to Plan the Future and have Confidence instead of fear.

This keeps our own Lives in our own Hands.

We need to Focus on the Positive and on any solutions that we may need to help us in Life.

It really does come down to having Trust in our own Abilities and having Faith In Ourselves.


Thursday, August 1, 2024

We Are Continuously Learning And Developing

 e Are Continuously Learning And Developing

“I’m strong because I have been weak. I’m brave because I have been afraid. I’m wise because I have been foolish”

This is us going on a journey of “Self-Discovery”.

We may have been weak in the past, but we have Strengthened ourselves Mentally, Emotionally and Physically.

We may have been frightened in the past of a person, an event or a ‘thing’ but we have overcome that fear and now we feel that we can face most things that come our way.

All of us have done something stupid in the past, things we look back on and regret, but we are wiser now and avoid being so silly again.

Throughout our lives, we are continuously Learning and Developing into Stronger and Happier people.

And never forget, we never know who is watching us and how our ‘example’ can Encourage them.


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

I Am Grateful That You Are In My Life

 I Am Grateful That You Are In My Life

“Today I am grateful for all the people that are loving and kind to me”

This can come down to — who do we ‘allow’ into our lives?

One thing we do need to be Grateful for is the “Unconditional Love” that we receive from our parents.

If we are lucky enough to have both parents in our lives, we “see” that Special Love every day of our Lives.

We can show how much we Appreciate this Love simply by giving our mum and dad time out from our busy schedule, and caring for them when they get older.

Have you noticed that most people want to be Kind, Helpful and Happy in their lives?

Again, if we are lucky enough to have these ‘kind’ of people in our lives then we have some really Good friends.

We want to ‘keep’ their friendship so we need to show the same considerate Qualities to them.

A thoughtful Smile.

A cheerful ‘Thankyou’.

Sometimes a small gift of Appreciation can speak volumes.

Showing Genuine Care for others 'Shines through and people do respond to such Kindness.

Just think for a few moment ‘who’ you have in your Life and the Qualities they have and show.

This will help us to be ‘Grateful’ that we have them in our Lives.

All of this will have such a Positive effect on our Mental Health.


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Fifteen Minutes Every Day

 Fifteen Minutes Every Day

“I literally love being at home. In my own space. Comfortable and cozy. I love people, but I love my own time too”

This is something that we do actually “Need” — our own time.

Home means Comfort and when we are comfortable we are much Happier.

Having ‘our own space’ also helps us to clear our minds, and this gives us our Personal Time to rest, Relax and Rebuild, not just Mentally, but also Emotionally and Physically.

We also need to keep this in mind when we are with other people, because he or she needs his or her ‘Personal Space’ too.

The trouble can come when we need to Balance ‘alone time’ with ‘being with others’.

Too much alone time can damage our Mental Health.

Too much ‘association’ with other people can get on top of us.

We all need to work or / and look after our loved ones, it’s what we do as humans.

So we need to Plan our Time, as much as we can or is possible, to find and maintain that Balance.

Many of us have and use diaries but have you ever thought of putting in it “Personal Time” for yourself, every day?

Fifteen minutes every day might be all you need but this will Strengthen your Mind tremendously.

Having said all of this, what is the Home Environment like?

The more Peaceful the environment, the more Peaceful the mind.


Monday, July 29, 2024

Appreciate Every Single Moment

 Appreciate Every Single Moment

“Someday we will look back at this moment, and it will forever remind us to never take the little things for granted”

How Important this is!

We must try to always be Grateful for anything Good that comes into our lives.

We should also be Grateful for the negative things, because we can Learn from them.

A Good way of doing this is to think about what we have in our Lives and write them down in a Gratitude journal.

A cup of coffee or tea with a biscuit is needed and well-earned after two hours of working (inside or outside the home).

A hug from our favourite aunt or uncle makes us feel so welcome when we visit them.

That Smile mother gives you when you’re popping in her shopping and having lunch with her.

Life is so ‘quick’ and can so easily be taken for granted, that we need to try to Appreciate every single moment, every single thing and every single person that we have in our Lives.

And it very often is the “little things” that we Appreciate more but that can so very easily be taken for granted.


Sunday, July 28, 2024

What Kind Of A Friend Am I?

 What Kind Of A Friend Am I?

“Good friends help you find important things when you have lost them — things like your smile, your hope and your courage”

This is such a lovely quote and a lovely way of looking at “Good Friends”.

These ‘types’ of friends are Positive and have a Strengthening effect on our personalities.

And a good friend is so Important to keep!

The actual word “Friend” has a Beautiful meaning: a person who has a strong liking for and trust in another.

A Good Friend will Care about you.

A Good Friend will Respect you.

A Good Friend will be Kind to you.

Like the quote says, he or she will help you find that Smile, that Hope and that Courage.

All of this will help us to find Hope in our Lives.

This will help us to find the Courage we need to progress in our Lives.

And doesn’t it feel good to have someone ‘standing in our corner’.

A good friend will also help us to be Motivated in our dreams in Life, and he or she will Encourage us to have Faith in Ourselves.

This does beg the question though: What kind of a friend am I?


Saturday, July 27, 2024

We Need To Be Completely Determined

 We Need To Be Completely Determined

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”

A day can feel like a long journey, especially when we think about how much we need to do on that particular day.

But by starting early and getting through the first five minutes, we will get moving for the rest of the day.

Some of us are very nervous taking that first step because we fear the unknown.

But by Trusting in Ourselves and our own Abilities, we will take those first few steps.

And before we know it — it’s the end of the day and we have finished our ‘journey’.

We need to be Positive and have a Determined Attitude to get us through this.

‘This’ being the “Journey in Life”.

Persistence is a quality which we definitely need to get going and to get through this ‘journey’.

When we start to think that we will Accomplish this and that we will ‘get there’ — this Positive way of thinking will take away any fear or nerves or doubts we may have started with.

Our Mindset news to be one of Complete Determination in order to start and complete the ‘Journey’.

And then, when we look back on what we have Accomplished — we will be Proud of Ourselves, as we should be.