Give The Mind Some ‘Room’
“Accept your past without regret, handle your present with confidence and face your future without fear!”
It is Important to Accept ourselves for who we are, and this includes Accepting our Lives — the past, the present and the future.
As with anything in Life, we can Learn from every experience that we go through.
To do this, we need to give our minds ‘room’.
Room to think.
Room to accept.
Room to plan.
When we Accept who we are, we are Accepting our past, with all of the mistakes that we have made and Learned from.
This will Encourage us to stay in the present and to have Confidence in our own Abilities to Live in the Present.
Practicing Positive Thinking will Strengthen our Minds to do this.
Writing these Positive Affirmations in our own private journal means that we can re-read them again and again.
Saying these Positive words out loud will ‘imprint’ them in our minds because we are hearing our own voice.
And then with all of this, we can start to Plan the Future and have Confidence instead of fear.
This keeps our own Lives in our own Hands.
We need to Focus on the Positive and on any solutions that we may need to help us in Life.
It really does come down to having Trust in our own Abilities and having Faith In Ourselves.