Fifteen Minutes Every Day
“I literally love being at home. In my own space. Comfortable and cozy. I love people, but I love my own time too”
This is something that we do actually “Need” — our own time.
Home means Comfort and when we are comfortable we are much Happier.
Having ‘our own space’ also helps us to clear our minds, and this gives us our Personal Time to rest, Relax and Rebuild, not just Mentally, but also Emotionally and Physically.
We also need to keep this in mind when we are with other people, because he or she needs his or her ‘Personal Space’ too.
The trouble can come when we need to Balance ‘alone time’ with ‘being with others’.
Too much alone time can damage our Mental Health.
Too much ‘association’ with other people can get on top of us.
We all need to work or / and look after our loved ones, it’s what we do as humans.
So we need to Plan our Time, as much as we can or is possible, to find and maintain that Balance.
Many of us have and use diaries but have you ever thought of putting in it “Personal Time” for yourself, every day?
Fifteen minutes every day might be all you need but this will Strengthen your Mind tremendously.
Having said all of this, what is the Home Environment like?
The more Peaceful the environment, the more Peaceful the mind.