This Will Strengthen Our Mental Health
“Be happy with what you have and you will have plenty to be happy about”
This can be done by Living in the Moment and Appreciating that Moment.
Meditation and Practicing Mindfulness also helps us in this.
Being Happy with what we have today is to be “Content” in our own Lives.
To be Content is to be ‘in a state of Peaceful Happiness’.
The word “Focus” comes into play.
We need to Focus on what we have and not compare our lives with that of others.
To Appreciate what and who we have in our Lives.
Every one of us is Different and Special in our own Unique ways.
From here, we Learn to Love Ourselves and our Lives.
What have you yourself Accomplished in your Life?
Look at what You have Accomplished and you will start to feel Good about yourself.
Look around your room, at your books, your hobbies and your pictures.
Pick up and look at the things you have now.
This way, you start to be Grateful for these very ‘real’ items.
All of this helps us to find Joy in our Lives.
Living on this planet Earth is enough to keep us Happy.
Add to this what we actually have in our Personal Lives and we should be always Smiling.
The Beauty of being Alive is that we can Practice this Gratitude every day.
This will Strengthen our Mental Health, which is so Important.