Saturday, July 20, 2024

You'll Be Glad You Were Patient

 You’ll Be Glad You Were Patient

“Let today’s theme be this: Be patient. The best things happen unexpectedly”

We live in a ‘NOW’ world where everything is ‘now’, ‘today’, ‘this minute’.

Which means we rarely have to “Wait” for things.

This means that when we do — we must be Patient.

“Patient”: to be able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.

“Be Patient, your time will come”.

Having this “Patience” is good for our Mental Health.

‘This’ reduces stress and fosters Inner Peace, which is something we all need.

This is also Good for building ‘skills’, such as Self-Discipline and Self-Regulation.

Being Patient also shows that we trust in Ourselves.

The Beauty of Life on this Earth is that things — nice things — do often happen ‘unexpectedly’.

We may not even be thinking about something when someone, out of the blue, offers it to us.

This could apply to a new job.

This could apply to having a new friend.

This could even apply to having a ‘new life’.

Practicing Mindfulness is Good in building Patience within our Lives.

And ‘seeing the Fun’ in anything is a very Positive way of developing Patience within ourselves.

And when that unexpected thing happens, we’ll be ever so glad that we were Patient.


Friday, July 19, 2024

Build Up That Mind

 Build Up That Mind

“One bad chapter doesn’t mean your story’s over”

We need to remember this if we want to grow in our personal lives.

If we had ‘the perfect life’, we would never Learn how to be Strong in Life.

It is difficult to remember this though, especially when we are going through a hard time in our lives.

Or when we are so busy looking after everybody else.

This is why “Self-Care” is So Important!

We need to give ourselves time, every single day, to Build Up our Minds with Strong and Positive Affirmations.

And then, when a difficult time comes up, our Minds will be Firm enough so as not to break down, but to see the ‘challenge’ as a Learning Curve.

We will be in a much better position to get through that ‘bad chapter’ and to ‘get on’ with our Lives.

It is So Important to be Resilient in Life.

To “never give up”.

To try, try, try again.

It is just the world we live in so try not to take things personally.

When we get a common cold, we feel ill for a very short time and then we get better.

“Life” is very much the same.

We will get through the hard times, especially by having Faith in Ourselves.

And Remember, others know and love you for “who” you are and not for any situation you may be in.

Life is in Your own hands, so YOU can write better chapters Yourself.


Thursday, July 18, 2024



“Accept what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be”

This is a very Balanced way of looking at Life, or in fact, anything.

What does it mean?

For us to Accept what ‘is’, we have to first open our eyes and look at and “see” what is in front of us.

Only then can we Accept ‘it’.

The actual word “Accept” means: to consent to receive or undertake / to believe or come to recognize.

Once we do this, we can then “let go of what was”.

In other words, let go of the past.

We can’t change the past, we can only Learn from it.

The Future IS in Our Hands and we must have Faith in what will happen.

“Faith” means to have Complete Trust or Confidence in someone or something.

How about having Complete Trust and Confidence in Ourselves!

The Future IS in Our Hands, so we want to ‘know’ where we are going, why we are going there and how we will get there.

Our way of Thinking will Help us but only if we take Care of our Mental Health.

And have “Faith” in our own Abilities in Life.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Tip The Scale At Positive

 Tip The Scale At Positive

“Being positive doesn’t mean you don’t ever have negative thoughts. It just means you don’t let those thoughts control your life”

All of us have good and bad days.

Sometimes, it is Important that we think about a ‘negative situation’ because we may have to know how to deal with a certain problem.

We just don't let the negative overtake the Positive.

Like all things in Life, there is a Balance between the negative and the Positive.

We can do this by Controlling our Mindset.

Giving ourselves the Time to Strengthen our minds, everyday, will Benefit our Minds and our Emotions.

We will Learn to have Self-Compassion, which will give us Self-Confidence.

Our thoughts shape our Lives which is why we should be constantly building our minds up towards being Determined to be Strong in Life, and overcoming negative ‘problems’ that can unbalance our minds.

A few other words for Positive are:




In other words, you know what you’re doing and where you’re going in Life.

A Good ‘technique’ to help us is to write down or say out loud daily affirmations.

Both add an imprint to our Positive Thinking.


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Just Let Things Flow

 Just Let Things Flow

“It’s time to just be happy. Being angry, sad and overthinking isn’t worth it anymore. Just let things flow. Be Positive”

I like these words: “Just let things flow”.

They have a very Natural feel about them.

We Deserve to be Happy.

We Progress when we are Positive.

We are Healthy when we are Content with our Lives.

Easier said than done?

Sometimes — yes.

Every day we face many different ‘problems’, and are surrounded by negative and sad stories.

All of this can easily weigh us down with depression, anger and unhappiness.

It can be a ‘fight’ all of the time, to be Strong and not let these negative things permanently affect our Lives.

Often, we can’t actually do anything to ‘change’ a problem, so let it go and stop worrying about it.

Instead, replace the negative with something Positive that you can actually do.

And make that Time to be Happy.

It is Worth being Happy and Positive and Confident.

It is never worth being sad, angry or negative.

Which ‘Qualities’ Keep us Healthy?

When we are Happy, we can Think more Clearly.

And when we are Positive, Life seems endless and full of possibilities.

All of these Good things will keep us Happy.


Monday, July 15, 2024

Self-Care Is Important

 Self-Care Is Important

“Make yourself a priority once in a while. It’s not selfish. It’s necessary”

Self-Care is one of the most Important things we can Learn to do in our Lives.

We look after ourselves physically, by making sure that we eat, wash, and dress.

We may need to take medication every day.

We may need to do extra work for our jobs, do class-work for school or college or even look after our elderly parents.

Is this selfish?

No, all of this is necessary for our everyday Living.

Why is “Self-Care” any different?

We have a set routine for all of these necessary daily activities, why is “Self-Care” left out?

If we can’t put aside fifteen minutes every single day to look after our Minds, our Mental health, which will in turn look after our Emotions and our Physical bodies — then we are too busy!!!

Also, by putting Time aside for Self-Care, we are Respecting Ourselves.

This Is necessary.

This is a Need.

This is Not selfish!

To put yourself first, at least once every day, is showing others that you Care about your Mental Health.

That you have boundaries.

And that You Love Life.


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Celebrate That Win

Celebrate That Win

“Cut yourself some slack. You’re doing better than you think”

This is something we never do, we never ‘pat ourselves on the back’.

And we should!

It is Important for us to acknowledge how well we have done and how far we have come, so that we can see our own Progress in Life.

This will build our Self-Esteem which is vital for Confidence in Ourselves.

Also, we should never compare ourselves to others because every one of us is Unique in our own way.

We live in a society which can pressure us into thinking that ‘we should do more’ or ‘be more perfect’.

But in actual fact, when we think about what we have personally Accomplished in our own Lives, we will realize that we have done far more in a short space of time.

Be Kind to Yourself and Celebrate every time you do something, whether it is a small win or a very difficult task that must be done.

Also, set a realistic goal, something that you know you can achieve.

And make sure that you are friends with people who are Positive and who will say: “Well Done You!”.

True, we do make mistakes, but we also Learn from them and then we Move On.

Give yourself a breather.




And look in the mirror and be Proud of how far you have come.