Be True To Yourself
“Be yourself always. Don’t change so people like you. The right people will love the real you”
Be Happy and Content with who you are and Be You!
Never change to be someone else to ‘please’ other people.
You won’t be happy and they won’t respect you.
Respect Yourself and show Who you really are, and others will respect you.
Be True To Yourself!
It is true that ‘like attracts like’.
A Positive person will always ‘attract’ Positive friends.
We will always be much Happier in our lives when we are True to ourselves.
This will also build Confidence, Belief and Trust within our own personalities.
Why should we change just to please other people?
True friends will Accept and Love us for who we are.
He or she may even Admire you because you refuse to ‘lie to yourself’.
Be Yourself and you will always be “The Best”.