Thursday, May 30, 2024

Be True To Yourself

 Be True To Yourself

“Be yourself always. Don’t change so people like you. The right people will love the real you”

Be Happy and Content with who you are and Be You!

Never change to be someone else to ‘please’ other people.

You won’t be happy and they won’t respect you.

Respect Yourself and show Who you really are, and others will respect you.

Be True To Yourself!

It is true that ‘like attracts like’.

A Positive person will always ‘attract’ Positive friends.

We will always be much Happier in our lives when we are True to ourselves.

This will also build Confidence, Belief and Trust within our own personalities.

Why should we change just to please other people? 

True friends will Accept and Love us for who we are.

He or she may even Admire you because you refuse to ‘lie to yourself’.

Be Yourself and you will always be “The Best”.


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Keep That Door Open

 Keep That Door Open

“A wise person knows there is something to be learned from everyone”

This is a quote to remember as we go about our busy day.

Wherever ‘situation’ we find ourselves in, we can always Learn something from it.

Whoever we meet during our lives, when people come and go, we can always Learn something from someone.

Wisdom means never to close that ‘door’ thinking that we know everything.

Every single day we are Learning, we just may not always ‘realise’ it.

Like a Gratitude journal, if we wrote down one thing that we have learnt every single day, our journal would soon be full.

And then we could re-read these new ‘thoughts’ and keep them ever present in our minds,

Just make sure that what you Learn has a Positive effect on our minds.

Because whatever we are doing, our Mental Health Must Come First.


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

All Day, Every Day

 All Day, Every Day

“Stay positive! The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude”

It’s a proven fact that what we think about affects our actions and our emotions.

Think Positive thoughts and your attitude will be a Happier one.

Think negative thoughts and you will have a bad day.

The meaning of the word “Attitude” is: a feeling or position with regard to a person or thing; a tendency or orientation, especially of the mind.

Do you have a ‘tendency’ to be Happy or sad, Positive or negative?

We want to ‘lean’ towards being Happy, Positive and Kind in our Lives, all day, every day.

This requires ‘work’ on our part.

Making that time, every single day, to sit quietly and fill our minds with Positive sayings.

Also, be with like-minded people, others who also want to be Strong and Positive in their minds and during their day.


Monday, May 27, 2024

Be Content With The 'World' You Live In

 Be Content With The ‘World’ You Live In

“You are rich when you are content and happy with what you have”

What does being ‘rich’ mean to you?

For some, it is having material items,expensive ones and lots of them.

For others, it means that a person is ‘rich’ in their love and kindness, and in having faith in the world around them.

Another question is which kind of ‘richness’ makes your life a happier and more peaceful one?

People who are constantly looking for the next best thing are rarely content and are never satisfied with what they actually do have.

Whereas for those who are happy with what they physically have, these people are nearly always content with the world around them.

Which one are you and I?

Which ‘type’ of life will have a Positive influence on our lives?

When we are content with the richness of our own lives, we are happy within ourselves.


Sunday, May 26, 2024

This Is Priceless For Our Mental Health

 This Is Priceless For Our Mental Health

“My live isn’t perfect but I am thankful for what I have”

When we are Alive we are Perfect.

However, sometimes, we have to ‘accept’ what Life we do have and be Thankful for It.

Being Grateful for what we do have helps us live through that life.

Counting our blessings will Strengthen our Minds towards Life Itself, and keeping “It”.

Out comes the Gratitude journal and our favourite pen, and we make the time to write in this journal.

This is such a good idea because writing down puts these words of Gratitude into our minds, and then we can re-read the sentences, imprinting these Strong and Positive words — in our Minds.

All of this is priceless for our Mental Health.


Saturday, May 25, 2024

You'll See "Gold"

 You’ll See “Gold”

“Invest your energy into something that is going to contribute to your growth”

We are very careful how and where we invest our money, how much more Important is our Energy, both physically and mentally.

We want to ‘spend’ our Energy on projects, books, films, and (in fact) anything that will build us up Mentally, and which will have a Positive effect on us.

We have to ask ourselves such questions as: will this Help me grow in the right direction?

Will this ‘add’ to my Mental abilities?

Will this give me the Positive ‘vibes’ that I need in my life?

How will this new job contribute to the Positiveness I want in my life?

How will this ‘new friend’ affect my life?

Whatever we are doing, let’s try to look ahead and “See” how ‘It’ will affect us, again, both physically and mentally.


Friday, May 24, 2024

It's Up To Us

 It’s Up To Us

“What we see in our world is a mirror of what we have in our minds”

The Beauty of our Minds is that we can “Imagine” and see with our mind’s eye.

So, what do you and I Want to see in our “Worlds”?

What we ‘dream’ and ‘think about’ really can “come true” because we could be unconsciously working it through in our lives.

The emphasis is on us to imagine, dream and think about ‘a good world’.

Or even a ‘Good Life’.

Also, constantly thinking about ‘a good life’ will keep Positive thoughts firmly in our minds, not allowing room for any negativity.

Looking at pictures of this Beautiful Earth, listening and watching the many documentaries about It, and just sitting quietly and listening to the many sounds of this Unique Planet, Strengthens our Minds towards this Life — it’s up to us to make it a Good Life.