Saturday, April 27, 2024

Each One Of Us Is Beautiful

 Each One Of Us Is Beautiful

“Be nice to yourself today. You deserve your life”

Every one of us is Special.

We are all Unique in our own individual way.

You and I Deserve to Live and to be Happy in our Lives.

This is something that we need to continually tell ourselves, day in and day out.

The ‘world’ in which we live is such a busy one that we hardly have time to think about what we will have for dinner, so we need to give ourselves time.

Time to rest.

Time to think.

Time to build ourselves up, mentally and physically.

And Time to remind ourselves that:

We are Special.

That we Deserve to Live and to be Happy in our Lives.

That each one of us is Beautiful.


Friday, April 26, 2024

It's Automatic

 It’s Automatic

“Always find a reason to laugh. It may not add years to your life, but it will surely add life to your years. Smile”

The Beauty of Living on this planet Earth is the very real Fact that there is Fun and Joy in Life.

And we do have this ability to laugh at ourselves.

Laughter is Good for us, both mentally and physically.

And surely anything that is Good for us, we should have a dose of every single day.

It is so much nicer to have memories of us laughing and smiling, than sad and crying.

And so much more healthier for our minds and our mental health.

It also seems ‘automatic’ that when you see someone Smile, you Smile as well.


Thursday, April 25, 2024

It's In The "Quality"

 It’s In The “Quality”

“Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts”

Positivity Heals.

Negativity Poisons.

It really is a case of ‘training’ our minds to think and ‘see’ the Positive in everyday life.

We are surrounded by negative news and (sometimes) ‘moany’ people which can get us down.

If our minds are trained to think of the Positive in every situation then we can ‘fight’ the negative that comes up, if only in our minds.

The word “Quality” comes into this: “A standard of something” or “a distinctive attribute”.

We all like to think that we have ‘standards’ and a ‘distinctive’ personality, so why not be known as a Positive and a Cheerful person.


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

In Our Own Little Ways

 In Our Own Little Ways

“If the version of you from 5 years ago could see you right now, they’d be so proud. Keep Going”

This is so true ! ! !

When I look at photos of myself a few years ago, I think about how I’ve got through life up to this point, and I do feel: “Well done you, you made it!”

This could really also apply to someone who’s been in a terrible accident. They may have been in Intensive Care, needed intense therapy, both mental and physical, and after 5 years can finally walk and talk unaided.

Quite rightly, that person should be very Proud of themselves !

And what an example for others, to show that most things ARE possible.

We can all do this, in our own little ways.


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Try It

 Try It

“One small positive thought can change the direction of the whole day”

When we first wake up in the morning, what is in our minds?

Hopefully we’ve had a decent sleep and so our minds ‘should’ be fairly clear.

What we look at and put into our minds, first thing in the morning, sets up our whole day.

We want that first thought to be one of many Positive ‘images’ to get us firmly through the day.

Some people put post-it-notes up, around the place, with Positive affirmations written on them, so that when they walk around, doing their usual chores, they can read these.

“I choose to Smile and Enjoy life to the fullest”.

“I have Control over my thoughts and feelings”.

“I forgive myself for not being perfect”.

Try it — it does actually really work.


Monday, April 22, 2024

Healthy, Balanced And Happy

 Healthy, Balanced And Happy

“Remember that your mental health is a priority, your inner peace is essential and your self-care is a necessity”

These are things that we really do need to do!

And to make them a part of our daily routine too.

Our mental health must come first in our lives because our mind controls every part of us — our emotions, our physical body and how we “see” the world we live in.

We cannot ignore this!

Our peace of mind or inner peace is essential because without this we will never think straight or be able to plan for the day or the future.

Self-care is as important as eating and drinking. We all take our meals regularly, every day, in order to stay healthy physically. Our self-care is no different.

We need to do all of this to be healthy, balanced and happy people.


Sunday, April 21, 2024

What Have You Done Today?

 What Have You Done Today?

“Focus one being productive not just busy”

What have you done today?

What have I done today?

What did we both achieve?

We can all be busy doing nothing.

It is good to be busy with something that we are really interested in, or can learn from.

This way we can look at our day and say: “I did that!”, and feel as if we have really accomplished something.

It is always a good thing to be busy, so why not ‘focus’ that busyness on something that you have always wanted to do.

Every one of us is busy looking after our families, of course. Every day brings its own ‘cares’, but how about turning that ‘care’ into something that we really enjoy.

Then everyday we can see that we have done something useful.