Saturday, April 20, 2024

And Then Everyone Feels Happy

 And Then Everyone Feels Happy

“When you see something beautiful in someone, tell them. It may take seconds, but for them, it would last a lifetime”

A good reason for this is because the person may never have looked at themselves ‘that’ way before.

And, of course, it will help them to feel good about themselves, which is something that we all ‘should’ feel about ourselves.

We often think a nice thought about someone, but how many times have we actually “said” that nice thought to the actual person?

We smile and feel good about ourselves, when we hear nice compliments.

The same is true of other people too.

And when they smile, we smile, and then everyone feels happy.


Friday, April 19, 2024

Putting Everyone In A Good Mood

 Putting Everyone In A Good Mood

“Be so happy that when others look at you they become happy too”.

I think that this is something that we would all like to do.

When we smile at someone, even a complete stranger, they usually smile back.

And it is not easy keeping that smile on our faces all of the time.

The late Queen Elizabeth II once said: “I simply ache from smiling”, but her smile was always there.

It gives us a good feeling too, when we see others cheerful.

We are always trying to make our children happy, keeping them smiling and content.

Why are we as adults any different?

And sometimes, smiling can just get us through a difficult time.

Being Happy can also Strengthen our relationships, putting everyone in a good mood.


Thursday, April 18, 2024

You Have Won

 You Have Won

“Just because you are struggling does not mean you’re failing”

We Appreciate Life much more when we have had to struggle to keep it.

You are not alone!

Every one of us is struggling, some quietly, some loudly, but we are all struggling.

What does “struggle” mean?

“It is a forceful effort to get free from restraint”.

“To proceed with great effort”.

This has a Positive feeling to it.

You want to do well in that exam so you put in a great deal of effort to pass it.

You really want that new job, so you overcome your limited knowledge and learn as much as you can about it.

When a mother gives birth, she could be struggling for hours in labour, but when she holds her new-born son or daughter in her arms — she has won over the struggle!


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Just Sit Down !

 Just Sit Down

“Remember to turn everything off at least once a week, including your brain, then sit somewhere quiet and just chill out”

Every single one of us needs to do this!

To Stop, Sit Quietly and Relax, to just Rest.

By doing this, we are giving our minds and our bodies time to Rest and Build themselves up.

This is also a ‘physical’ thing.

By “Resting”, we are being kind to our eyes, to our ears, even to our voices, as well as physically resting our arms, our legs and our bodies.

This all sounds almost childish, but think to yourself — when was the last time you gave yourself some “me-time”?

Remember the “3 R’s” =>





Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Believe In Your Own Abilities

 Believe In Your Own Abilities

“Don’t use your energy to worry. Use your energy to believe”

This is learning to use our energy for the Right Reasons.

We have already used up a lot of energy going through the difficult situation, let’s use our energy now to Believe in Ourselves and to Build Positive Energy in our lives.

Using our energy up in an Optimistic way will also leave no energy for worrying.

If we can’t do anything about the ‘problem’, there is no point in worrying about it anyway.

And if we ‘Can’ do something to get rid of the problem, then use the energy to change your life — for the Better.

Believe in Yourself.

Believe in Life.

Believe in Others.


Monday, April 15, 2024

Everyone Loves A Cheerful Person

 Everyone Loves A Cheerful Person

“Keep smiling and one day life will get tired of upsetting you”

If we constantly put on that Positive face and constantly have that Positive attitude, negativity will soon give up and disappear.

The ‘trick’ is staying Positive 24/7.

Again, this comes down to what we ‘allow’ ourselves to think about.

It comes down to what we ‘put’ into our minds.

And like we wouldn’t want to poison ourselves physically, the same applies to us mentally.

If we know that something will ‘trigger’ us, we want to keep away from it.

And instead, look at, read and “do” things that make our minds Strong.

And that makes us Smile too.

This is also a good way to make friends, because everyone loves a cheerful person.


Sunday, April 14, 2024

Plan To Enjoy

 Plan To Enjoy

“Life is a journey with problems to solve and lessons to learn but most of all — experiences to enjoy”

I am quite nervous when it comes to travelling so I try to plan ahead and keep myself busy during the journey.

Life Itself can be nerve-wracking.

As we grow up, we learn from new experiences, and then we become old enough to ‘Have’ and / or ‘Control’ our own lives.

We may not be able to plan for years and years ahead, but we can ‘plan’ for tomorrow or next week, and plan to “Enjoy” our lives.

To a certain degree, this means having Faith and Confidence in Ourselves.

This is also a very Positive way of looking at our lives.