Saturday, April 13, 2024

We Appreciate That Kindness

 We Appreciate That Kindness

“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind. Always”

We know the old saying: “treat others as you would like to be treated”, I think that the two go together.

Every one of us is going through something the other knows nothing about, and this is why we should be Kind to everyone we meet.

Usually, when we smile at someone, even a stranger, they smile back, but even if they don’t, still smile at them.

We don’t know ‘why’ he or she didn’t smile back. It could be as simple as just coming from the dentist, or it could be as serious as losing a loved one in death.

And, because ‘we just don’t know’, we should “Always” be Kind.

We Appreciate that Kindness ourselves, when it is shown towards us.


Friday, April 12, 2024

This Is Joy

 This Is Joy

“Find joy in everything you do. Every job, relationship, home — it’s your responsibility to love it or change it”

When we find Joy in our everyday lives, we become much more Happier in ourselves.

Whilst it is true that many of us are in a job because we need the money, and it may not be what we would like to do, however, we can still find Joy in our day at work, (even if it’s just looking forward to lunch!).

If we really are that unhappy then it is up to us to ‘change our lives’.

Like the quote says, it is our ‘Responsibility’.

Thinking about this Beautiful planet Earth we live on, and all Its variety of Life, brings a Smile to our faces.

This is Joy.

So, whatever we are doing in everyday life, we can always find Joy.


Thursday, April 11, 2024

You ARE 'Superhuman'

 You ARE ‘Superhuman’

“Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable”

This is a Good affirmation to keep in our minds, every day, all day.

Being so busy all day, it’s hard to keep anything in our minds, when we’re constantly thinking about the shopping, popping in to see mum and cook her dinner for her, then home to do the washing and ironing for your son and daughter’s school uniforms.

You’re starting to sound like an unstoppable person already.

What we must remember to do is give ourselves 15 minutes every day, (at the same time of day if possible), to sit down with a drink and a ‘snack’, and build ourselves up mentally, resting physically at the same time.

We need to ‘help ourselves’ and not feel guilty.

Build up your Strength, both mentally and physically.

Build up your Belief in Yourself.


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

"It Was All Worth It"

 “It Was All Worth It”

“The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow”

This is something that is hard to remember, especially when we are going through that difficult time in our lives.

Have you ever just sat down and thought about what you have gone through and how far you have come today?

You will be Amazed at your own Strength!

Like an athlete has to ‘train’ their muscles, in order to win the race, so do we in Life Itself need to ‘push through that barrier’ in order to get through Life and see tomorrow.

When a mother gives birth, the struggle seems impossible, but when she holds her newborn son or daughter in her arms, Love is Strengthened — “it was all worth it!”


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Learn The Right Words

 Learn The Right Words

“Two things to remember in life. Take care of your thoughts when you’re alone, and take care of your words when you are with people”

If we could only “perfect” this, our lives would be much happier.

Our mental health is so Important because our mind Controls every aspect of our bodies, and therefore, our lives.

By ‘training’ our minds to think only Encouraging and Positive words when we are alone, we will be ‘ready’ with the Right words when speaking with others.

This way, we will not be allowing our minds to dwell on negative things of the past or taking ‘revenge’ when speaking to someone.

Life is not easy in this world at this time, so by building ourselves up to have a Positive Life, we are in a much better position to Help and Encourage others with the Right words.


Monday, April 8, 2024

We Must Think Before We Speak

 We Must Think Before We Speak

“You never know how long your words will stay in someone’s mind even long after you’ve forgotten you spoke them”

This is so True!

How many times have we gone over a conversation in our minds, seeing every detail and hearing every word?

What we need to do is replace the negative with the Positive, so that the person we are talking to will remember something Good for that day.

Sometimes, a friend or loved one recalls a conversation we had with them, quoting our words, ‘word for word’, and we usually say: “I’d forgotten I’d even said that!”

What we must do is make sure that our worlds are Positive, Encouraging and Upbuilding.

This is Good for us, as well as the other person, because it makes us think before we speak.


Sunday, April 7, 2024

You Accomplished That

 You Accomplished That

“Hold up your head! You were not made for failure, you were made for victory”

As long as we are Alive — we have Won!

The human race is the most intelligent species on Earth, and as such, we are ‘made’ or ‘created’ (whichever you believe) to be the Best.

No matter who we are or where we come from, or how we were raised — this applies to each one of us.

Sit down, with a journal, and write down what you “Have” accomplished over the years.

Now read over that ‘list’.


Now look in the mirror.

You accomplished all of that.

Hold your head up!