You ARE ‘Superhuman’
“Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable”
This is a Good affirmation to keep in our minds, every day, all day.
Being so busy all day, it’s hard to keep anything in our minds, when we’re constantly thinking about the shopping, popping in to see mum and cook her dinner for her, then home to do the washing and ironing for your son and daughter’s school uniforms.
You’re starting to sound like an unstoppable person already.
What we must remember to do is give ourselves 15 minutes every day, (at the same time of day if possible), to sit down with a drink and a ‘snack’, and build ourselves up mentally, resting physically at the same time.
We need to ‘help ourselves’ and not feel guilty.
Build up your Strength, both mentally and physically.
Build up your Belief in Yourself.