Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Put It In Your Mind First

 Put It InYour Mind First

“You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing”

I’m sure that every mum and dad thinks and says this about their son and daughter.

How many of us have said this about our partners?

Have you ever said this about yourself?

We are so used to ‘complimenting’ other people, Encouraging them and building up their Confidence, which of course is a good thing to do, and yet we always leave ourselves out of the picture.

There is nothing wrong with looking in the mirror and saying: “You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing” to yourself.

This is Good for our minds and our Mental Health because it puts Positive and Strong thoughts in our minds, which will have such a Positive effect on our day.


Monday, April 1, 2024

Choose To Enjoy The Journey

 Choose To Enjoy The Journey

“I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing”

As long as we are Alive, this will always apply.

Also, when we can truthfully say this, it means that we have finally gained Control of our Lives.

This is a good affirmation to say everyday of our lives.

Saying: “I am” shows that we have Self-Confidence and Faith in ourselves and our own abilities and skills.

So, no matter where we are in life, we can literally say this, because Life is that journey that we are all going on and, when we say this, it shows that we have chosen to Enjoy that journey.

And, hopefully, we are all living the Right Life for us personally.


Sunday, March 31, 2024

It's So Much More Cheerful

 It’s So Much More Cheerful

“Try to make three people smile each day. It’s the easiest way to improve your confidence and make the world a better place”

Remember to make yourself the fourth person.

Smiling is so Important when it comes to having a Positive Attitude.

And it’s true isn’t it?

When we see someone smiling at us, it’s almost ‘automatic’ to smile back.

How do you feel when you see someone smiling at you?

It’s so much more Cheerful to be in a room full of smiling people.

All of this can only be good for our Confidence and our Hearts, as a Cheerful heart makes a Cheerful soul.

Also, don’t we always want to see our children smiling?

Why are we, as adults, any different?


Saturday, March 30, 2024

Let's All Shine Together

 Let’s All Shine Together

“A flower doesn’t think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms”

If we could only remember this every time we compare ourselves to others.

Every one of us is Unique and Special and Beautiful.

Like the millions of flowers which make this Earth look so Beautiful, we also are different shapes, sizes and colours, and yet we also add to the dazzling features of this planet.

Every ‘species’ of flower is different, and every one of them grows in a different way, not just looking different but ‘living’ in different ways.

We are very similar.

We all grow up and live in different ways, and yet, like all the flowers need the sun and water to live, we all eat, drink and breathe the same air.

And like the flowers, let’s all shine together.


Friday, March 29, 2024

Our Health Is Important

 Our Health Is Important

“Too busy is a myth. People make time for the things that are important to them”

When we have Control of Time, our lives will never be ‘too busy’, and Life will always be in our own hands.

It does seem that we are too busy sometimes, when we are ‘running around’ looking after our families, our loved ones and working every hour there is.

We seem to be too busy to even look after ourselves sometimes.

This is where we Stop, Sit Down, and Think about what is Important to us Personally.

We may have to change the way we do things, within our own personal lives, in order to put the Important things First in our lives.

Our Mental and Physical Health is what must come first, these are the most Important things in our lives, and with both of these being as Balanced and as Healthy as we can be, we can then love and help others.

It is not wrong to put ourselves First, especially with regards to our Health — both Mental and Physical.


Thursday, March 28, 2024

Win Every Time

 Win Every Time

“If you can stay positive in a negative situation you win”

When a doctor operates on a crash victim, the doctor’s ‘Positive frame of mind’ (usually) wins and the patient survives.

A mother giving birth is Determined to hold her new-born baby in her arms, and her Positive thinking means that (usually) the baby is born, and “mother and baby are doing well”.

What about us and our own worlds?

By staying Positive during a difficult time shows that we mean business!

That we will get through it!

And we show ourselves just how Strong we really are.

This way “We Win” every time.


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Who Is Smiling Back?

 Who Is Smiling Back?

“Self-confidence is the best outfit — Rock it and own”

This is a great Positive quote.

We often ‘worry’ about what we’re going to wear: “do I look good in this?” But believe me, every one of us looks Good when we have Confidence in Ourselves!

What is Self-Confidence?

The dictionary explains it this way: “a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities and judgement”.

How well do you “know” yourself?

Having Self-Confidence means that you can see the best in yourself, and the best ‘version’ you can be.

This also means that you can see that other people Respect you and ‘who’ you are.

The question is => do you Respect yourself?

To help with this, look in the mirror and Smile and see who is Smiling back.