Sunday, March 17, 2024

Do That Little Something

 Do That Little Something

“Every day is an opportunity to realize your dreams”

As long as we are alive, our dreams can come true.

Every single day, we can do a little something towards our ‘dream life’, even if that means just reading about it.

This is a useful way of ‘using’ our mind’s eye or imagination.

Maybe we’ve never had the opportunity, in which case, can we make that opportunity ourselves?

Very often we can study at home, and it doesn’t matter what our age is, and get that qualification that we may need to realize our dream.

We may have responsibilities towards our family, however, we can usually still work around these in order to have our ‘dream life’.

The real question is, how much do I really want my “dream”?


Saturday, March 16, 2024

"I Have The Ability To Be Happy"

 “I Have The Ability To Be Happy”

“Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life”

This is a really nice way of looking forward, towards the future.

To have this kind of Positive outlook on life takes work though, and the question is: “am I prepared to put time and effort into this?”

What do you think?

By taking ten to fifteen minutes every day to sit down and ‘consciously’ think Positive thoughts, read Positive affirmations, and even write down Positive words, we are “training” our minds to constantly think Positively.

This is also very good therapy that we can do ourselves, in our own homes, thus looking after ourselves mentally.

“I deserve to feel good every day”.

“I give myself permission to be happy”.

“My body is healthy, strong, and beautiful”.

With this outlook on life, we will be looking for the Positive in every day.


Friday, March 15, 2024

That Little Bit Of Extra Happiness

 That Little Bit Of Extra Happiness

“I think It’s important to find the little things in everyday life that make you happy”.

What makes you happy?

It is very often the little things in life that we like, and by adding these ‘little things’ into our everyday routine, we can have that little bit of extra happiness everyday.

A good exercise is to sit down quietly at the end of the day, and think about the good things that you have seen or heard that day. Some people write these down in a “Gratitude Journal”, so that they can go back and remember.

This is a good way to Strengthen our Minds.

Was it a smile? A friendly “Hello”? A kind act of some kind?

Did you see a loved one? Have that cup of tea and a cuddle?

We have to be careful not to take these things for granted.


Thursday, March 14, 2024

A Positive Outlook On Life

 A Positive Outlook On Life

“Every day is a new beginning. Take a deep breath, smile and start again”.

This can be difficult to remember as we carry on, busy, every day.

Sometimes, we go home after work, exhausted, and think that it’s been a difficult day. What we’ve got to keep in mind is that tomorrow can be, and often is, a better day.

I like the words: “take a deep breath, smile and ‘start again’”.

As long as we are alive, we can always ‘start again’.

We need to have a Positive frame of mind to keep thinking that “every day is a new beginning”.

Taking a few minutes everyday to build up our minds and to become Strong mentally, will help us to have this Positive outlook on everyday life.


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

It Is Just One Of Many

 It Is Just One Of Many

“Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder”.

The beauty of living on this planet Earth is the fact that there is something good in every single day.

We just have to recognise it.

Everyone loves dolphins (for example), but we do not always see a dolphin except on the television or in a book. So, what do we see every day?

Every single morning, birds sing in the Dawn Chorus, without fail. If we are lucky enough to have a garden or a balcony, we can watch these little creatures live their little lives alongside us, and we feel “Good” to share our ‘space’ with them.

Do you have a pet? What effect does he or she have on you? Usually a Positive one, especially when we cuddle him or her.

This is one of many Positive influences that we see everyday.


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Think About It

 Think About It

“Have the courage to build your life around what is really most important to you”.

I really like this quote.

All too often we do things to please others, even in the way we live our lives, and we forget that “It is Our life!”

What is Important to you Personally?

What do You want from life?

How do You Want to Live Your Life?

Only you can answer these questions, but have you ever really thought about this?

Our lives are often ‘rushed’ from the day we leave school, and we possibly have never had the opportunity to sit down and think about this.

The beauty of being alive is that we can take every opportunity to build our lives, at any time, towards what is Important to us Personally.


Monday, March 11, 2024

How Will It Influence Our Lives?

 How Will It Influence Our Lives?

“What you do everyday matters more than what you do once in a while”.

Routine is the very essence of our lives, and what we do during that routine will have either a negative or a Positive influence on our lives.

Every day, we wake up, eat, drink and ‘work’ because this is our normal routine, and it does matter because regular eating and drinking makes sure that we have a fairly healthy body.

‘Work’ or keeping busy, in other words regular exercise, is good for our muscles, keeping them moving as much as possible.

Caring for our mind everyday is a Must for a healthy mind, because what we put into our minds affects our emotions, and we will be either sad or happy all day.

So, what we do every day in our normal routine will influence us mentally and physically, negatively or Positively.

This is something we should sit down and think about, if only for 10 minutes every day.