Sunday, February 11, 2024

Life Should Be Simple

 Life Should Be Simple

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated”.

Life is and should be Simple.

It is the world around us that makes it ‘seem’ complicated.

Sometimes it is the way we are brought up that adds to this.

However, when we stop, sit down and ‘think’ about life, we can think of ways in which we can simplify life.

The word “Simple” means: “easily understood, presenting no difficulty” and / or “plain, basic, or uncomplicated”.

The ‘basics’ of life are straightforward. To eat, drink, move, sleep, wake up and start again. Of course, in this world, we go to school / college to learn things that will help us to “Live” and work. And when we go out to work, we ‘earn our living’.

But even in this, try to keep life as Simple as possible, because this will only have a good effect on us mentally, as well as physically.


Saturday, February 10, 2024

You deserve To Be Happy

 You Deserve To Be Happy

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy”.

We always want to see our children happy and giggling as they play, learning new skills, every single day.

Why not us adults?

We deserve just as much happiness.

As life moves on and we get older, with more responsibilities, we tend to ‘forget’ this.

The dolphin has a permanent Smile — why not us?

Dogs wag their tails when they are happy, especially when we give them attention — why not give ourselves some attention?

I love cats (tame and wild) and when I see one, I just have to stroke it (only the tame ones mind you), smiling and chatting away — it makes me feel Happy.

What makes you feel Happy?

Do something that makes you feel Happy, every single day, because you Deserve to be Happy.


Friday, February 9, 2024

Never Forget This!

 Never Forget This!

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose”.

This is something we sometimes forget.

Each one of us has the ability, and very often the means, to Control our lives.

Even a person who has special needs (or is disabled) has this ability. They may show it in a different way, but it is still there.

And we must Encourage them to Control their own lives too!

The snake doesn’t have feet but it still moves and lives its life.

The dolphin has flippers instead of feet but how beautiful it looks, dancing in the Oceans of the Earth, living its life, with that Smile.

We are no different!

As humans, we belong to this Earth, so let’s show that we belong here.


Thursday, February 8, 2024

Just Be Yourself

 Just Be Yourself

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken”.

This is a lovely quote.

To be ‘ourselves’, we need to accept ourselves for who we are.

And LOVE ourselves.

When we are young, we start by ‘copying’ our parents, and then through the teenage years, we start to develop our own unique personalities.

The difficulty comes when we compare ourselves to others, and then we try to “be” that other person.

But why?

We are just as good as him or her, and each one of us has a talent that the other doesn’t have.

So, accept who you are, mentally, and the rest will always follow.

“Just be yourself!”


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Lead By Example

 Lead By Example

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world”.

Lead by example.

How many times have we heard these words? At school? At work? Even from mum and dad?

For this, we need Courage and Confidence.

If there is something we can do to help our lives, our loved ones, neighbours, and even this planet => let’s do it, no matter how ‘small’ it may seem.

We have seen this with ‘re-cycling’ and clearing our beaches of rubbish.

Helping our elderly neighbours and seeing them smile is worth all the effort.

We want to see this planet Earth as beautiful and as stable as It once was, and we can all do our part to help ‘change’ this world into a better place to live.


Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Your Dreams Really Are Beautiful

 Your Dreams Really Are Beautiful

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”.

Belief in Ourselves is where all of this starts!

The meaning of the word “Belief” gives us three words: Trust, Faith and Confidence.

Three very Positive words.

We need to Believe and Know that our dreams can, will and do come true.

The beauty comes in the fact that most of us can make our dreams come true.

If we want them to.

That is the question. Are you content with just ‘going along’ in life, seeing what ‘happens’? Or do you want to Control your own life, planning and, indeed, working towards what you have always wanted in life?

Then you will see that your dreams really are Beautiful.


Monday, February 5, 2024

We All Want A Positive Future

 We All Want A Positive Future

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow”.

We learn from our experiences in the past, which helps us to live in the present, and because of both the past and the present, we have hope in the future.

This helps our mental health, making our minds Strong.

This also helps us physically because we have learnt to avoid the bad and negative things in life, which then makes way for the Good and the Positive.

All of this sounds very simple but it is very Important.

Giving ourselves some “me-time” every single day will help us to do this, and even ‘plan’ for the future.

And we all want a Positive future.