Friday, February 2, 2024

Prove It To Yourself

 Prove It To Yourself

“It’s up to you to create the life that gets you excited to wake up in the mornings”.

It’s all about your own life being in your own hands and Controlling it — Your Way!

How many of us are actually doing what we Want to do in our lives?

Today, we can do so much to “Create” the kind of life that we personally want. We can study at home or go to college, whether we are single, married, have a family, or are of the older generation.

It is then up to us to prove that we really Want a certain type of lifestyle.

When you wake up in the morning, what are you looking forward to doing?

Make sure that, for a short while during the day, you do something that you personally Want to do or like, every single day. In this way, you are Controlling your life, and slowly “Creating” it.


Thursday, February 1, 2024

Resilience Confidence Control

 Resilience  Confidence  Control

“In the river of life, resilience is the current that carries us forward”.

The word “Resilience” means: “the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly, a toughness” or “the ability — to spring back into shape”.

Who does this sound like?

You and me!

When we look back on what and how we have overcome certain ‘difficulties’, we have shown ourselves and others the “Resilience” we have inside of us.

This “Resilience” guides us forwards to our future, giving us the Confidence to ‘face’ or ‘deal with’ anything that is put in front of us.

This gives us Strength, especially mentally.

Life moves on, going day by day, and sometimes too quickly for us. “Where did that time go?”

Having Resilience goes inside with keeping Control.


Wednesday, January 31, 2024

There Is Always A Way

 There Is Always A Way

“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless”.

Nothing is impossible!

When we sit down and think about things, especially something we really want, most things are possible.

There is always a way!

Especially when we Believe in Ourselves and our own Abilities.

Have you ever just sat down and ‘imagined’ a scene that you would love to be a part of?

By using our imagination (in this way), we soon come to realise that all things are possible.

That teaching career. To become a nurse. To get married. That very highly qualified job. The list is limitless, just like our imagination is

Also, have Trust and Confidence in Yourself.


Tuesday, January 30, 2024

What About You And I?

 What About You And I?

“You can see many smiles every day, but you can never know whose world is actually upside down”.

“Keep Smiling!”

When we go out first thing in the morning to work or college or even shopping, everyone of us smiles and says: “Hello”, when we meet other people, whether we know them or whether they are total strangers.

The truth is, none of us know what the other is ‘going through’.

The lady at the bus stop may have just lost her mother to cancer but she smiles on her way to the funeral parlour. 

The gentleman on the train may have just been made redundant from his place of work, and is so worried about how he will support his family, but his “smile still stays on” (as the song goes).

What about you and I?


Monday, January 29, 2024

Never Forget Your Needs

 Never Forget Your Needs

“Be there for others, but never leave yourself behind”.

We have all done this!

We’ve been so busy helping other people and ‘being there for them’, that we have completely forgotten about ourselves and our personal needs.

Don’t get me wrong, it is very commendable to always be thinking of ways to help our loved ones, and ‘put these into practice’.

It is also a good example for the younger generation to follow.

However, all of this will be of no use if you are ‘on your last legs’, with no food in the fridge and you still haven’t done your own washing.

These are very practical things that need doing, and with good planning, can be achieved.

Your friends and loved ones want to see you happy and healthy, so never forget about your personal needs.


Sunday, January 28, 2024

Inspire, Encourage, Support

 Inspire, Encourage, Support

“Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life. It’s about what you inspire others to do”.

We are surrounded by people.

Whether we live on our own or with others, there is always someone in our life — a health professional, work colleagues, student friends and / or family loved ones.

What ‘example’ do we show them?

How do they ‘feel’ when they are with us and when they leave us?

How do we Inspire them?

We always appreciate a smile and a few Positive words from others, so why not ‘mirror’ that, and then others will always be pleased to see us.

Another word for Inspire is Encourage, and to Encourage means to Support, all of these words are Positive.

Let’s ‘give back’ by being Positive in Supporting others.


Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Gratitude Journal

 The Gratitude Journal

“Bring your mind back to how blessed you already are. There’s always something to be grateful for”.

When you are starting to feel depressed and negative thoughts start to creep into your mind, open your Gratitude journal and have a look at what has made you grateful in the last few days.

The negative will soon be pushed out by the Positive.

If you don’t have a Gratitude journal, why not get one? A notebook you write in every day, committing to paper the “good” things that have appeared in your life that day.

We just have to ‘open our eyes’ and see or look for these good things.

Sit down, close your eyes and use your mind’s eye to put these Positive memories into your mind.

You’ll be surprised at how much there is to be Grateful for!