Sunday, December 3, 2023

Today Is Our Reality

 Today Is Our Reality

“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.”

The past no longer ‘affects’ us and the future is yet to ‘touch’ us, but today is our reality.

What we have today is what affects us, both mentally and physically.

And what is inside us?

Negativity, sadness and unhappiness?


Positivity, ‘smiling’ and happiness?

To be Happy, Positive, Strong and Determined is indeed Priceless!


Saturday, December 2, 2023

"Look After Yourself"

 “Look After Yourself”

“If you make your internal life a priority, then everything else will be given to you and it will be clear what your next step is.”

In this day and age, we really do need to put our mental and physical health first.

Nothing must come before our ‘internal life’!

We do worry about everything and anything because it all seems important, but nothing is as important as our ‘emotional hearts’ and our ability to stay Balanced mentally. 

Again, I mention the famous “3 R's” => Rest / Relax / Rebuild.

And that oh so Important “me-time”.


Friday, December 1, 2023

Give It A Go

 Give It A Go

“There is nothing impossible to they who will try.”

Never Never Never Give Up!

Something may look impossible and you have no idea how to get it but — believe in yourself and try — and you may be pleasantly surprised. 

This could apply to something as simple as going out the front door for coffee with a friend. A person could be really nervous, and it seems an ‘impossible’ task, but with belief in himself or herself, and trust in their friend, that person goes out, meets their friend and has a lovely afternoon. 

We can do anything we put our minds to — ‘trying’ is just the first step.


Thursday, November 30, 2023



“It is not enough to have a good mind; the important thing is to use it well.”

Some people are born with an academic mind and seem brilliant to us, but how do they “use” their minds?

Some (like myself) are not ‘academic’ but get through life OK, but again, how do I use my mind?

Mental health is becoming more ‘evident’ in our lives, as the doctors do their research.

And we have so much more help today.

But, we can “help ourselves mentally” too, which involves thinking and doing.

Reading Positive things helps us to think Positive thoughts, which in turn, helps us to do Positive things.

It is our Responsibility!


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

It Starts With The Mind

 It Starts With The Mind

“Some people look for a beautiful place. Others make a place beautiful.”

We have been lucky to have been born on this very Unique and Beautiful planet Earth.

Then, when we grow up, we start to realise that we need to ‘do our part’ to keep this Earth beautiful. 

We can start doing this in our own homes — recycling and respect.

Teaching our children comes into this, but we may need to ask ourselves: “do I need to teach me?”

Everything we do starts with the mind.

By teaching our minds to be Positive, the ‘practical’ will come a lot easier.

A Beautiful mind — a Beautiful Life.

Then we can make this Earth even more Beautiful than It already is (if that is even possible).

And it starts with the mind.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

"How Did That Happen?"

 How Did That Happen?

“Magic is believing in yourself. If you can make that happen, you can make anything happen.”

I love watching magic shows and being ‘amazed’ at how the magicians do their shows. 

But, you know, when I think about it — everyone of us can be ‘that magician’.

By Believing in ourselves, we can accomplish anything, even if we don't know how “it” will happen. 

This, of course, also means Trusting in Ourselves, that when we want something, we Can have “it”.

And before you know it, you've got “it” and you think: “how did that happen?”


Monday, November 27, 2023

It's A Mental Thing

 It's A Mental Thing

“If we have the attitude that it’s going to be a good day it usually is”

When you first open your eyes in the morning, after a (hopefully) good night's sleep, what is the first thing you think about?

Your loved one? Your children? Work / school / college? Shopping? The Bill's?

Then, doesn't the day just run away with itself, out of your control?

If we could possibly train our minds to think Positive thoughts when we first open our eyes, the rest of the day will be in our Control.

“I slept well, I will have a good day!”

“Today, I will smile and be happy, no matter what happens.”

“I am happy to be alive on this Beautiful planet Earth.”

Such affirmations, when said over and over again, will eventually become natural thinking for us and will (personally) help us mentally.