Sunday, November 12, 2023

Think First

 Think First

"You must master a new way to think before you can master a new way to be."

What we think affects what we do.

If we want to 'live a different life' or change our lives, we must start changing the way we think.

Sometimes, if we start thinking as if we were 'living that life', it just fits into place.

Also, we really need to "want" that new way of life.

Also, what we take into our minds can affect what we think about.

We know the old saying: "think before you speak!" In this case: "think before you do!"

If you really want something, it will be in your mind all of the time and you will find a way of achieving it, but it's got to be in your mind first.


Saturday, November 11, 2023

Would You?

 Would You?

"Don't let anyone rent a space in your head unless they're a good tenant."

Thankfully, mental health is becoming a 'reality' today.

The more we are learning about how the mind affects us physically, the more we are learning how to look after ourselves mentally (and it's not all pills).

The people we allow into our lives can also affect us mentally => either in a negative way or a Positive way.

Would you let him or her into your home?

Why is your mind any different?

Our minds are one of the most precious 'gifts' we are born with, and we must learn to treat 'it' as a gift.

We are careful who we let into our lives, we need to learn to be careful 'who we allow into our minds'.

Does he or she have a Positive effect on us mentally?


Friday, November 10, 2023

Make That Difference

 Make That Difference

"How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it."

"That just made my day!"

How many times have we said this, when someone's kindness has literally changed our day?!

It can be hard to believe this when we are going through a difficult time, but that kind smile from a stranger can make 'the world' look a better place to live in.

A kind word really can make all the difference. 

When you look at yourself in the mirror, smile kindly at yourself => it does wonders to your self-esteem. 

Be kind to others but also to yourself too.


Thursday, November 9, 2023

It Is A Choice

 It Is A Choice

"I choose to believe things are possible, even when I don't know how they will happen."

It is a choice.

We can be negative and not 'want' a better life,


We can be Positive and 'want' a better life, even though we have no idea how to achieve it.

And often, it is just a case of 'learning' how to do something, and then we can make it happen.

Remember, nothing is impossible!

Many times, it's a case of having faith in ourselves. 

"Believing" that we can and will have a better life.

A good attitude can very often mean a good life.


Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Beautiful Words

 Beautiful Words!

"When something is gone, something better is coming."

How many times have we said: "I really miss that!" without even "seeing" what has replaced it?

Helen Keller was deaf and blind, and was born in the 1800's, so she had a real 'struggle' to learn how to fit into the world (back then). She said this: "When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us".

Beautiful Words!


Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Never Forget

 Never Forget

"Identify your problems, but give your power and energy to solutions."

It is an easy 'mistake' that we all fall into.

We spend so much time (and energy) on how much trouble the 'problem' has caused, that we don't have enough energy (or give enough time) to "solving" the problem. 

We wear ourselves out, crying over the 'problem', when we should be building ourselves up to "solve" the problem. 

And most problems can be solved by ourselves. 

Yes, the problem is real but so is the solution, which is something we must never forget.


Monday, November 6, 2023

Grow Towards The Future

 Grow Towards The Future

"Growth is growth. No matter how small."

How true are these words !!!

We sometimes compare ourselves with others, and 'see' them moving forward, fast, when we 'think' we are moving slowly. 

It doesn't matter.

As long as we "are" moving, we "are" growing. 

And sometimes, it is better to move at a slower and cautious pace, than too fast and trip up or miss something.

When we watch plants and flowers grow, do we actually see them move? The flower is in bud one day, and when we go back and see it the next day, it is in full bloom, but did we actually 'see' the flower open up?

The same is true of ourselves. 

Sometimes, only we can see ourselves move, but => we are moving => growing => towards the Future.