Sunday, October 29, 2023

Only YOU Have The Right

 Only YOU Have The Right

"You are the artist of your life. Don't give the paintbrush to anyone else ".

Who loves to paint and colour?

Don't you feel in charge or Control, and when you see the finished picture, you feel as if you have accomplished something good.

There is no difference with our lives!

We are the only ones who have the right to make any changes in our lives.

Never give that power to anyone else!

Only we can paint the picture of our own lives, so let's make the picture as Beautiful and Happy and Strong as we can.


Saturday, October 28, 2023

Open Your Eyes

 Open Your Eyes

"Everything is beauty, but not everyone can see it"

We are so busy in our everyday lives that we do not always 'think' about the beautiful life which surrounds us.

This is where "me-time" comes into play!

For just 10 minutes every day: STOP, SIT down and Quieten the mind.

And then look around you and you will see the very real Beauty that surrounds you.

Some of us love fresh flowers in a vase on a table (fond memories of mother), or there is a very well-loved pet that can be cuddled and loved.

What about the many wildlife documentaries that are available to watch (even on YouTube)? Watching the dolphins 'dance' in the Oceans just 'calms the mind'.

We need to open our eyes and really 'see' the Beauty in our lives.


Friday, October 27, 2023

Be So Positive

 Be So Positive 

"Be so Positive that negative people don't want to be near you"

A magnet attracts metal.

A Positive person will always attract like-minded people. 

The more we 'want' to be Positive and Encouraging, not just for ourselves, but for others too — the more other Positive people will 'want' to be our friends. 

In this way, we also avoid or 'fight' the depression which can come from being with negative people. 

Who would you rather be with =>

Someone who is moaning and negative, and leaves you feeling 'bad'?

Someone who is happy and who is always saying encouraging things, and who leaves you feeling 'good'?


Thursday, October 26, 2023



"Look at the beauty in your life and be happy"

'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'.

Ask yourself: "what is beautiful in my life?" and then look in the mirror!

Every single person on this Earth is Beautiful.

The Earth Itself is beautiful and we come from this Earth. 

The rainbow after the storm is full of colour and every one of us see the same beautiful rainbow. 

I love cats and think they are one of the most beautiful animals on this Earth. What is your favourite animal?

The birds are so tiny and yet so colourful, and they have such beautiful little voices, and like the rainbow, we can all see them and hear them.

When a mother holds her baby, she sees the most beautiful 'creation' on Earth.

Beauty is all around us — we just need to Stop and See it.


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

An Encouraging Smile

 An Encouraging Smile 

"One day, you'll be a memory for some people. Do your best to be a good one"

Every single day, we are always in contact with someone, either family, friend or stranger.

It's who we are as humans.

How will they 'see' us?

What will they 'think' of us?

None of us 'know' what the other is going through, but we are all going through something, so an encouraging word or a warm smile goes a long way.

Even if we ourselves are not feeling particularly good, we can make that effort to 'leave a good word' or smile an encouraging smile.

And this also helps us and not just the other person.

They feel good (even better) and we feel good.

Then, we all have good memories. 


Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Honesty Pays

 Honesty Pays

"Being honest may not get you many friends, but it will get you the right ones"

How many times have we said this, to ourselves and others?

It isn't always a good thing to 'follow the crowd', and (sometimes) honesty is needed.

True, you may stand out but it could help a friend (even save them) from making a very serious mistake. 

He or She may not see it at the time, but when they do eventually come round, he or she will be grateful and will thank you.

Do this for yourself too.

Never be forced into doing something you just do not want to.

You'll be glad you 'listened to yourself'.

Honesty always pays, in more ways than one.


Monday, October 23, 2023

You Really Are

 You Really Are

"Choose, everyday, to forgive yourself. You are human, flawed, and most of all — worthy of love"

Who is Perfect?

Do we even want to be?

During our lives, we all make mistakes, sometimes we have to live with them, sometimes we just have to "learn" from them.

Forgive yourself and learn from the experience. 

And Move On towards the Future. 

You and I 'Deserve' love — from others and, most of all, from ourselves. 

When we 'look back' on our lives, we should learn from these 'experiences', be happy that we 'got through them', and love ourselves for doing it.