Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Mini Lop Rabbit

The Mini Lop Rabbit
The Mini Lop Rabbit is a breed of domestic rabbit that is recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association.

These rabbits are small and active and 'very' playful. They are known to be extremely loving and mostly sociable animals, making them a great indoor pet.

An adult can weigh 3-6 pounds.

Mini Lop Rabbits are one of the most good-natured and adorable rabbits.

This breed of rabbit may be small but it still needs a large hutch or enclosure for plenty of exercise. These rabbits are very good at learning to use a litter box.

Mini Lop Rabbits are an ideal breed to keep as a house rabbit.
The rabbits are very social creatures, so it is important that they receive a great deal of love and affection.

They can live 5-10 years.

"To gaze upon the Mini Lop Rabbit is to fall in love with adorable rabbit perfection."

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Flemish Giant Rabbit

Flemish Giant Rabbit
This is considered to be the largest breed of rabbit.

These are known as "Gentle Giants" because of their docile nature.

These pet rabbits make excellent companions and adorable family pets. When kept inside the house, they usually hop around and will sit comfortably on anybody's lap.

These rabbits will live 8-10 years.

This breed gives birth at 30-32 days and can produce 5-12 babies in a single litter.

The Flemish Giant Rabbit is very inquisitive and is quite intelligent. They often stand up on their hind legs and stretch their bodies out so that they can see what is around them.

An outdoor Flemish Giant Rabbit may do well with a dog kennel, as long as the top is enclosed to protect the rabbit.

This breed can weigh up to 22 pounds and they can grow up to 2.5 feet long.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Natural Way

The Natural Way


The Natural Way is always the best way. Herbal Remedies are a great supplement to our First Aid Cabinet.

Herbs come from the Earth, this very planet we live on, our home. They are one of the most healing ‘properties’ we could ever have and use.

Wise women have used herbs for centuries. Before we had the qualified doctor, there was the wise old woman / man who knew the real healing powers of herbs. This knowledge had been handed down generation to generation until we have the very ‘Professional’ information that we have today.


Herbs can help manage and/or cure a number of ‘conditions.’ Why, these very same herbs are found in the prescriptions we are given by our doctors. The tablets, liquids, creams and so on.

An herbal remedy for Headaches = Feverfew and Bay can be taken, combined, and found on many health food shops. Don’t forget to drink a little extra water. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory and can be taken in capsule form. Don’t forget to drink a little extra water. Peppermint has properties to help calm the mucous membranes. It can be drunk as peppermint tea or a few drops of peppermint oil can be massaged into the temples.

An herbal remedy for Anxiety and Depression = Chamomile is often used as a tea and has a very soothing and calming effect. Chamomile tea is available in most supermarkets. It is a good tea to keep in your cupboard. Lavender is relaxing and uplifting. It is a fragrant and offers relief from anxiety and depression. Lavender essential oil can be diluted in bath water or it can be inhaled. This herb should not be taken internally. Oats is a good herb from depression and the nervous system. It is the same plant used to make oatmeal breakfast cereal. This herb can also be drunk as a tea.

An herbal remedy for Asthma = Garlic and onion have long been used to treat bronchitis and asthma. ‘Quercetin’, which has these ingredients, can be used as a dietary supplement and is found in most health food shops.

An herbal remedy for High Blood Pressure = Dandelion helps to lower blood pressure. You can eat the leaves in a salad or drink in a tea. This is also in capsule form. Garlic has been used for thousands of years to help lower blood pressure. It can be eaten raw or lightly cooked. Garlic can also be taken in capsule form which, again, is found in most health food shops.

An herbal remedy for Indigestion = Chamomile is a soothing herb and can be drunk as a tea. Peppermint acts as a muscle relaxant for the stomach. Again, it can be drunk as a tea.

An herbal remedy for Insomnia = Valerian can help improve sleep quality and can be taken in capsule form. Lemon Balm is good to drink as a tea. This herb is good for calming the nerves thus aiding sleep. Passionflower helps to calm the nerves and decrease anxiety. A cup of this tea before bedtime will aid in sleep. Chamomile, which had been mentioned before, is another good tea to drink in the evening to help a restful night’s sleep.

This is just a small selection of herbs and how they can help us physically.


One of China’s first books on healing was written around 4,500 years ago, detailing the therapeutic properties of over 300 medicinal plants. Many of these herbs are still used today --- ginseng, ginger, cinnamon to name just 3.

Herbs have been on Earth as long as the Earth has been our home. For the whole of human history, people have explored their natural environments and have found these to bolster health and cure some ailments.

Many people use herbs because they are worried about the side effects of conventional drugs or simply because certain drugs did not help. For those who are interested in exploring the healing properties of herbs, it is always advised to seek out professional information --- either from an herbalist or from books written by qualified herbalists.


One such recommended book is “TheLost Book of Herbal Remedies.” Written and researched by Dr. Nicole Apelian who will help you to pinpoint 3 of the most important plants to add to your diet, which will help to fight viruses (including this dreaded coronavirus).

Within this book there are 800+ herbs and remedies, including tinctures, teas, essential oils, syrups, poultices and infusions.

This book also has 2-4 high definition, colour pictures for each plant and detailed identification guidelines to make sure you get the right plant for the right ‘condition.’

Click on the link “The Lost Book ofHerbal Remedies” and see for yourself the interesting website and the offers.


An herb is a plant or plant part used for its scent, flavour or therapeutic properties. Herbal remedies are one type of dietary supplement. They are sold as tablets, capsules, powders, teas, extracts and fresh or dried plants.

People use herbal medicines to try to maintain or improve their health.

If you’re a little nervous about using herbs, why not try the herbal teas that are available. I personally can recommend Chamomile, Peppermint and Lemon. A very refreshing drink as well as a healthy one.

The Natural Way From The Earth Is Always The Best Way!


The "Mini Rex"

The "Mini Rex"
The Mini Rex Rabbit is a domestic rabbit that was created in 1984 in Florida.

This breed usually weighs 3.5-4.5Ibs and is larger than many 'true' dwarf breeds.

They are always happy to have attention which makes them delightful companions and pets. This is a 'family-friendly' rabbit.
Again, depending on its care and diet, this rabbit can live up to 10 years.

These are calm and loving rabbits.

They are intelligent and affectionate and enjoy company. They are also quite active rabbits and can be boisterous and playful.

The Mini Rex Rabbit needs good food, and a safe, enriched environment in order to thrive.

Temperature changes of 15 degrees can kill this breed of rabbit.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Jersey Wooly Rabbit

Jersey Wooly Rabbit
The Jersey Wooly Rabbit is noted for its docile nature and gentle disposition.

Depending on genetics and care, this breed can live 7-10+ years.

This is a popular 'show' rabbit due to its Angora-like fur coat. It is also an ideal pet rabbit.

"If you learn how to take care of your Jersey Wooly bunny properly, your bunny can lead a happy and healthy life in your home."

These rabbits love affection and attention, and enjoy snuggling up on their keepers' lap.

The Jersey Wooly is a "dwarf breed" rabbit and can weigh 1-3.5Ibs.
This breed of rabbit is really popular in the United States.

It has a small, compact, semi-arched body, square, bold head with small erect ears and a long shaggy coat.

The Jersey Wooly Rabbit should be housed indoors.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Animal Reiki


“Reiki is not a magical cure and is not an alternative to conventional veterinary care but it is a natural and calm therapy that promotes the body’s natural process of self-healing and is enjoyed by many animals.”

Animals are inherently more aware of and understanding of energy. They have used this understanding historically to determine if strangers are friend or foe and many naturally appear to be very accepting of this calm energy.

Reiki benefits animals with physical, mental and emotional issues and this Holistic Complementary Therapy also helps animals with behavioural problems that have an emotional basis or influence.


Like humans, animals also suffer from physical illnesses and health conditions. The animal may sustain an injury and/or require surgery. Like humans, they have aches and pains, as well as mental health and emotional issues, which can trigger behavioural problems.

Animal Reiki can help!

It is not an alternative to conventional veterinary care but it is a natural and calm therapy.


#   It is a ‘non-evasive’ therapy

#   It can be given anywhere at any time

#   This Complements and Supports conventional veterinary care

#   The animal is in control at all times. The animal will chose to take it.

#   It relaxes the animal, which is good for pre-op or pre-treatment

#   Reiki always works ‘for the animal’s highest good.’

The beauty of Reiki is that it treats the individual animal, who has its own personality and character.

          WHERE CAN I LEARN ANIMAL REIKI?                   

The Animal Reiki Store teaches how to apply Animal Reiki. This is an online home study course which you can do at your own pace and in your own time.

If you feel called to working with animals and love animals, have a look. Click on the link “The Animal ReikiStore” --- the website alone is worth looking at. It is a little expensive but the course is on 70% discount at the moment.

There are 20 Modules and a 90 page course Workbook. There is a ‘distant Reiki Master Attunement Ceremony’ and The Animal Reiki Master Teacher Certification. Bonus video vaults plus 11 PDF printouts, which includes Chakra worksheets and templates.


#    Greater Comfort

#   Improved feeling of wellbeing

#   Relaxation which can lead to sleep

#   Greater sense of self.

Yes, we are talking about animals. These loving and faithful companions we share our home with are little individual souls, who deserve the extra love, care and attention.

Animal Reiki will help each individual to cope with life and its challenges. Reiki is like an “Energy” that will only flow if the animal wishes it. This energy is gentle and can be given to animals and/or birds.


Animal Reiki complements and supports conventional veterinary services and in no way replaces it. This must always be remembered!!!

Those who practice Animal Reiki never diagnose (unless they are also a qualified vet).


I have never met a person who does not (at least) like animals. I remember my first kitten, black and white, and a gift from my parents. Her name was Sheba and she was my ‘baby.’ Sheba had to be put down at 5 years old because of cancer. How I wish I had heard of Animal Reiki back then, her passing would have been a lot more peaceful.

Which animal do you love?

                   LIVE AND LOVE LIFE!                   

The English Lop Rabbit

The English Lop Rabbit
This may be one of the oldest breeds of domestic rabbit.

It is a 'fancy' breed of domestic rabbit that was developed in England in the 19th Century (through selective breeding).

The gestation period for this rabbit is 28-31 days.

Adult English Lop Rabbits are sometimes referred to as the "dogs of the rabbit world."

This breed is quite placid, outgoing, curious and friendly. They make wonderful pets for children but any interaction between child and rabbit should be supervised.

This breed of rabbit can weigh 5kg and they live 5-7 years.
Their coat is short but weekly grooming is recommended to keep the coat in good condition.

Rabbits have very fragile backs and must not be dropped in case the back breaks.