Monday, December 4, 2023

It Will Happen

 It Will Happen

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there”

“Come on Ruth, you can do it!”

I can still hear my mother’s words every time I find something difficult to do.

And it is so true => we need to “Believe” that we CAN do something — and that usually means that we WILL.

We need to Believe In Ourselves.

“Believe and you shall receive”.

For Inspiration, we can look towards the Earth Itself.

The sun will always rise and set. 

The birds will always sing.

The dog will always greet us with that happy ‘woof’, even as the cat will always ‘purr’ when we stroke her. 

Whilst we should never take these things for granted, they are Always There: “I Believe the sun will rise in the morning”.

We should have Belief in Ourselves because — we are always here!


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