Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Be Happy With Yourself

 Be Happy With Yourself

"Did you know? By thinking one positive thought every morning, you can psychologically trick your brain into being a happier person"

One Positive thought every single day Strengthens our Mental Health.

And this will Help us to keep that Positive Mindset.

When we Meditate every day, morning and / or evening, it becomes a part of our daily routine and schedule.

And when we write these Positive Affirmations down in our own personal journal, we are Thinking, Seeing and Doing this Positive Thinking.

All of this Helps to reduce stress and anxiety, Building up Confidence in Ourselves.

Positive Thinking will Help us to have Positive Emotions.

And 'this' will Help us to have a Happier Life and Happier Relationships with those we Love.

And we will be much Happier with Ourselves.


Smile In The Mirror

 Smile In The Mirror

"Smile is a free make up"

As well as looking Beautiful, a Smile also has Health Benefits.

Scientific evidence proves that a "Smile" releases 'endorphins', and these are natural pain relievers.

'Endorphins' give out "feel-good" chemicals which can only give us that Positive mindset, which is so Important in today's world.

All of this reduces stress and anxiety, getting rid of that negativity.

Also, 'Positive Energy' is 'catching' to those around us.

When some one smiles at you, it is 'automatic' to Smile back.

When some one Smiles at us, they are 'welcoming' us into a conversation or to sit down or into 'their world'.

A Smile also boosts Confidence.

Make up does make a person look Nice, and put together with a "Smile", you look Radiant.

And, of course, a Smile is so much more cheaper than make up because a Smile is Free.

When we Smile it has a 'ripple effect'.

But first of all, right at the beginning of the day, remember to look in the mirror and Smile at Yourself.


Monday, December 9, 2024

Do Not Waste Your Thoughts

 Do Not Waste Your Thoughts

"Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right"

This requires a change in the way we Think.

To have a Positive Mindset!

"Fear" can stop us from doing so many things, and we miss opportunities that may not come back to us.

In every 'situation', there are so many things that "can" go right that thinking any other way is a waste of time.

It Is Good to be cautious and to 'weigh up' certain 'things' that could come into our Lives.

This is necessary to Protect Ourselves. 

But we need to keep that Balance.

We need to have that Positive 'frame of Mind'.

When we are 'practicing' this every day, when the smaller things face us, we will have that much more Confidence in what can go right, when the larger things come along into our Lives.

When we have "Control" of our Lives, it is in our hands to make sure that things go right.

And most 'situations' in our Lives can be Beneficial --- if we would only let them.


Sunday, December 8, 2024

Self-Belief Is Powerful

 Self-Belief Is Powerful

"I believe in myself and trust in my abilities to succeed in all I do"

Believing in Yourself is the same as Trusting in Yourself. 

You know what you are capable of and you have Confidence in your own Abilities. 

This proves to others that you have Control of your Life. 

Aw with all things, "Belief" starts in the Mind.

You remember what you have gone through in the past and 'how' you handled certain problems and situations. 

This 'Knowledge' builds up that Trust in Yourself that you "CAN" get through 'it' and will to your own Benefit.

Building up the Mind in this way is so Important! 

What we 'Think' in our Mind comes out in what we do and how we handle things.

This 'kind' of Confidence in Ourselves drives our Motivation, that we will not be afraid of our Future, knowing that our own Lives, our very Futures, are safely in our own Hands.

Staying Positive is one of the main ways in which we can build up that Belief in our own Abilities. 

Self-Belief Is So Powerful that it "Influences" what we think about ourselves and what we do every day.


Saturday, December 7, 2024

Stay In Control Mentally

 Stay In Control Mentally

"I focus on what I can control and I let go of what I can't"

A Good way of working through this is to think about and write down what you "CAN" Control.

Now do the same with what you 'can't' Control.

Which list is longer?

When something comes along that we can't seem to "Control", ask the question: 'Is it really that Important?'


'Is it really our of my Control?

It may just need a slight adjustment in our Lives or even our Minds.

We can't Control what other people do but we can Control what we personally do and think.

It is very rare that our Lives are completely out of our Control.

when writing this, I was reminded of the millions of people who were sent to the concentration camps by the Nazism during the Second World War.

These people's Lives were changed, and within hours, and out of their Control.

They had no Control on what they wore, ate and did.

Their Futures were no longer in their own hands.

Thankfully, the war was won and thousands survived these terrible camps, to gain back Control of their Lives again.

Of course, our 'problems' today are no where near 'this', but they are still real to us.

Believe in what you can Control and Mentally You Are In Control.


Friday, December 6, 2024

The Rose And The Thorn

 The Rose And The Thorn

“When some things go wrong, take a moment to be thankful for the many things that are going right”

It is always Best to Focus on something Positive and Good because this Helps to Strengthen the Mind.

When we look at roses we see their Beautiful colours and smell their Lovely scent.

And we are Careful of their thorns!

Many times, our Lives are like these roses.

We have a Cheerful and Busy Life, with one or two problems or ‘thorns’.

But it is Better for us Mentally to look at the Good things in our Lives.

Thorns on roses are there to protect the rose, very much like the one or two problems we have we can Learn from.

Do not ‘allow’ a small problem to ruin your Peace of Mind, when you can look at all the Good things in your Life and be Happy.

This is where our daily Gratitude comes to MInd, because every day we are reflecting on the good in our Lives that there is no room for anything negative.

Plus, when something goes wrong, we can Learn from it, dealing with it quickly and avoiding that mistake in the Future.

We have more roses in our Lives than thorns.


Thursday, December 5, 2024

What Do I Truly Want?

 What Do I Truly Want?

"You become what you believe"

Our Beliefs and what we Believe in are formed from an early age.

The obvious 'Belief' is religion and we often follow what our parents teach us.

But what about Believing in our own Abilities?

This is quite often forgotten.

Society has its own expectations and many of us are 'raised' in a certain culture.

A lot of these things can pressure us into becoming some one we just do not want to be.

This is why it is so Important to 'Listen To Ourselves' and 'What We Want'.

As with any 'kind' of Belief, it comes down to what is in our Minds.

What am I doing?

Do I really want this?

When we get to that certain age, there is nothing wrong with 'breaking free' and being "who" we Want to be.

Most parents would rather their 'child' was Happy than simply a 'copy'.

And you owe it to yourself to 'be who you Believe you can be'.

This will Improve our Self-Confidence and Increase our Self-Esteem.

And because we are Happy when we are 'truly us', our Mental Health can only Improve.