Tuesday, November 12, 2024

What Is Best For You?

 What Is Best For You?

"You have to do what is right for yourself, nobody else is walking in your shoes"

When you look in a mirror who do you see?

The only reflection that you see ----- is Yours!

Only YOU know what you have been through in Life, and so only You can possibly know how to Live your Life.

It I estimated that there are 8 billion people Living on this Earth.

And each person is Unique in their own way.

This includes You and Me.

The Beauty of Living in 'today's' world I that we have a fair amount of Freedom to 'Live as we want to Live'.

We also must Remember to give ourselves some time to 'look after ourselves', not just Physically but Mentally too.

We are so busy looking after others that, sometimes, we forget that we need to practice 'Self-Care' on ourselves. 

Others very often give us advice, kind advice too, but we must 'do want is right' for ourselves. 




This is not selfish but it is necessary for our "Health".

Trust Yourself that you only want the Best for You.


Monday, November 11, 2024

It Comes Down To Trust

 It Comes Down To Trust

"The biggest wall you've gotta climb is the one you build in your mind"

How true is this!

We do often build a wall up in our minds to Protect ourselves, which is understandable. 

Overtime though, we find that we no longer need that wall, and it is difficult to 'break down' that wall because it can be hard for us to Trust.

Trust others.

Trust Life.

Even to Trust ourselves. 

One of the first things that we need to do is to 'Accept' ourselves for 'who' we are and to 'Love' ourselves. 

Once we 'Love', we then come to realize that we do not need that Mental wall up, because we are "Safe".

We are not going to hurt ourselves Mentally, and neither are most people.

Loves ones, friends and even strangers, most people want the 'Best' for others.

And we must Learn to "Trust" this.

Filling our Minds with Positive thoughts will Help to eliminate self-doubts, which will eventually break down that wall in our Minds.

Sometimes, it is a Good idea to just sit down and 'think', and remember 'why' you put that wall up in the first place.

And when you 'realize' that you no longer need it, Trust Yourself enough to get rid of that 'wall', knowing that you are Safe now.

Trust in Life.

Trust Others.

Trust Yourself.


Sunday, November 10, 2024

An Optimistic Attitude

 An Optimistic Attitude

"Remember, most of your stress comes from the way you respond, not the way life is. Adjust your attitude, and all that extra stress is gone"

We can either Help ourselves,


Hinder ourselves, depending on our 'reaction' and 'attitude' to certain situations.

"Attitude" is a very Powerful aspect of our Lives.

And the Attitude that we show will have either a Positive or a negative effect, not just on ourselves, but on others too.

The word "Attitude" means: a settled way of thinking or feeling about something.

To a certain degree, this shows a certain amount of 'forethought' or 'planning'.

Instead of just flying off the handle, we need to be Determined that we will 'deal' with certain situations with a certain Positive and Optimistic Attitude.

The more we are in "Control" of our Minds, the Stronger our Attitude will be towards a Calm and Peaceful day.

In this way, we won't allow stress to overtake us, but we will 'kick it out' with a Strong Attitude towards Life.


Saturday, November 9, 2024

Turn The Pain Into Joy

 Turn The Page Into Joy

"A lot of the pain that we are dealing with are really only thoughts"

It really is quite interesting how much our 'thoughts' can Control us.

The question is: can I "Control" my own thoughts?

"Pain" can come from so many different places and we don't always recognize 'where' the pain is coming from.

As the quote reminds us, a lot of the pain is from our own Minds and thoughts.

And it is interesting how much 'Physical' pain these 'thoughts' can cause our hearts.

This is where a lot of depression comes from.

Our Minds can quite often 're-live' something in our past, and because we 'keep' going over it, 'Emotional' pain kicks in, and this cycle can make us very ill Mentally, which will have a Physical effect on our bodies.

We need to break this negative cycle 'before' it takes a hold on our Minds.

As soon as we 'recognize' what is happening, we need to do something Positive to 'change' the direction of our Minds, and find a way of turning the pain into Joy.

Try to Focus on something or someone you Love.

Even sitting quietly, listening to the birds, can have an Amazing effect on our Minds.

The Beauty of Living today, though, is the very real fact that "Help Is Available", because sometimes we do need that little bit of extra Help.

Please ask for it and Trust it.


Friday, November 8, 2024

Calm And Peaceful Thoughts

 Calm And Peaceful Thoughts

"Before you fall asleep tonight, say something positive to yourself. Keep those good thoughts working even while you sleep"

The Power of Positive thinking can never be emphasized enough.

The Benefits to our Mental Health makes the ten to fifteen minutes daily routine worth it.

The effect this kind of thinking has on our 'subconscious' Mind is a very Powerful and Positive one.

And saying Positive things to ourselves, before we go to sleep at night, will Help us to sleep so much better too.

"Self-Love" Affirmations will Help us to feel better about ourselves, today and tomorrow.

And "Visualizing" a Nice and Strong Future, for ourselves and our Loved one, will Help us to 'dream' nice dreams.

All the stress and negativity of the day will be pushed out, making room for the Optimistic outlook for tomorrow.

A Strong routine of Positive Mindfulness, every day, before going to sleep, will Build Up the Mind to 'knock any negativity out of the park', leaving room only for Calming and Peaceful thoughts before we fall asleep at night time.


Thursday, November 7, 2024

You Are Special Today

 You Are Special Today

"Don't wait for things to get better. Life will always be complicated. Learn to be happy right now, otherwise you'll run out of time"

Why should we wait to be Happy?

There will never be 'the right moment' so we have to 'make' the right moment ourselves.

Life will always be 'moving' on and so we need to Love and Appreciate what we have and who we have in our Lives now, today, so as not to miss out on anything.

The danger of 'waiting' for that 'Perfect Life'  is that time goes by so quickly that we will miss out altogether.

What we need to do is take our Lives in both hands and Enjoy Our Lives NOW, Today!

We never want to look back and see what we have missed.

We can never get back missed opportunities BUT we 'CAN' make new opportunities Today.

When we are Grateful for the things that we do have in our Lives, and Appreciate these Today, we are much Happier within ourselves.

And we often show this Happiness in 'how' we Live our Lives today.

Living in the present moment will Help us to Accept not just our Lives, but also Ourselves and who we are.

And never compare your Life with someone else's, because we are all Special and Unique in our own way.


Wednesday, November 6, 2024

The Power Of Positivity

 The Power Of Positivity

"Be someone who makes someone look forward to tomorrow"

We always Appreciate it when someone takes the time to Help us, and even sit down and listen to us.

That 'act of Kindness' proves to us that we are not alone and that there are Good people in this world.

Have you ever been that Kind and Nice person?

Of course you have, in fact, we do these type of things on such a regular basis that we don't necessarily 'think' about what we are doing and how it effects others.

This doesn't mean that this is easy though, and, sometimes, we have to remember the Power of Positivity.

Not only does this Help us as individuals to 'cope' with stress, but it also has the 'ripple' effect onto other people.

This 'kind' of Positivity also Helps us to have the Confidence to make the right decisions in our Lives.

And when we are Helping others, we are also Helping 'them' to do the same thing.





When we "show" these Qualities in our dealings with our friends and loved ones, and even strangers, we are "proving" that Tomorrow is something to "Look Forward To".