We Need Patience With Ourselves
“It’s ok if you mess up, that’s how you got wiser. Give yourself a break. And don’t give up! Good things take time, and you’re getting there”
When we ‘mess up’ and make mistakes, we are only proving that we are human.
And when we Learn from the mistake, we can make sure that we don’t do that again.
Accept what happened, remember and move on.
“Don’t Give Up!”
We live in a world where nothing less than perfection will do, but we are now beginning to Understand the effect that this type of thinking has on our Mental Health.
When we relax a little and Learn by making the odd little mistake, we often do a much better job.
Anything Good and Worthwhile doing always takes time, and as long as we keep going and trying, and we don’t ‘just give up’, we will “get there”.
Trust in Yourself!
It’s with this that we need Patience with Ourselves.
Patience with Life Itself.
We will get there or do it or accomplish what we want and we’ll be Glad that we did ‘Learn from the odd mistake’.
When we started to walk as a baby, we didn’t get it right the first time, but because we persevered, we can walk quite well today.
Everyday Life is no different.