Tuesday, September 3, 2024

We Need To Believe In Our Own Strength

 We Need To Believe In Our Own Strength

“Being positive doesn’t mean ignoring the negative. Being positive means overcoming the negative. There’s a big difference between the two”

How much Stronger we become when we ‘overcome’ something.

Facing the negative and ‘dealing’ with it shows that we are practicing Self-Awareness and finding ‘solutions’ to our problems.

This Builds up our Minds in a Positive way, giving our Minds the Positive ‘mind-set’ that we need to get through everyday.

Balance is so Important so that we can Think Straight and “see” the potential Good in any situation.

We have to ‘deal’ with the negative to be able to ‘get rid of’ any possible damaging thoughts.

A doctor needs to “know” how to get rid of the poison so that he can cure the patient.

We are no different in our Lives!

We need to deal with the poisonous negativity to allow the Positive Strength into our Lives, qualities which will Help us to be Happy everyday.

By Focusing on the Good, the Amazing and the very Strong aspects of this Earth, we will be ‘designing’ our Minds to ‘fight off’ negativity and ‘pumping’ ourselves with Self-Confidence and Belief in Ourselves.

And then we will be much Happier in our Lives.


Monday, September 2, 2024

Be Resilient

 Be Resilient

“If you want life to be happier, you must change your thinking. It’s how you deal with stress that determines how well you achieve happiness”

How we deal with stress is a make or break in our lives.

If we ‘allow’ stress in and ‘allow’ it to take over our lives, we lose Control of our minds which means that we will lose Control of our lives, and negativity and all that goes with it will ‘creep’ into our day, and we’ll be unhappy and sad.

But if we ‘fight’ off stress, not opening that door to it, and doing what we can Mentally and Physically, Positivity and Confident and Hopeful qualities will bring Happiness and Strength and Control into our daily Lives.

It all starts in the Mind and in our Way of Thinking.

By practicing Mindfulness every day, we will be building up a Resilience in our Minds so that when a stressful ‘situation’ appears, we will be Determined and Resolved to keep Control of our Minds and there will be no room for the negative sadness which can so easily drag us down.

We WANT to be Happy.

We WANT to keep Control.

We WANT to have a Positive Life.

All of this will Help us to have that Happy Life we all dream of.


Sunday, September 1, 2024

We All Need Inner Peace

 We All Need Inner Peace

“Inner peace begins the moment you take a deep breath and choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions”

“Inner Peace” is something that we all Desire in our Lives.

We live in a busy and noisy world so we try to find a little “Peace” whenever we can.

One very real way of bringing Peace into our Lives is by not allowing that negative ‘person’ to upset you.

You know the ‘type’ of person, always complaining and trying to drag you down with them.

Change the subject straight away or even start the conversation. I don’t like to say avoid them but Protect yourself Mentally.

What about an ‘event’?

Sometimes, if we ‘see it coming’ we can avoid it.

But if we find that we are “IN” the situation, we CAN Control how we think about it, controlling our Minds, and how we react to the situation.

This will eventually help us to ‘deal’ with the ‘problem’.

When we keep our Inner Peace, we are looking after our Mental Health, which is more Important than any person or event.

Remember => this is YOUR Mind, This is YOUR Body and this is YOUR Life, only YOU have the right to Control It.


Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Best Is YOU!

 The Best Is YOU!

“Never wait for someone else to complete your life”

No matter how ‘well-meaning’ anyone is, he or she has no right to ‘control’ your life.

It is yours and yours alone, and it is your privilege to choose how you want to live it.

When we plan out what WE want in our own lives, and stay busy in looking after ourselves, we are showing that we are personally in Control of ourselves and our own lives, and this very often makes a certain ‘type’ of person back off!

We Deserve to Live our Lives the way We want to.

Only we “know” what and who we need in our Lives, so only we have the right to ‘complete’ our own Lives.

This is where we need Self-Discipline and Determination.

When we treasure a gift, for example a beautiful ornament, we do everything we can to protect it and keep it safe.

How much more so do we want to Protect and keep Safe our Independence and our Lives.

Building our Minds up to be Strong is a daily ‘step’ but a very Important one!

Appreciating “who” we are and “why” we Live in a certain way, will make sure too that no one can try to take our Lives or our Minds away from us.

If he or she really loves you, he or she would only want the Best for you, and the Best is YOU!


Friday, August 30, 2024

We Are All The Same Really

 We Are All The Same Really

“A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms”

And both look Beautiful and Strong!

When we concentrate on our own Lives and what we are personally doing, we are ‘too busy’ to compare or compete with other people.

Some of us were brought up to ‘keep up with the Joneses’ but this is not a good way of living.

None of us want the worry of being able to afford ‘what she’s got’ or the constant pressure of looking ‘better than him’.

Each one of us has a Unique style and way of Living, if we would only just Accept ourselves “for who we are” and be Proud of “what we have personally achieved”.

Any flower grows in any weather or ‘circumstance’ and the variety of flowers on Earth is Amazing.

Why are we humans any different?

We are born, grow up and Live our Lives in a variety of ways, but we all still have to eat and drink, work and look after our families.

So we are all the same really!

There is no point in competing.

We need to look after our own Health — Mental, Emotional and Physical.

Like we said, when we Concentrate and Care for our own Lives, we are far ‘too busy’ to even think about comparing ourselves to others.

Remember, each one of us is Beautiful and Strong and Alive.


Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Power Of The Mind

 The Power Of The Mind

“You gotta train your mind to be stronger than your emotions or else you will lose yourself every time”

We always want to try and stay in Control of our Minds and our Emotions.

Possibly the only way to do this is by Training our Minds to be Stronger than our Emotions, so that we can keep that Control.

Emotions are Important and we have ‘them’ for a reason.

Emotions are a natural part of human nature.

‘They’ help us to understand some of the many things that we experience and why we ‘react’ in a certain way.

However, our Emotions ‘can’ get the better of us.

We could cry in an hysterical way or laugh completely out of control.

Both could harm us Mentally and Physically.

And it is for this reason that we must ‘Train’ our Minds to be Strong so that when the time arises, we’ll be able to Control our Emotions.

Mindfulness every single day will Build-up our Minds to be Strong at all times.

Talking to ourselves, if only in the mind, in a Positive way, will Help us to have Confidence in Ourselves and in our own Actions, and this includes our Emotions.

We must never underestimate the Power of the Mind.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Nice Things Will Start To Happen

 Nice Things Will Start To Happen

“Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negativity”

Positive people are Happy people.

And people are more Peaceful when they keep away from negative atmospheres.

When we think Strong and Positive thoughts, Life starts to look Good and Beautiful.

And Nice things start to happen when we start to become a Positive person.

When we distance ourselves from negative thoughts, we are looking after ourselves Mentally and Emotionally.

We also Strengthen our relationships with our loved ones, because we have a Nice Life and are ‘becoming’ a Nicer person.

Practicing Gratitude will help our Minds to be filled with Appreciative thoughts.

All of this will increase our Self-Esteem and Confidence in ourselves.

And then we will ‘attract’ Beautiful people and things into our Lives.