Sunday, March 3, 2024

You Can Shine Too

 You Can Shine Too

“The same light you see in others is shining within you, too”.

“Oh, she’s fantastic!”

“He’s brilliant at football!”

You and I have said things similar to this, seeing a ‘brilliance’ in others, and comparing ourselves to them.

While it is true that each one of us has a special talent, we don’t always ‘see’ it in ourselves.

We are often so busy looking at others ‘shine’ that we do not see the light that is burning brightly in ourselves.

And very often others see this very same light that is in us and wish that ‘they could be like us’!

It’s quite a good ‘exercise’ (especially for the mind) to sit down and just think about our own accomplishments. They are there and, sometimes, the simplest ones are the Best and the Strongest ones.

This will also build up our Confidence in ourselves.


Saturday, March 2, 2024

Let's Help Ourselves

 Let’s Help Ourselves

“With confidence, you have won before you have started”.

Have Confidence in Yourself!

Have Confidence in your Abilities!

Have Confidence in your Nature!

The word itself means: “the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something”.

Who better to rely on than ourselves?

We need to build up our Confidence and our Belief in ourselves and in our own lives.

Then, we will have won ‘anything’ before we have even started it, because in our minds we have the Confidence needed to win.

Building up our Confidence can involve many different things in our lives.

By getting enough sleep, we are helping our minds to focus better.

By ‘controlling’ our diet, we start to feel good physically.

These are just two examples where we can build up our Confidence.


Friday, March 1, 2024

"I Am ---"

 “I Am —”

“Always remember, you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think”.

None of us really know what we are capable of until we have to show our qualities.

To always remember this when life is going well isn’t easy.

Have you ever written down all of your best qualities? What you really are capable of? How Brave, how Strong, how Smart YOU really are?

It’s actually not a bad idea to write these things down in a notebook, and to read and re-read these Positive affirmations.

It will leave a ‘print’ in your mind, so that when you do go through a difficult time in your life, you will ‘automatically’ say:

“I am Brave!”

“I am Strong!”

“I am Smart!”


Thursday, February 29, 2024

You Are!

 You Are!

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself”.

The word “Beauty” means: “a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight”.

The word “Decide” means: “come or bring to a resolution in the mind as a result of consideration”, or, “make a choice from a number of alternatives”.

The mind is involved, yet again.

We need to Accept who we are in our minds and then — the rest will follow.

It is a Choice. 

Do you want to always be ‘copying’ someone else? Or do you want to be your very own Unique and Special person?

When you look in the mirror, do you see your own ‘Beauty’? Or someone else’s?

Believe me, YOU are more Beautiful!


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Nothing Will Stop You!

 Nothing Will Stop You!

“Success in life comes when you simply refuse to give up, with goals so strong that obstacles, failure and loss only act as motivation”.

When a mother gives birth, she never gives up until the baby is born and she cradles her newborn in her arms. This is one of the greatest examples of overcoming obstacles to receive the reward.

Again, it comes down to our attitude and how we personally view life.

Refusing to give up.

Not accepting failure.

Being so Determined to reach your ‘destination’ that you see nothing but your “dream”.

This can apply to small dreams, just as much as large goals.

A student is Determined to pass a certain exam. The father is Determined to get that well-paid job to provide for his family.

What about you?


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Each One Of Us Is Unique

 Each One Of us Is Unique

“Happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself to other people”.

Every single person on this Earth is Unique with their very own Special talents.

Happiness comes when we “See” our own Unique and Special “Skills” — and accept them.

Whilst competition can be healthy and fun, as we ‘push ourselves’, however, comparing our ‘abilities’ with others and letting this take over our minds — is unhealthy!

This applies to every aspect of our lives, from the foods we eat, to the clothes we wear, to the very life that we lead, and even our looks and how we feel about our bodies.

Variety is the very life of this Earth, and we are a part of that variety — this should make us Happy.

Sit down and think about your own very Special and Unique talents.

How do you feel?

Proud, Special, Unique, Remarkable, Happy.


Monday, February 26, 2024

Harmony Is The Word

 Harmony Is The Word

“If you want to attract happy, positive things — become a happy, positive person. Work from the inside out”.

A flower attracts a bee with its scent and colour. The bee pollinates the flower.

Harmony is the word.

If we want to be with Positive, Cheerful and Happy people, we also must be a Positive, Cheerful and Happy  person.

This starts in the mind.

Training our minds to think Positive thoughts, and to be Grateful for the good things in our lives is the best way to start this.

Writing in our “Gratitude” journals every single day will help our minds to start “Appreciating” the good things that we have, leaving no room for the negative ‘what we do not have’ attitude.

Helping others less fortunate than ourselves is another good way of appreciating what we ourselves do have today.