Saturday, August 26, 2023

It Truly Will

 "Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise"

When we are going through a difficult time in our lives, it is easy to forget that life changes and things usually get better.

All we see is the darkness when we're in that 'situation' and it is hard to think that it is only temporary and that things will get better.

But we must train our minds to try to think that very thought. As sure as the sun will rise every single day, so that darkness we've been in will go, disappear, and hopefully soon forgotten.


Friday, August 25, 2023

How Does The Garden Grow ?

 "We are all different flowers, but together we create a beautiful garden"

Every single person on earth is different and special in their own way.

Whether it is the colour of our skin, our accent, our upbringing or our way of life --- we have the right to live here in Peace.

The 'variety' of people does indeed make this Earth Unique and Beautiful, just like that garden which is full of flowers.

Think of the animals, the variety, the colours, the different 'personalities' and yet they do seem to be able to live together. Maybe we should learn from them.


What We Can Learn From Animals

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Find The Opportunity

 "A positive mind finds opportunity in everything. A negative mind finds fault in everything"

This is Positivity as its best!

Whatever we're facing in life --- good or bad --- there is an opportunity to make life even better and happier.

This could be a 'training' of the mind, to look for the opportunity instead of the fault. To 'see' something coming up in life and to think of the Positive side to it.

A new job, a new school or college, even a new partner. Maybe a new home. Even new friends.

We must think of the Positive and not the negative.

This is also very good for our mental health, which is so Important.


Wednesday, August 23, 2023


 "A little more kindness. A little less judgement"

Maybe it's because we are used to our old teachers 'critising' our schoolwork that we are used to being 'judged' on all levels. How does it make your feel though?

We need to show ourselves and others more kindness today inorder to see that smile and hear that laugh.

Say "Well Done You" more than "You can do better".

And don't just say but DO!

Help the old neighbour next door who can't walk too well, make that cup of coffee for your work colleague who's just done a 12 hour shift, or just simply cuddle your son and daughter and say: "well done for getting through school today".

Don't forget yourself though. Be Kind to yourself too, even if it is just sitting down for 10 minutes with a drink and reading your favourite book, because this is also healing.


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

"Stay Strong!"

 "When life gives you a hundred reasons to break down and cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile and laugh. Stay Strong!"

To be Positive is the reality today.

We live in a world which is going through a very difficult time at the moment. The news is constantly telling us what is happening, not just in our own country, but worldwide also, and the news is not always very good to listen to.

But --- we need to know what is going on around us.

So just when we are feeling sad because another war has started or another pandemic is coming towards us or we're all caught up in the cost of living crisis --- Stand Your Ground!

Don't let the 'world' around you destroy the peace within you, draining you of any hope.

There Is Hope! It is in OUR Hands!

There is 'only' a hundred reasons to break down and cry --- but There Is a thousand reasons to smile, laugh and be happy.

One of them is this beautiful planet we live on --- The Earth. It's Natural Beauty gives us Strength every single day and it is up to us to stand still and look at that Strength, drawing it into us and building ourselves up both mentally and physically.


Monday, August 21, 2023

Don't Miss Out

"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take" 

"Oh I wish I'd done that and I had the opportunity too!"

How many times have we said this in our lives?

Either through circumstances or what other people expect of us, we do miss out on opportunities which come our way, sometimes, every single day.

I ask the question: "What do I want / what do you want?"

Instead of 'bowing' to pressure from others, do something that YOU want to do, and, today, most things are possible.

Did you want to study? Do It!

Did you want to become a vet? lawyer? doctor? Do It!

Did you just want to improve your education (because when you were younger you didn't have the opportunity)? Do It!

Education today allows most people, of most ages, to study most subjects and at reasonable prices (sometimes even free).

Of course, this can apply to anything in life but Education is a good start.

What do YOU Want to do?


Sunday, August 20, 2023

I Am Thankful

 "I woke up. I have clothes to wear. I have running water. I have food to eat. I am thankful".

Being thankful for what we have in life is a good way of bringing Positivity into our lives.

When we are thankful for what we have today, we are grateful towards Life Itself.

Living in this world, where we are 'denied' nothing (as it were), it is easy to forget what we 'should' be grateful for. We can go to any supermarket for our food. Go to bed at night and sleep on a nice, (hopefully) comfortable bed. We can turn on the t.v. and watch the news or a program we enjoy. We can wake up every morning without the fear of our homes being destroyed (in most countries).

Are we thankful for these things?